The Wedding Planner

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Carlos picked Evie for the wedding planner already as she was his best friend and knew him best and he had saved her multiple times from certain humiliations because he was such a good boy. She was thriving in her sewing room in her home with Doug.

Mal walked in and started admiring the clothes.
"Hey, M, look what I just finished?!"
She exclaimed as she showed off what was belowe.

"Hey, M, look what I just finished?!"She exclaimed as she showed off what was belowe

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"Wow, Evie is that for Elsie Anna's Daughter?" Mal asked. "You've outdone yourself!"
"I am don't like the sleeves may cut them off and give her arm gloves." sighed Evie. "She is an ice Princess she has a bit of her Aunt Elsa's powers." She could tell something was bothering Mal.
"Say it, come out and scream it if you have to too, M." insists Evie. "Bestie, promise you won't make me jump."
"Adam knocked me over, it's like he did it on purpose Lumiere was there to catch me though." Mal comments depressed.
While most Kingdoms were united there were 3 who weren't regions part of Auradon and all of them were in the very far North. Pydria Elionwy's kingdom a barren desolate desert land, a four in one worlds region between Arenedelle and Corona cousins the Princesses Rapunzel, Elsa and Anna all were. And because their families were so strongly different from the Ak families they refused to send their children to Auradon. Anna had made friends with Evie last vacation and met Anna's children Prince Angarr Krissy Arenedelle and Princess Elsie Iduna Arenedelle." Anna saved not reusing her name so Elsa could use it. The name Runeard their partneral Grandfather's name was banned from the realm. Anna was Queen of Arenedelle and Elsa governed and oversaw the Northulda and their Glacial Enchanted Ice Forests. Both kids had strawberry blonde hair and were twins. They had their Father's eyes.
"Those two are so cute, aren't they?" Evie showed a picture of the 12 year old twins. Their ball is at the end of next month."

"They are so sweet," sighed Mal. "Shame Elsa hasn't found anyone yet."
"Last I heard she adopted those Northuldra children who lived alone the two youngsters they made friends with Honeymaren and Ryder. (I don't buy the theories except for the fact Jack Frost is a possible compatible love interest in a crossover, but other than that I will be ignoring all other theories. So that is why I set them up as adopted children. She is not the only one to adopted kids. Another Royal couple, Aladdin and Jasmine also adopt the kids Aladdin saved from that rude Prince trying to whip them. I prefer to encourage adoption of older children because when you have an older child they can start teaching the ropes to the babies as they grow up older too. Makes it a more compatible family. Futhermore since Hans' story is unfinished he will get a redemption arc as well and we will meet his annoying 12 brothers since this is connected with a franchise of that is suitable for redeeming villains and I absolutely hate the idea of killing them off therefore through this book expect only two deaths one who is a villain and another a villain who becomes a hero redeemed. )
Friday October 11, 2019
"Well, my our hard work is all done, where do you we go from here, Evie?" asked Mal dying of boredom.
"Mal, classic boredom syndrome is it?" She asked immediately.
"I can't seem to stop being bored lately clearly nothing I do do pleases Adam even as Queen in training." sighed Mal.
"That guy he is always gonna be a tough shell to crack, Mali." Audrey responds. "Believe me, he didn't even like me all that much even if I had been Ben's girlfriend. The only person who can understand is Belle. Don't fret over approval you're not likely to get girls. Adam's stone hearted cold. You see the way he treats Ben too as well. Won't be surprised if they actually have a brawl soon against each other, ladies."
"Oh, or may be it's not his fault exactly, Audrey, maybe something is going on he can't see in himself." stated Mal. "Maybe everyone here can't all be trusted. You know what my Father told me after he woke you up Audrey with the Ember outside the room. He said. "Keep your fre-enemy close I don't trust her Grandmother. That apology was far from sincere, Malie."
Audrey sat down breathing heavily her heart pounding. Even the God of the Underworld knew something was wrong with her supposed Grandmother.
"He was right it was the least sincere apology I have ever heard, Mal." agrees Princess Audrey. "But who is inside thar scepter who shared a piece of their soul with me, girls? Isn't that more concerning? It was clearly not your Mom, Mal. The voice sounded worse way worse. What could possibly be worse than a good fairy badly corrupted?
"We don't know who in the world that could be? There is no telling who it is without my Mom's help and I cannot talk to her cause she is still a gecko?"
"You're half reptile as a dragon can you not talk to small lizards telepathically?" asks Evie.
"E, it doesn't work that way, little lizards are terrified of big reptiles like Dragons, dinos, and alligators and crocodiles, babies of those animals eat tiny lizards." Mal said. "I can't talk to my Mom when she isn't a dragon no more, ladies."
"I guess we must settle for an impasse." sighed Audrey.
"I am not gonna give up." stated Evie. "I wanna know what the heck is going on with that scepter of your Mom's."
"The reason Audrey is suffering through this humiliation because she is not blood related to me or my Mom. She protected its magic against thieves outside of my family line, Princess."
"Rude. Mal, how was she supposed to know that?" Evie asks.
"No, she is right, I should have realized that sooner." sighs Audrey. "I get naive from time to time. Even I know that was a pretty petty apology myself from my quote on quote "supposed Grandmother."
"I have got so many meetings to do and plus the family reunion with my Father's side of the family I only like three to four of them."

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