chapter 6

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Sugar and cream


Once the twins were wrestled into bed and promised that they could watch more One direction videos tomorrow. The air was quite tense, Harry feared any conversations about to happen so he went straight to the kitchen to clean the plates they forgot.

Harry scraped away any rubbish from them into the bin as Louis stood watching before moving to help pick up Harry's plate "You didn't eat much, baby" Louis said scraping the food off "Sorry" Harry said before moving to place the dish in the washer after rinsing it "are you still hungry? I can heat some pasta or something?" Louis said moving to rinse off his plate "No no it's fine Daddy" Harry spoke as he picked up another plate from the table. Louis didn't like his answer and was quick to stop him and spin him around to face him taking hold of his hips.

Harry's breathing increased at Louis's actions. Louis took a deep sigh and rested his head on Harry's "I just don't want what happened last time to happen again" Louis said quietly rubbing his nose against Harrys lightly "I'm worried about you, you acted out so much today baby, you need to talk to me please don't shut me out" harry lied "I'm not" making Louis wrap his arms fulling around harry hugging him "promise" Louis said as he moved his hands down Harrys ass Patrington it lightly making harry hiss and Louis frown and move to look back to Harry "did that hurt?"

Harry and louis held eye contact as Harry searched for the right answer he didn't know what to say "Baby" Louis said in a warning tone "Yes" Harry mumbled gaining the courage to speak Louis's face softened "I know Maple punished you today baby did she not give you any cream?" Louis asked gently "No" Harry mumbled his face heating from embarrassment at the topic "Aftercare?" Louis said rubbing his hip gently worried for Harry "n-no" Harry said quietly making Louis see red "How fucking dare she come to my house- and punish my baby, and not give him aftercare" Louis spoke to himself annoyed "Baby scrap the dishes I'll do them were gonna put cream on you right now" Harry shook his head "no no no daddy I'm fine" Louis shook his head "I wont believe you till I see for myself" Louis said taking harry by the hand up the stairs to their room

"Daddy please I'm fine" Louis shook his head "That's why you were limping!" Louis said annoyed at himself for not seeing it "n-no-" Louis turned to Harry as he closed the door "Don't you dare lie to me, baby!" Harry was taken aback by Louis shouting at him like it was his fault. Louis took a breath seeing Harry's scared face "I'm sorry baby, I'm just annoyed at myself for not seeing it" Louis says moving closer "Let's check you over okay?"

Louis was gentle with him asking "Do you want to pull your pants down or should I?" Louis asked making Harry's face heat up this was so embarrassing "M-me" Harry said making Louis nod "C-can you look away" Louis smirked slightly tilting his head "baby I've been so much more than your ass there's no need to be embarrassed" harry looked to louis desperately "please" he said making Louis smile at him slightly and turn around to the wall. Harry took a breath before pulling down his trousers and then his boxers

"Okay?" Louis asked his hands behind his back going from his toes to the ball of his feet waiting "Okay," Harry said quietly making Louis turn around and move behind Harry kneeling. Louis was furious he had harrs hip with one hand while the other lightly grazed a cheek "My baby" Louis said as Harry has an even redder face with his arms wrapped around his front

"How dare she do this to you," Louis said as it was not only red but he could see someone of her hand prints. Only he can mark his baby. "I'm gonna get the cream, baby, stay here," Louis said standing up and kissing his cheek (not his ass cheek tzofia). Harry stood there blushing like mad as Louis ran to the bathroom to hunt through the cupboard before running back

"I'm not gonna lie, baby, seeing you standing there butt naked waiting for me is quite a turn" Harry couldn't help but put his face in his hands at that point "Daddy please" he mumbled from embarrassment "aweee is my baby boy embarrassed?" Harry nodded into his hands as Louis chucked to the tub on the bed moving in front of Harry to take his hands off his face "Don't hide that beautiful face of yours from me baby" Harry didn't say anything back making Louis kiss his lips "you don't want to talk so I'll give them something to do" Louis said between the kiss pulling harry closer

Harry grew weak letting Louis take over before he stopped "your distracting me! stop distracting me with your beauty" Louis stated grabbing the tub and moving behind Harry again "This will be cold" Louis said before applying it. "Baby?" Louis said making Harry hum in response "Did you hit maple?" Harry sighed "Once," he said telling the truth "Where?" Louis asked remembering the big bruise on her stomach "Her tummy, but it was an accident Daddy I just really wanted you and she was being so mean" Louis sighed "You know she has a big bruise there right?" Louis said making Harry look down ashamed "I didn't mean to" Louis finished applying the cream standing up

"it's okay but you lied to me baby," Louis said moving in front of Harry "I'm sorry," he said looking down at the space between them "Listen you've already been punished enough today so I'll let this slip but only this once, don't hit people okay? And you know how I feel about swearing" harry frowned "swearing?" Louis nodded "Only swear in the bedroom yeah?" Harry nodded but was confused at what he was on about "Good boy" Harry just thought maybe Louis was going back over the rules

"Can I pull up my pants, Daddy?" Louis chuckled "If you want baby, though I love seeing you walking around like that," louis said pulling Harry closer "Okay," Harry said stepping out of the pile of clothes under him and walking around like that "You cheeky boy," Louis said running after him around the room before falling onto the bed "ha got you! Your all mine!" Louis said before capturing harrys lips in a kiss as he lies under him

"Now daddys gonna finish the dishes you stay here and rest" Harry shook his head sitting up "No Daddy I'll help" Louis pushed him back down before feeling Harry's cock get hard under him. Louis lifted an eyebrow "Getting held down turning you on baby boy?" Harry blushed instantly "If you wait till daddy comes back he might suck you off if you be a good boy" louis whispered in his ear. Harry nodded making Louis smile and kiss him one last time and hop off him


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