Timeline Explanation

10 3 1

Takes place right after Descendants 3 below

And is wrapped up after The Royal wedding which was released at this time below

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And is wrapped up after The Royal wedding which was released at this time below

And is wrapped up after The Royal wedding which was released at this time below

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That is exactly 2 years apart from Descendants 3 being released. Mal was 16 with Evie, Jay and Carlos in 2019 and Ben and Audrey and Jane
Audrey is 17 in 2020 and 18 in 2021. The Royal Wedding occurs weeks before the next school year happens in Auradon. There will be crossover companion books to follow and accompany this story too.
Mal's birthday is December 31, 2003
Evie's birthday is April 2, 2003
Jay's birthday is January 21, 2003
Carlos' birthday is March 27, 2003."

"Jane, I need to tell you something." Carlos knocked on her door water splashed from the basin as she was practicing levitating it. Dude growls and shook his furry body.
"Hey, watch where you splash that liquid. I'm enchanted enough aren't I, Jane?"
"So sorry, Dude, being a fairy is hard work, come on in, Carlos."
She said grabbing a towel picking the campus puppy they adopted and wiping him off with the towel. Carlos shut the door and closed the blinds.
"What's with closing all the windows?" She asked.
"So no one sees me with you especially not Chad." Carlos said. "Plus there is something I need to tell you, Jane, I want to marry you in November, my time is running out. I have to do some risky things that cannot involve you for the sake of your Mom and my own."
Jane saw the fear in his eyes. "I understand and yes, I will marry you what date?"
"November 10, 2019."
"That is less than a day and a month away." Jane states happily delighted. He bent down and gave her a golden ring with a pearl as its adorning jewel and placed it on her hand. She smiled blushing wildly.
"I wanna show you something." He said they went out of Auradon castle deep into a valley where there were rolling hills. 102 arces land farmhouse was filled fields, rolling hills and a slightly forested it area.
"This is our home, Jane, our Moms are waiting." Carlos told her. Jane had Dude in her arms.

"Carlos proposed to me, Mother Memory." Jane squealed. "The ring is so pretty. November 10, this year. I am so excited, guys."

"Glad you admire it is a treasure heirloom, Lady Jane." Cruella replies. "A gift handed down from a rich family friend the only friend I have had ever."

"What exactly happened in your past?"
questions Jane how could someone so long thought ugly and beast keep ahold of such a beautiful treasure from a long lost friend.

"I was raised in the Kingdom Aurora and Philip's Mother Queen Leah the First reigned. My Mom was a widow. She had married an African man and had Leah and me. Leah was the obedient child she was more fair than I. As we were poor and struggling to make do I got sent away to a boarding school as the youngest and the ugliest. Nobody liked me there except for one young girl, her name was Anita you remind me much of her Jane you and your Mother both. She refused to believe in racism and stuck around at my side even through all the terrible letters I had received from my blackhearted golden child of a sister. She even got me a pet to accompany me to protect me. Her parents found out and were angry with her but when they met me they realized what a state of desperation I was in. They took me in adopted me got us both out of that terrible school. My sister soon found out about my good fortunate and sought to upset it again. She framed me. She broke into my room and knifed everyone of my stuffed animals and what was worse she left a knife in the portrait of the family dog it was no other than a Dalmatian. The puppy Anita gifted to me as a companion, Anita became a true sister. I ran away terrified they think I would harm something that gave me so much compassion. Anita found me and told me her parents knew that I couldn't do such a thing, Anita told me the dog had had two puppies with a female she did not name whom she had been raising herself and not to worry over the old dog, Peridito. Dogs know when it is time for them to leave they'll walk away and bury themselves. He must know by now and he will do anything and everything to make sure you his treasure stays safe." Anita encouraged me to return with a brave face on. Her parents hugged me and announced she was betrothed to the next door neighbor's son. I hugged and congratulated her. I was her maid of honor and as presents for the wedding reception they received Dalmation pups from two seperate litters."

"Cruella, she is so sweet," Anita said. "I'm gonna call her Perditta. Roger, what should call your big boy?"

"How about Pongo, darling?" He asked her.
"I love it. Oh look at these two they are practically leaping in love for each other." exclaims Anita.

"So you don't hate dogs?" gasps Jane.
"No, I don't. Especially not those litters." Cruella responds. "I decided to visit my family which was a big mistake, I found my blonde sister practicing magics in a secret basement of an old house and I had a new little sister no one told me about. My Mom was at the palace where the Queen had just fled from the realm. And that night she cursed me after I ate a meal there with the two of them. I know she poisoned it somehow with her witch magic. Boarhounds chased after me. These guys are terrifyingly huge and massive with muscle and big teeth. The Dog that had been a gift a companion all my life took their charge for me, I will never forget that brave Dalmation Peridito he saved my life twice.

"After that you couldn't stand looking at the breed from far away." guessed Jane she was a quiet observer. Carlos had walked into a different room.
"Jane when this conflict is over with my sister defeated give this to Carlos." She handed her a sealed envelope to her supposed son's fiancée.

Jane was told she could read it herself in private now.

Jane went to separate room opened the envelope and gasps. "Dear Cruella, I know you were wrongly accused you had no intention of harming the puppies, I know Dalmatians are your favorite breed.
I am worried to get you your deserved appeal in the meantime I ask for your help. I have given birth to twin boys, and need your help raising them money is tight right now. And I am sure you have little to do to keep your mind occupied on the Isle of the Lost, their names are Cody and Carlos thank you you are still their Aunt to me as you are still my sister forever and no wicked witch sister of yours will break that bond of ours- love your dearest truest sister Lady Anita Richardson

"You fostered him?" asked Jane gasping. "What about his big brother?" She questioned.
"He mysteriously never arrived, Jane, only Carlos did. I have imagined my sister had something to do with that too also." Carlos had a brother out there who was lost and lonely somewhere in the wilderness.

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