Watchful Eyes of Evie

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Stuck with one of the hardest tasks protecting my very own best friend.
"You'll get better Mal, I believe in you, sweets." Evie whispered.
"If only this fiery pain would just disappear." groans Mal 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 stuck in her bed and each time she tried to move her legs an intense fire rushed through them. Evie slapped her knee and said. "Don't rush around Mal, please, you're only going to hurt yourself more please."
Mal grimaced and smirks at the fact Evie was brutal enough to slap her at any time.
"You sound like our potion teacher from Dragon Hall High Evie."
"Well, I'm still quite the Isle of the Lost girl I was before I came here Auradon hasn't changed me one bit, M."
"That's because you were never too malvolent to begin with Evie." sighed Mal.
"Dr. Facilier was a major influence on me, Mal. Subtle opportunities are best to seize." Evie answered. "You rember that song he used to sing when someone was stirring the cauldron too fast!"

Mal giggled. "Yeah, I do E."

A scene unfolds in their past from Dragon Hall on the Isle of the Lost.

"Slow down, this isn't exam time so what's your rush we ain't going nowhere yet."

"But isn't being slow useless?" asked Harry Hook.
"Typical lazy worm asks the most nonsensical questions, son of Hook. Your Dad didn't have an easy time replacing his hand for a hook an instrument like that must be placed steadily and slowly even when you have no magic. When my students are anxious the potion is anxious, and kaboom explosions all around higher than your heads." Dr. Facilier warns Harry.

"Let me tell you a story but in song form."
"Hurry, hurry Little Sea Turtle." as the Sea Turtle turned up slowly first day of Marine School.
"🎶Hurry, Hurry, Little Sea Turtle." said his friend, an octopus. "You're going to be late!"
When making seashell art on ocean floor, he liked to his time, but his Angelfish friend said, "Hurry, hurry, Little Sea Turtle! It is time to go Pearl Hunting!"
"Hurry, hurry up Little Sea Turtle, its time to stop chatting with those chatty oyster fish!" said a super fast angelfish. "Let's go see the undertow and cool off before our Lunch."
But Little Sea Oyster took his time chatting with the oysters and he learnt a lot to keep him steady on his fins. Especially about the Undertow.

"Hurry, hurry, Little Sea Turtle time for Lunch!"
"Guys, wait!" Dolphin cries out as she knew they were too close to the edge of the rushing undertow of underneath the sea current.
"Together, we work best we can save the rest." Little Sea Turtle said to Spinna the Spinner Dolphin who loved to spin fast as a torpedo round and in circles in the same spot but never swim too fast straight through the wide open ocean.
"My Dad was right if I swim too fast I miss important things like hitching a ride with you on this current, Little Sea Turtle."
"That's the same thing my sisters and brothers were told after our Mom dropped us in the sand on a beach up above the waves." Little Sea Turtle agrees with his Marine mammal friend. They rode the ocean current allowing it to pop them forward saving Angelfish and Cuttlefish from the rough currents.
"HELP!" yelped Octopus who was tangling in high seaweed.

"Hurry, hurry, Little Sea Turtle and Little Dolphin, we must get to lunch and gobble it so quickly too."
"I wouldn't bother eating after that rollercoaster ride." Dolphin admits. "I'd probably burp my fish out my blowhole in no time at all."

"Let's untangle Octopus then." Little Sea Turtle said as the suctions on the tentacles helped the other two release him from seaweed.

"Man, that was pretty embarrassing even if it was just seaweed."
They returned to cafeteria and again the other two encouraged. "Hurry, hurry, Little Sea Turtle and Little Dolphin, gobble up lunch so fast! If you don't by the time you're down playtime will have passed!"

"Speak for yourself." Supervisor Crabster said. "Take your time, kids."

Little Sea Turtle and Little Dolphin enjoyed bite, taking their time you wouldn't think they were even hardly awake. But their friends even octopus ate so quickly they all got cumbersome aches.

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