Chap 9 -Repairing the bear step 4: Walking again & nightmares- |MILLE|

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Millie probably would've preferred briefly taking her necklace off -before putting it right back on- then to extract the shattered endo in Funtime Freddy's legs, there where small pieces everywhere wan they kept cutting her hands and she severely wished she had gloves or something, which would've at least offered her hands some protection.

Then there was the oil, and the occasional spark from the wires that may or may not have caused her to yelp and leap backwards at least once.

Even though getting the new endo in place and connecting the new wires up was a pain at least she was able to prevent herself from getting any more nicks on her palms and wrists.

She survived thankfully, and the cuts almost seems to be hurting less, and her skin seemed a bit more resistant to getting cut, like it was a little bit thicker then it should be.

She didn't stay in the workshop after her Grandfather left, she left with him, went to her room and snuck out, she didn't want her Grandfather to find her talking to the animatronic's if he decided to go back and look for her.

"Before you start bear shut it, I have bandages wrapped around my hands because I injured myself fixing you" She snapped, then took a couple deep breaths in and out to clam down after she felt a not so strangely familiar rumble in her chest start up, a growl.

"I was going to ask about the bandages" Funtime Freddy snapped, matching her attitude.

"Well, now there's no need to, now, as you can get up and walk, know that I have a wrench" she said, grabbing said wrench and lifting it up so the bear could see it.

"Wouldn't the cuts on your hand hurt if you swung that?" Funtime Freddy asked, ears halfway pinned back as he gave her a unimpressed look.

"Yes, but I'd still be able to dent your head in somewhat before I feel like my hands on fire" Millie shot back, raising the wrench a little higher, though she winced softly when the wrench slipped slightly and bumped against one of the worse cuts.

"If I've survived what I have I doubt a dent in the head is going to be a bad enough threat to stop me" Funtime Freddy said, eyes glinting with a strange emotion that Millie couldn't place when the bear mentioned a probable event of his past.

"Not if the dent is right in between your eyes" Millie said, bristling at the thought that a wrench wasn't a very good defense, as she could very much dent the bears head in with the wrench if she wanted to!

"With you swinging it? Please Silly Millie, a proper dent is going to be hard when swinging that wrench is probably going to cause every cut on your hands to scream at you" Funtime Freddy said, then he glanced at the floor, and with a soft sigh like sound he stood.

Funtime Freddy wobbled a little bit at first but his steps were steady as he walked over to Millie and -surprisingly gently- pried the wrench out of her hands and tossed it aside, leaving her -almost- completely defenceless.

She stared at the bear and he stared right back, neither making a move, Millie out of fear and Funtime Freddy for unknown reasons.

"Did you bandage your hands yourself? Because I refuse to believe your Grandfather is capable of bandaging your hands this badly" Funtime Freddy said, grabbing one of Millie's hands and looking -glaring- at the bandages.

"So what if I did and what if the bandages are bad, what's it to you?" Millie snapped, trying not to make a move to grab one of the other tools and smacking Funtime Freddy on the nose with it.

"Because your not helping yourself that way, killing a person already weak from wounds is no fun" Funtime Freddy, then he proceeded to undo the bandages and wrap them properly, then he dropped Millie's hands and actually took a step back.

"If that was a attempt to gain a tiny bit of my trust you failed" Millie said, glaring at Funtime Freddy, not really believing that he had just technically helped her.

"It wasn't, shouldn't you be in bed anyway?" Funtime Freddy said, going to sit back down and quickly beginning to erase all emotions form his face.

"I should, you and your boyfriend go enjoy talking to each other" Millie said, exiting the workshop, although when she briefly glanced at Funtime Freddy she though she saw a faint blush appear on his face when she called Bon Bon his boyfriend.

She snuck back into her room and was asleep only a couple minutes after she got into bed, although she was still scared by the sight of Funtime Freddy looming over her and her being without a weapon to defend herself.


It all started with her friend saying she wanted to break their friendship so the popular girls would accept her.

Millie screamed and cried at her friend that they'd been friends for a long time and were even best friends, that her friend should be ashamed to pick strangers over her best friend.

"It's not like I'd want to hang out with a freak like you anyway" her friend had spat when the argument reached it's peak, and that caused Millie to snap.

The fire in her joints turned to ice, then to pure pain, she hadn't even registered that she had claws or that there was fur swiftly growing over her hands or that the joints of her hands were cracking and reforming.

She has just wanted to make her friend pay, pay for betraying her, pay for hurting her.

Her friend screamed and insulted her, going as far as to say Millie should be locked up permanently at a ward for psychos.

Millie had raised one hand-paw and slashed it across her friends face, missing her eye by inches, a clear message to get lost now.

Millie had cried after her friend fled, bleeding form the deep claw scratches, and had itched and itched at the fur and cried even more from the deep burning pain in her bones and the itch all over her skin.

Her mother had found her there and made her promise too never ever give in to the fire again, or Millie could rain losing her life, or worse, being stuck at a half human half unknown creature permanently.

Her mothers words had stayed with her and Millie had locked up the fire ever since, never using even when she was nearly sexually assaulted and could've used the claws the fire gave her to injure her assaulters and get away, nor even when Funtime Freddy was trying to kill her and the claws could've helped her get out or at least injure the bear.

She would've give in, she wouldn't break, even when Dylan hugged her and it hurt because her skin was so sensitive and all she wanted to do was curl in a ball and cry but she had to greet her friend.

Even when the fire could save her life she wouldn't give in, after all if it could kill her anyway, why try to use it to save herself?

Even when the pressure of forcing herself to just calm down and stay calm caused her to spend long nights curled up on her bed, crying and shaking, even when all she wanted to do was pass on to escape her tormenting abilities, that were so wrong yet so right.

She just had to not give in....... Just don't give in.....


Millie woke up with a start, tears streaking down her face as she curled into a small ball, trying to muffle the sobs as the fire burned, given new life by the pressing memories.

She heard surprisingly quiet footsteps and someone carefully entering her room, but she knew it wasn't her Grandfather.

She froze and curled into a even tighter ball, trying desperately to just shut up so she wouldn't give herself away even when the ball she was curled into already gave herself away.

She startled when someone carefully picked her up and sat on the floor, rubbing her back and whispering soft, near unheard reassurances that everything was fine and everything was going to be fine.

Millie sobbed for a bit longer then relaxed, tears spent and emotionally exhausted as she slipped back into sleep, feeling at peace in the surprisingly fluffy arms of the unknown person that had comforted her.

Tar, Flowers. Agony, Hope. What's the difference?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ