Chap 8 -Policeman are not nice when you've got an unnatural child- |MATT|

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Matt's day was going great, the gaps in Plush Spring Bonnie's body were showing clear signs of closing, he was learning how to use the mind link -which was handy for when Plush was being difficult-, there had been no more strange stories, but apparently he was the new strange story spreading around, are at least the cop on his doorstep suggested that.

"Sir, I need to search your house, there have been strange stories surrounding you and your house, and I need to make sure your not doing anything illegal.

'like hiding a weird ass looking rabbit kit that you'd kill on sight or hand off to the scientists to dissect in my house? That kind of illegal shit?' He snapped mentally before glaring out the window at the cop, who had his hand on his gun, but didn't even look like he knew how to use the pistol.

"I can assure you, me and my shot gun are perfectly normal, and that you shouldn't believe what stupid ass fucking teenagers say" Matt snapped, one hand on said shot gun.

"And I doubt you have a license for that shot gun so hand it over" the cop snapped, beginning to look pissed. Plush conveyed a curiosity about the noise and Matt reassured him before reminding him to stay hidden.

"I'll hand it over over my fucking dead body!" Matt snapped, nearing the end of his patience with the stupid ass fucking cop.

"Sir, if you don't cooperate I'll have to take you to the station while some other cops search your house" the cop snapped, reaching for his handcuffs.

Matt froze, if they searched the house they'd find Plush.... Horrible images of Plush's dissected body or of the rabbit kit laying still with a bullet wound through his chest flooded into Matt's mind against his will.

"If you don't leave I'll show you just how uncooperative I can be, with my shotgun, and preferably with a bullet wound in your chest" Matt hissed, startling slightly when a low growl like sound that he couldn't stop echoed in his chest, seemingly without his conscious effort of making it needed.

"Did you just threaten to shoot a cop" the cop snapped, going to pull his gun out, although he fumbled with gripping the handle.

"Yes, and I bet I'd do a better job of using that fucking gun then you ever will" Matt snapped, the growling reaching a peak of a surprisingly loud hiss, which the cop flinched out, obviously taking it as a sign of aggression or agitation.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to calm down, now" the cop snapped, aiming his gun at the window Matt was just at, not realizing that Matt had moved to the other window and was getting ready to load his shotgun at this point.

"I'm giving you three fucking seconds to either scram and forget this ever happened or meet my shotgun" Matt growled, quickly loading said shotgun.

"Sir! I'm going to need you to come out with your hands up and the shotgun on the floor!" the cop shouted, still not realizing that Matt had no intentions of listening to him.

Matt carefully opened the door and leveled his shotgun in a way that the cop couldn't see it, or that it was pointed at him, then pulled the trigger.

A gunshot rang out and the cop touched the new red spot on his shirt, eyes widening in surprise before they glazed over and close as the life drained out of his body.

Matt opened the door all the way and picked up the officers gun -which was a glock- before using a trash bag to dispose of the body on the train tracks, where the next train that came along the tracks would make it a lot harder to identify the cops body.

Matt then headed back inside his house, quickly opening the link and signaling that it was safe to come out to Plush, who squeaked, darted over to him and threw itself in his arms. The little rabbit kit quickly started purring, quickly relaxing in the war! safety of Matt's arms.

Matt have never liked authority, but he had never thought of killing a cop, just fucking with them until they went away, but the very thought of harm coming to Plush had driven Matt to kill.

Matt realized he had grown attached to the rabbit kit who was currently relaxing in his arms, and he honestly didn't mind it, sure when the little rabbit kit first technically caused his death he would've been ready to hand it off to the cop but he didn't see a twisted creature anymore, just a peaceful and intelligent little rabbit kit.

A rabbit kit he had just killed a cop to protect, no matter how much jail time he would face if he was caught.

Sure he now had to hope and pray the train destroyed enough of the cop's body that Matt wasn't traced as the killer, but hey!

At least he had a pistol to use to defend Plush, a good pistol to, and one he could randomly buy ammo for without getting any looks or questions.

"Your safe, I'm not about to let any nosy ass cops haul you off to a lab or worse" Matt whispered, gently rubbing one of Plush's ears before going to sit on the couch.

Plush's purr just increased as the rabbit kit stretched out, perfectly content to stay right where it was, with Matt.

Matt smiled at that, he didn't quite really know why he hissed -or was able to in the first place- nor why he could growl, but he didn't bother questioning it right now, for now he was going to enjoy his free time -in this city- while he had it.

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