Chapter 4 : The Afterglow of Victory

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The ALDC studio buzzed with excitement after their triumphant win at the previous competition, all thanks to Ethan's exceptional assistance. Maddie and Brooke couldn't help but blush every time they thought about his choreography prowess and how his passion for dance ignited something within them.

As the young dancers gathered in their usual formation, Abby Lee Miller entered the room, her presence commanding attention. She praised the team for their phenomenal performance before proceeding with the much-anticipated pyramid reveal.

"Alright everyone, let's get started with pyramid," Abby announced as she unveiled each picture one by one. As the layers began to take shape, she explained why each dancer was placed in their respective positions - celebrating those who had excelled or showing areas where improvements were needed.

Finally, Ethan's picture was revealed at the top of the pyramid. Abby commended him for the winning routine and lauded his dedication to helping the team achieve success. Maddie and Brooke exchanged glances while beaming at Ethan, who seemed both humbled and proud to be recognized.

"In honor of your hard work, I've decided to give you a featured solo at our next competition," Abby told Ethan with a smile that was rare for her. The studio erupted into applause as everyone agreed that it was a well-deserved reward.

Throughout the week, preparations for the upcoming competition continued with fervor. As Ethan rehearsed his solo in front of Maddie, Brooke, and the others, both girls found it increasingly difficult to focus on their own routines-captivated by his undeniable talent.

Maddie made it her mission to find an opportunity to work closely with Ethan during practice sessions, while Brooke attempted to catch his attention during breaks. Alliances began to form among other dancers who also harbored secret crushes on Ethan. They whispered strategies on how they could potentially win over his heart.

Abby gathered the young dancers around her and announced her vision. She wanted the kids to perform a contemporary dance routine that would push boundaries, aiming to create an unforgettable impression on both judges and audience. Along with this edgy dance concept, she revealed that their costumes would be minimal and provocative, giving an almost naked appearance on stage.

As Abby discussed her plan, you could see the immediate reactions of concern and disbelief from the moms. They exchanged questioning glances as they mentally prepared for the drama that was about to unfold.

Ethan, a new addition to the team on a temporary basis, sat quietly among the kids taking it all in. He was uncomfortable and didn't like the idea of being out on stage almost nude, but he couldn't voice his concerns because he wasn't a permanent team member. His eyes darted between the faces inside the studio as he searched for reassurance.

Throughout rehearsals, tension grew among both dancers and their parents. Despite being uncomfortable with Abby's direction, most of them chose not to speak up in fear of facing backlash from both Abby and their teammates.

The mothers couldn't help but question Abby's choice for this risky performance style as well as Ethan's concern but only in hushed tones among themselves. Holly eventually spoke up when she felt that things were getting out of hand.

"Abby," Holly began cautiously, "don't you think these costumes go too far? What message are we sending our children?" The air was thick with tension as everyone paused and waited for Abby's response.

"This routine is meant to shock," Abby fired back.

Ethan walked into Abby's office, his heart pounding with anxiety. He knew he had to express his concerns about the group dance and the outfits chosen for the performance. Abby was sitting behind her desk, looking over some choreography notes when Ethan knocked softly on her open door.

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