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Abby had seen everything. 

She'd wanted to see him go, make sure he got out of the hangar. Once Abby had driven her car up the street, she made her way back. 

The explosion had made her jump. She rushed to the hangar, but noticed something moving out of the corner of her eye.

 Three men in pig masks. 

Gasping, Abby hid behind some boxes, heart racing. She saw Mark walking right toward them, but knew she couldn't say anything without putting herself in danger as well. They attacked Mark, sticking him in the neck with what she could only guess was a syringe.

She watched Mark drop to the ground. 

She was still reeling from their conversation, unsure of her feelings toward him. She couldn't help but feel anger as she saw these men attacking Mark, but there wasn't much she could do right now. Three men against one small woman? It wasn't happening. 

Abby held her breath, watching as one of the masked men lifted his hand to take his mask off. When it came off and she saw the face of Dr. Lawrence Gordon, she almost cried out in shock. Abby covered her mouth to keep from doing so. 

Gordon? He was involved too? 

She watched as Mark slowly slipped from consciousness. Once he was out, Gordon poked him a few times with his cane to make sure he wasn't awake. 

"Load him up," Gordon said to the others. "Then you two can leave." 

They took their masks off and Abby recognized them as Brad and Ryan from the support group. Her heart sank. They were so young, why on earth were they doing this? 

"What are you going to do with him?" Ryan asked, looking down at Mark. 

"That's none of your concern," Gordon replied. "All you need to know is that he won't be heard from again."

Brad and Ryan glanced at each other, then nodded. 

They lifted Mark into the back of Gordon's car, struggling slightly from his weight. Gordon looked in her direction, but she was able to stay hidden behind the boxes and remain unseen. She frantically tried to decide what she should do. She couldn't just let Gordon do this to Mark, so she needed to do something, but what? 

Once Ryan and Brad had gotten in their own car and Gordon had begun driving away, she ran to her car as fast as she could without drawing attention to herself. Jumping in, she quickly put the key in the ignition and started the engine, barely giving it a chance to start up before shifting the car into drive. She u-turned, then forced herself to slowly follow Gordon's car. 

Luckily, he took the back roads, so she followed quite a ways behind him. She even pulled into a few driveways and turned her car off to take away any of his suspicions. It was nerve-racking, trying to keep up with him and make sure he didn't notice. 

After about fifteen minutes, he stopped at a house, pulling into the driveway. Abby took a deep breath, then parked a ways away from him, turning the car off. She had kept a hammer in her glove compartment at all times in case of an emergency, so she grabbed that. Abby turned it over in her hand. She was shaking. 

Would she kill Gordon to save Mark?

As she watched Gordon struggle to get Mark out of his car and into the house, she wondered to herself why Gordon had made the other two leave. He dragged Mark across the driveway and through the front door. Abby waited for a moment, then got out of her car, closing the door quietly. 

(BOOK 2) MARK/HOFFMAN: A Saw FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now