chapter 14

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Pubs and Pans


Louis stands outside the pub Maple told him to meet him at, he debated going home but he didn't want to deal with Harry right now. Louis groans finally stepping inside to find Maple at the bar "Hey" Louis spoke taking a seat "woah where are your piercings?" He looked at her before shaking his head "None of your business" she sighed "I thought you bailed on me for a second" Louis mumbled through his teeth "Almost did" before the bartender came over "Whatcha want mate?" Louis hummed before ordering a water making Maple shove him playfully "Whatcha ordering water for, get him a beer!" She said to the bartender who nodded "On me" She smiled taking out some money as the guy gave it to Louis "No, I can't let you-" but before he could protest the guy was off making Louis look at her before saying "Thanks" sighing taking a sip.

"See I'm nice" she spoke and Louis chuckled "You can buy me a drink doesn't mean I trust you with my life" She lifted an eyebrow "You trust me with Harry's" Louis looked at her lifting an eyebrow "I never said that" she took a sip of her drink before stating "then why am I looking after him again? You must trust me a little?" Louis sighed "Zayn and Niall trust you not me" She hopped off the chair her ears perking up slightly at the fact that Zayn and Niall trust her "Then I best change that" she spoke before looking over her shoulder "You like darts?" She changed the subject before walking off; Louis grabbed his drink before moving over and following her.

Louis took a sip, placing it on a table as she pulled out the darts from the board. "Here, let me get them," Louis spoke before leaning over to grab the rest of them. She moved to the side and smiled before taking a sip of her drink, too. "You got three?" He looked at her, seeing two in her hand before giving her another one and leaving spares at the side. "Alright heads or tales" Louis spoke pulling out a penny "Heads" she called as Louis flipped it "Tails. first to 0 wins" Louis smirked before stepping back and throwing his first dart, hitting 14 red.

The two played for hours drinking and playing darts till finally "FUCK YEAH!! I WIN, YOU LOOSE, NA NA!!" Louis shouted in Maple's face "OH FUCK OFF, YOU CHEATED!!" Louis scoffs "How the fuck could I cheat at darts?!?" Louis spoke making Maple go silent before they both burst out laughing too drunk to even think "Now you have to buy everyone a round of drinks!" Louis said laughing "What since when!?" Maple said still laughing "Since you lost and I said so!" Louis chuckled "ROUND ON ME FOR EVERYONE!!" Maple shouted making the bar cheer.

The two sat at their table, Louis gulping down the last part of his drink still giggling to himself "Hate to admit it, Maple, but this was fun" Louis said and she smiled "I agree" she spoke before two new drinks were placed in front of them "oh, fuck, they have a pool table!" Louis spoke tripping over his feet, moving to the table "Ugh, no. I think you better get back to Harry and the twins" Maple spoke "awe, but I just got my drink!" Louis pouted "Yeah well..." She took Louis's drink passing it to a random guy "It's his now" Louis booed Maple as she pushed him out the door.

"Hey, you have to pay for the round!" The bartender shouted to Maple, "Ah shit, Louis, you can walk home, right?" Before Maple even turned around to face Louis, he was off walking. She sighed going back inside the bar.

Once Louis got home, he sang to himself as he struggled with the handle for a bit before finally getting inside. "AHHHH!" Harry shouted, running at him with a frying pan, smacking Louis in the head and knocking him out. Harry's eyes widened, realizing it was Louis. "Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!" Harry spoke, kneeling over Louis, frowning, seeing his piercings missing. Harry dragged Louis inside, shutting the door. "Lou! Lou! Daddy speak to me!" Harry spoke, leaning over him again and slapping his face lightly.

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