chapter 16

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Suspicious syrup


Harry finished singing his verses, and the group lay on the double bed together, just staring at the ceiling. "What if they don't believe it?" Harry spoke quietly. Louis didn't answer; he just clenched his jaw, not wanting to talk about it. He wants it all to be a dream! He should have just fucking gone and told them he was a hotel cleaner before Tammy could say anything. He wasn't angry at Harry-well, he was, but just a little. He understands that Harry isn't the best at controversing situations, and as much as he wants to be angry at him, he knows it wasn't Harry's intention. Plus, they just made up for the argument yesterday; he doesn't want to start another.

"You've got to have faith, Harry; it's worked before." Niall chimed in through the awkward silence, "It's all my fault." Zayn looked over to Harry, who was biting his lip. Tears were gathering in his eyes, and Harry just kept running over the whole thing in his head, again and again and again, thinking about how he could have done it differently. Zayn moved closer to Harry, poking his cheek, making him smile slightly, his dimples popping out at the memory: "Everything is going to be fine, Haz. Even if they do believe it, would it be that bad? We're already making an album together; they would find out eventually." Louis sat up on the edge of the bed, running his hands in his hair. "But I just wanted it to be a secret a little longer."

Niall spoke up next: "Haha, everything happens for a reason; clearly, the userverse is trying to tell us something." Louis scoffed, "You don't believe that seriously!" Louis stood up, looking at her, and said, "Yes, I do!" He spoke confidently, "Well, don't! It's crap, all of it! The only thing the universe has done is try to tear us apart, and I'm sick of it! I'm sick of fighting just to be with the people I love! I can't afford to lose anyone else!" Louis spoke, tears gathering in his eyes from anger. "Daddy," Harry said, sitting up and moving to him. Louis looked away. "I can't lose you," he said as Harry turned Louis to look at him. "You're not going to lose me, Daddy," he whispered gently to him, pulling Louis into a hug. "Even if we living here come out, we are not going anywhere; this is our life now. Daddy, well, work it all out." Louis sobbed. "But what if someone tried to get you? Take you away from me again." Harry shook his head. He could tell that Louis was really scarred by what happened back in Italy. He could see how scared Louis was to lose him. "No one's going to do that; you know why? Because one, we have a history, and we know that if anyone even tired, we'd always find each other, and two, because the police know where we are, we have a trust security team now," Louis nods. "Just because I wanted people to know that we're still alive, not where we live," Harry smiles sadly. "That's never going to happen, Daddy.Have you met our fans?" Louis chuckled slightly and said, "Very true."

Niall interrupted the two "HL Daily posted it!" The teo quickly turned to look at Niall. "What do the comments say?" Niall went silent, reading "naill!" Louis spoke impatiently, "Some believe, some don't, but its only been a bit; opinions might change." Louis groaned, "Let's get home. I'm sick of this." Louis spoke, "Wait, what time is it?" Louis grabbed his phone. "Who's picking up the kids?" Harry's eyes widened. "Don't worry, Maples taken them home." Louis frowned. "Maple!" He gasped, "The kids left school half an hour ago; how can Maple take them to us if we're not even home?" Harry and Louis immediately ran out of the hotel room and got in their car quicker than they knew they could move.

They were home in an instant. "TAMMY!? NOAH?!" Louis shouted, and so did Harry. "TAMMY! NOAH!" they shouted, running through the house, up the stairs, and into the twin rooms, pulling back the bedsheets and finding no one. The two ran around the house to the back garden, which was all empty. Harry and Louis stopped in the hallway, looking at each other with worry, before saying, "Maples!" Louis spoke, running out of the house and not shutting their door as they ran through the street.

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