Chap 18 -Shit, Charles, Eleanor has found us. I am aware Sir. |MILLIE|

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Millie was adjusting some sort of tendon replacement made of some sort of rubber band thing that hopefully would help to attach Sarah's forearm to her hand, as Millie had managed to figure out which endo like piece was technically Sarah's forearm.

It had only been two days since Millie started work on Sarah but already she managed to mostly finish rebuilding her hand and wrist and was now focusing on her forearm, she had also managed to sort out some other stuff to, like figuring out what a couple of endo like pieces were meant to technically to, as well as somewhat sorting the pile of 'scrap', somewhat.

Millie paused when the hairs on the back of her neck stood up, it was not a good signal as they reacted directly to her sense of safety, and right now she was feeling a strong desire to flee or run combined with a fresh flare up of the fire in her joints, and some cracking in her wrists as they reacted to the fire.

She tried to control her breathing as it felt like her wrists and forearms were icing over, and tried not to focus on how her wrists looked deformed now, almost akin to a animals while she fought to extinguish the fire or at least subdue it.

She jerked her head to look over her shoulder when she heard something shriek in rage, followed by Brooke screaming in pain.

Wait..... Brooke, screaming in pain..... No, no no no, her new friend was hurting, Millie needed to stop it.

She quickly stood up, nearly losing her balance as her brain began to cloud over in a haze of pain and rage, she stumbled to the workshop door and threw it open, freezing at what she saw.

A strange, lanky, twisted looking animatronic that resembled Circus Baby was pinning Brooke to the ground, pressing a knife to her neck, faceplates open. Millie saw red, even before she got to properly know Brooke she wouldn't have stood by and let something let this happen to someone else, not if she could help it.

The cracking sped up and she felt the skin on her arms and hands itch as she raised one hand and swatted at the unknown animatronic's head, blinking in shock when claws she didn't realize her fingernails turned into sliced into the metal, not dealing to much damage but leaving a nasty looking set of claw marks on the animatronic's head.

The animatronic spun around and launched forward, trying to press the knife to Millie's neck, Millie stumbled as she stepped backwards and was forced onto hands and knees, shaking as the pain amplified and the cracking got faster like it was trying to incapacitate her from the pain.

The animatronic spat something at Millie but she didn't focus on it, but rather was trying to figure out whether or not biting the animatronic's shin would do anything, spoiler alert her strangely sharp teeth did do something, and the animatronic promptly shrieked when it realised Millie dared to bite it in the shin.

The animatronic then punched her in the head and tackled her, leading to them rolling around on the ground, both trying to kill the other.

Millie wasn't aware that she was now a bear until after Eleanor decided that she was now out matched -for whatever reason, she probably could beat Millie in a fight, bear or not- when Brooke walked over to her and promptly said "I didn't know you could turn into a bear!".

Millie then shrank back, the fire for the first time was fully gone, not having just retreated into being a barely there shimmering presence.

She also didn't know how to react, it isn't every day that you suddenly shift into a bear while fighting an animatronic to save your friends life and risking your own life in the process.

She startled when her bones began cracking again, the fire returning but not as fierce anymore, like the shift had tamed it. Somehow -thankfully- her clothes were not tattered pieces of fabric, although how this happened is a mystery because by all means all that she was wearing should've been torn, ragged scraps of fabric, not clothes that while slightly wrinkled were mostly pristine.

Everything was coming crashing down on her so she did the thing she does best, she crashed, just simply slumping against Brooke and shutting out the world.

Everything was still a bit chaotic when she returned her senses back to the world and Dylan and Brooke tried bugging her to try shifting again but at least Brooke hadn't been killed by that animatronic and Millie's Grandfather either hadn't heard the noise or decided not to investigate it.

Small mercies like that were nice, very nice.

On a side note Dylan pointed out a story about a kid named Greg accidentally killing his lab partner with a robot dog he found.

Their new mission now was apparently -according to Dylan- finding Greg and the robot dog and dragging them back here because apparently if Greg's parents didn't care enough about their kid to watch him, make sure he didn't find robot dogs at abandoned pizzarea's and offer him emotional support and company apparently they lost parent and kneecap privileges -Funtime Freddy was the one who wanted Greg's parents kneecaps for whatever reason-.

Oh, Matt also has a bunny tail, its a small but cute and funny detail, he randomly showed up with the tail visible and from how Brooke and Funtime Foxy reacted their not letting him forgot, they also somehow managed to convince him to leave the tail visible when, in his words, 'making sure nobody was running off unprepared or getting themselves killed'.

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