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"How long is it gonna take her to heal from those leg injuries?" Audrey asked Lumiere in the morning she had not left Mal's bedside since helping back to bed.
"It is hard to say depends on how her body reacts 8 weeks is the fastest anyone's recovered before from a broken leg but maximum amount of time to be really sure is 8 months time."
"Do you have any idea who did this?" He asked her.
"Yes, but I won't say who it is." responds Audrey. "I don't want to give too much away. I know someone who will be fuming at the mouth to see his daughter in this state. I feel like it is my fault."
"Audrey, it is not your fault I should have woken Ben up to protect me." groans Mal from the fiery pain she felt in her swelling legs even under all those covers.
"You are way too overprotective sometimes, Mal." says Audrey.
"Tell me about it is, probably, my greatest flaw thinking I have to be there to save everyone all alone." stammers Mal. "I hate carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. It's so stressful. I flopped once who is to say I wouldn't keel over backwards the next time, Audrey."
"Mal you need to remember to stay true to yourself even with Adam breathing down your back, girl. What he thinks barely matters. It is a new generation, a new age and new ideas cause time changes every single one of those things Mal and often nothing little ever changes back. All that matter is what you think you are capable as Queen in training, my dearest friend. Some people who love you are here to see you."
The other three Vks, Ben and Jane had been invited over. Audrey left them to talk to Mal. Jane came out of the room into the hallway.
"Audrey, can I ask you something?" She asked.
"What is it, Jane?" Audrey inquired.
"Will you be my maid of honor?" She invites her to participate alone in hers and Carlos's wedding. Audrey hugged Jane and said. "Yes, yes, I will, thank you."
"You're welcome." Jane answers. Audrey whispers to her. "I need to talk to Carlos, sweetie, when he is done comforting his best friends, Jane."
Jane nods, and said. "I'll send him over."
Audrey went to walk with Belle round the palace grounds. They met in their bedroom Adam was pacing and uneasy all at the same time. But he hardly noticed they were there focused on getting ready for the Royal Day duties ahead.
"Belle look what I found Mal reading last night." Audrey said as she had picked the book off of Mal's floor being it led to some kind of clue about the enchanted music witnessed by Mal the night before.
"This is the story where I almost ended up dying, Audrey." stated Belle sighing. "All because a piccolo didn't tell me who was his true master, Audrey. Adam learn that day friends in disguise could be villains, it's badly affected his mind. The organist really damaged him, Audrey, emotionally."
Tears rolled down her cheeks immediately right away. (Sorry Flynn but Belle almost died first in the Disney cartoons)

"Could you share the story with me, Queen Belle?"

"Sure, Audrey, but brace yourself every tale I tell starts with a song." Belle said tapping her noise and began to sing a Christmas song. "🎶Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la la, la la la la. 'Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la. Don we now our gay apparel, fa la la la la, la la la la. Troll the Ancient Yuletide Carol, fa la la la la, la la la la.-🎶"
We skip to something I make completely new I figured Belle should have had another solo in this special story.
"🎶Just a few months ago, we barely were even friends, but the fact he braved the storm to save me from Rabid wolves I knew something changed, that was a selfless act the last and only I have ever seen how I long to see those actions return to me. Feels like we keep moving in the same old circle while time passed beyond us like a rushing waterfall into a river. What was sinister has been flown away but he's still strange as before even as a man, but also sweet and kinder too. Christmas is a time of forgiveness, a time of reflection and an opportunity that comes to show everyone how to be as selfless as Adam was in the night of that blizzard. The tree, the presents, and joyful songs don't matter as long as the ones whom you love love you for who you strive to become. It is not easy rewriting a story that's been written before all of this. You think your Destiny is set in stone till the end of time. Take what you can change and make it the best influence on the world you can.🎶" Belle finished her song and read the tale to Audrey from the book itself. By the time they were finished, the other Vks came out of the room leaving Jane alone with Mal in her bedroom suite tending to her.

"Mal, who is gonna take care of your Mother while you're bedridden?" asked Jane.
"I want Evie or Audrey to do it, they're strong enough to do. Crickets or Grasshoppers nothing else, Jane." Mal breathed before she slipped to sleep after Jane put a cooling washcloth on her legs. The blankets had been folded back so they won't get wet from the wet cloths.
"I'll tell them for you." Jane said she picked up the terrarium that held the little gecko inside that Maleficent had become. "I'll come back to check on you."

"Jane said you wanted to talk to me, Audrey?"
"What happened here last night is connected I believe to what we overheard yesterday morning, Carlos. I think we both need to talk to the Two remaining Fates." Audrey told him. "You're right it is best to leave Mal out of this she is too highly targeted already and has many responsibilities. Another mission like this could break more than her bones, we're dealing with monster hybrids here."

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