chapter 13

32 1 11


I don't know who you are anymore


Louis sits in front of the computer in Zayn and Niall's hotel room; recording Niall's lines as he sings into the mic. Harry was little today but Louis promised Niall and Zayn he would record as they had been getting behind, leaving Maple with Harry and the twins at school. Harry isn't allowed when he's little into the recording studio after the last time he messed up nearly every recoding with either his crying, random babbling or spilling stuff and hitting on equipment

"Umm Niall could you repeat that, mate" Louis spoke "I forgot to press record" Louis chuckled rubbing his face "Mate, again get your head in the game!" Louis nods "I know, I know. sorry- just Harry-" Zayn pipes up "Harry fine Louis, he's with Maple, in safe hands" Louis looks back to his laptop "I just don't like leaving him" Zayn nods "We know but once these last verses are done you can leave" zayn spoke standing next to Niall getting ready for his lines. Louis nodded pressing play and listening to one of their new songs.

Harry didn't trust Maple. He hated her looking after him, he'd rather never turn little again than her look after him. She still has those stupid rules: don't do anything without asking her first, don't cry, don't wine, don't, don't, don't, don't! Harry was sick of it but there was nothing he could do. The only rules Louis has for him are no swearing unless he lets him, don't cum unless he tells him to and never lie to him. But louis has never really made the rules so obvious, he told them to him once and it was just a known thing, unlike Maple who repeats them constantly. Harry liked rules, Louis rules, not maples.

Harry was lieing on the floor in the living room, he wasn't allowed on the sofa because of his mucky big hands that would ruin it. He was forced to draw as usual but Harry wanted to play with something else. "M-maple?" Harry asked quietly making her hum as she read some magazine "C-can hawwy pway dolls?" She didn't even look up at him before saying "Dolls are for girls Harry" he pouted slightly in the middle of his drawing of maple being a meany once again, and The other pages were filled with it too from the last time. He just wanted to play dolls. "D-daddy lets me" She looked up instantly "Well Daddy isn't here so shut up!" Harry whimpered going back to his drawing. Harry sniffed to himself for a while till he heard a phone notification. It was maples.

He watched as she picked up her phone and read the message carefully her face growing a bit flustered making him frown. "Who?" Harry asked moving to her, he wanted it to be louis telling her that he was coming back, but the second she saw him moving she shut off her phone pushing Harry away with her foot "It's not louis! It was my boyfriend" she spoke making harry frown "y-you have a boyfriend?" She nodded "I do, we were married and then I got pregnant again and he-" she looked to Harry who listened to the story with caring eyes "I don't have to explain myself to you! Draw!" She spoke making Harry move back to drawing

Louis left the hotel after finishing his parts finally. He made his way home, ready to kick Maple's ass the second that he saw her. He frowned seeing Maple coming downstairs as he walked in "I'm home" he spoke out waiting for Harry to come running to him, he frowned as there was no response besides "Ah Louis you home early that's great" he looked at her cautiously "why were you upstairs?" She chuckled "I went to the toilet Louis if you must know" he still looked at her cautiously "Where's Haz?" She smiled "In the living room" he moved into the room to find Harry turning to look at him before quickly closing the drawing book "Hey baby" he smiled at Harry with open arms waiting for him to run to him, harrys eyes seemed to move to maple who nodded her head making a big smile go onto harrys face as he started to move to louis who instantly hugged him and peppered his face with kisses "you okay?" He asked worried and Harry nodded and hugged him again making Louis pick him up carefully rubbing his back. "I was just about to start making dinner" she smiled but louis shook his head "Oh no Maple there's no need, the kids are at the after-school club tonight so we'll be having a late dinner" she seemed to think for a moment before frowning "I can still cook something up for you two quick" Louis shook his head "no" he spoke making her sigh "Lou im not gonna poison you. I know you don't trust me so how about we hang out at some point? Clear the air" Louis shook his head "No, and even if I wanted to I don't have time to hang out!" She sighed "Fine but I'll be at the daylight pub if you still want to hang out"

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