Chapter 1: The New Arrival

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Maddie couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the new dancer stepping foot into the Abby Lee Dance Company. The silhouette of a tall, athletic young man approached, making every dance mom's head turn. As he made his presence known, his charming smile captivated everyone in the room, especially Maddie.

Whispers echoed through the studio as the mystery dancer strode confidently towards the front, not phased by the attention. Every dancer exchanged curious glances, trying to unearth any information about this boy-man who was making waves with each step. Abby Lee stood at her vantage point from across the room, watching intently as he moved with grace and fluidity.

"Alright, everyone! Listen up!" Abby shouted as she clapped her hands together authoritatively. "This is our newest member, Ethan. He comes highly recommended and has been dancing since he could walk."

The dance moms' chatter grew louder in response to Abby's announcement while Maddie felt her heart race with excitement. This was her chance to finally push herself even harder; to show the dance world what she could do while learning from someone like Ethan.

Ethan looked up and locked eyes with Maddie for a moment, flashing her another dazzling smile before returning his focus to Abby. Maddie didn't recognize him, but she felt as though they had met before – which was impossible since she knew every dancer in their community.

The girls assembled into formation as rehearsals began. Maddie found herself mesmerized by Ethan's movements – how effortlessly he glided across the floor as if he were propelled by some unseen force. She tried to match his artistry and lightness during a partner routine. As their hands touched momentarily, Maddie sensed an electric charge between them.

It became evident that Ethan wasn't just an ordinary dancer; his innate talent fascinated both instructors and students alike while they caught glimpses of him.

Before getting into the nitty-gritty, Abby addressed Ethan, ensuring that he was well-aware of what awaited. "Ethan, in case you're not familiar with our ALDC tradition," she said with a half-smile, "this is the pyramid – my way of ranking each dancer according to their performance during the past week."

"Now," she continued, directing her attention back to the group as a whole, "let's get on with building this pyramid."

Abby started from the bottom row, placing Kendall's picture first. "Kendall, sweetie," she explained, "you need to work on your timing and expressions. You have potential, but I need more if you want to rise up."

Next came Nia's photograph. "Nia," Abby said firmly, "I've seen growth in you from week to week. But remember – keep practicing and focus on your technique."

Maddie was placed in the middle row beside Chloe. Abby sighed before addressing them both: "Maddie and Chloe – last week's group dance left me underwhelmed by your performances. I know you can do better. So let's see you bring it next time!"

Paige found herself in the second spot from the top. "Paige," Abby praised with a nod of approval, "your solo routine was stunning – just what I'd been waiting to see from you. Keep it up!"

And then, to the genuine astonishment of everyone present, Ethan's picture went right to the top of the pyramid. Murmurs and whispers filled the room as Abby addressed her bold decision: "Ethan, despite being new to the team, you displayed a level of maturity and skill that is simply unmatched. You danced circles around these other dancers during today's practice. I expect you to uphold this high standard for every class."

The surprise was not only evident in the eyes of his fellow students but also in Ethan's own expression. He tried his best to maintain his composure and expressed gratitude with a humble nod.

As for Maddie, her heart swelled with a mixture of feelings. Her disappointment for not claiming the prime position was overshadowed by her admiration for the newcomer. She couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest each time she caught herself stealing glances at Ethan as they practiced side-by-side.

Tensions were high.

Kelly's heart sank when she saw that not only was Ethan at the top of the pyramid, but Brooke hadn't even made it onto the ranks. Furious, she confronted Abby about her decision.

"Abby! Are you seriously putting Ethan at the top of the pyramid when he hasn't even gone to a competition yet? How can you do this to Brooke?" Kelly demanded, her voice shaking with anger.

Abby crossed her arms, glaring back at Kelly. "This is my decision, Kelly. Ethan shows exceptional talent, and I want to see how he performs under pressure," she put emphasis on every word.

Kelly felt her frustration grow as she continued to argue for fairness towards her daughter. Other parents began murmuring in agreement around them, causing further tension in an already heated situation.

Meanwhile inside the studio, Maddie couldn't ignore feeling envious of Ethan's instant rise to favoritism. But even more than that, she felt a pang of jealousy towards Brooke when she noticed Ethan carefully offering comfort and support to her after not placing on the pyramid.

"Why is he helping Brooke when she didn't even make it on there this week?" Maddie thought bitterly as she tried to keep focus on rehearsing their group dance routine. "Shouldn't he be working harder since he's at the top?"

As Abby and Kelly's argument reached its peak out in the hall, even the dancers in the studio could hear the commotion.


The Junior Elite Competition Team gathered around Abby Lee Miller, their hearts racing in anticipation. The young dancers stood tall and focused, dressed in their practice attire, eager to learn their new group dance for the upcoming competition.

"Alright, everyone," Abby boomed, commanding their attention. "This week's group piece is about love and jealousy. Maddie, you'll take on the lead role as best dancer who steals everyone's heart, while Ethan - our newest addition to the team - will be your love interest. However, twists are in store when Brooke's character falls in love with Ethan's character."

The room was filled with a murmur of excitement as each dancer began to envision the storyline of the performance. Maddie and Ethan exchanged nervous glances, while Brooke looked particularly daunted by her upcoming portrayal.

Maddie couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy in her chest upon hearing Abby's description. Though she understood it was just a fictional character at play, she couldn't shake off the nagging sensation that she would be competing with Brooke for Ethan's affections.

As rehearsals came underway, Maddie found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on perfecting her dance moves. It seemed as though every time she twirled gracefully across the floor, she would catch Brooke casting longing glances at Ethan.

Despite her frustration, Maddie realized she must cast this feeling aside in order to really step into her leading role. As they practiced day after day, choreographing and rehearsing meticulously under Abby's eagle-eyed supervision, Maddie couldn't help noticing how exceptionally talented Ethan was.

His pirouettes were flawless and his leaps soared effortlessly through the air; it was no wonder that his addition to the team had sent ripples through the tight-knit community of dancers.

As they marked out blocking and lighting for their final run-through, Ethan could sense the mounting animosity between his teammates, feeling himself caught in a real-life version of the very love triangle he was depicting on stage. He tried his best to maintain a neutral stance, focusing only on perfecting his dancing skills and not feeding into unwanted drama.

As rehearsals progressed, Abby Lee Miller took notice of the apparent jealousy between her star dancers. "Listen up," she voiced firmly after pausing their run-through. "I know emotions run high in this dance studio, but you must remember one thing: You're actors telling a story; do not let your personal emotions bleed into your characters."

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