The Old Ancient Warrior

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"Audrey, sweetheart it is time to get you to Corona." Grimhilde spoke to her as she was waking up. "I chose a warrior and sent for him to meet you and Jay at the Enchanted Lake in the Enchanted Forest."
"Who? Who is this warrior?" asked Princess Audrey.
"The minute you tell him you are a Princess, he kneel at your feet and do everything you say and ask of him. For loyalty is his true calling towards Royals, Princess. He once served Snow's Father and the Kings before him that tried to overthrow the evil swamp king that once reigned near the forest of the Enchanted lake back in the past. You will know him when you see him, dear. His name is very legendary. Now get your horse and go!" The Evil Queen insisted. Audrey changed into pink riding clothes instead of her long flowing pink gown that would be difficult to wear every adventure away from the palace.

"Mom, whom did you call?!" asked Evie suddenly.
"Who else but one of your Father's most trusted legendary knights, Evie? His name is Beowulf. He'll be with Jay in a mirror I asked him to fetch the shielding mirror from the buried lands of the swampland king's evil dominion of the past, my daughter."

Evie dropped her teacup and went clattering to the floor. She went on stuttering. "But-but-but but-how-w-w? Oh my goodness, gosh my heart is frantic! Mom why didn't you tell me sooner!"
"For the same reason I didn't tell you your Father is stuck in your mirror." The Evil Queen defends herself yet again with her daughter.
"We are hardly ready for such a guest."
"Darling, blueberry blossom, Beowulf does not care for cleanliness his own value and virtue is extreme loyalty to kings and queens and princes and princesses who have earned it."
Audrey was miles on her way to the Enchanted shores of the Enchanted lake.
A very heavy knock came at the door a tall burly shadow fell into the window through the glass onto the bare wooden floor boards. Grumpy answered and opened the door. A big giant well body man entered the cabin cottage bending low to avoid hitting his head on the low doorframe. His eyes glared of wet murky brown and his smile as he straightened him to full height was sterner than Gaston's or King Adam's.His brown hair and beard were matted from long hikes in the forest with little to comb it by he wore a water caribou's hide and the heavy neck fur braced his throat protecting it from damage everything else upon him except his boots were pieces of bronze battle field armor and except his fur hooded coat. In his hand he bore the stunning shield mirror big enough to be seen halfway through the window. This mirror was buried in the loot of the soldiers who died trying to fight Grendel and his mother and the evil king claim their lost treasure as his own property.
"You called Queen Grimhilde, Knight Beowulf at your service my liege."
"You saved my life long ago when that evil king punished my husband's brother for not returning the payment of tribute."
"I remember it well as I remember this little bluebell infant you were back then Evie along with your brother. That mirror showed us what you'd look like when you were born the one you hold in your hand it might be your Father's most uncomfortable prison right but the mirror's always had a magic of its own." He spoke in a gruff low voice. Jay's soft knock came next at the door afterwards.
"Wow!" Jay exclaimed. "Evil Queen you're friends with Beowulf?!"
"Settle down, hotshot, wannabe Prince!" exclaimed Snow White insisted of Audrey's possible true love. "You better be more mannerly behaved than or he might not think you worthy of Audrey's love he served my family before I was even born and he remembers virtues nobody else ever will, Jay. "This is the young man who needs help being taught how to make a vow of pure true love and fulfill it like Jack and Lily did before Darkness tried to steal her is lady is waiting for you at the Enchanted Lake to meet you both. Her name is Princess Audrey my adopted foster daughter. Like Evie here my daughter she is also very much of innocent royal birth."
"Say no more, my Queen and Princesses, for loyal I'm to those who are loyal back to me. God has chosen to keep our familial bond intact to protect each other. Loverboy first thing is to understand the weight and cost of love, you're carrying this mirror shield all the way to the Enchanted lake on the back of my draft horse."
"Ouch! That is really heavy!" exclaimed Jay.
"That it is and that was the point don't be a worm, Jay, show me you can buck up and strengthen yourself by carrying this necessary weapon all the way to Corona for it will need to come in direct contact with furious rays of the sun."
"It is the only way to beat the Prince of Darkness for good." said Grimhilde. "Only the purest of sunlight magic from the sky can truly destroy him for all eternity, my pals. Evie, take this and flip to Chapter 13 on page 25." She handed her a strange spell book.
"Mediocre Witch's Spells, but this is a Muted Hypnosis spell?" gasped Evie.
"Cast it upon me, daughter, I want you to do it for your safety only you must know about this cure to stop this villain. I must forget about what I have done so that I can never give you away my child."
"She has a point." Jay responds. Evie's hands were so shaky but she knew Jay and her Mom were indeed right.
"Clothed by purple colors of ancient realms of old,
Protective spirits of the night and sea.
My Mother's voice cease her tongue
And spice her brain till Audrey is spared
And all of Auradon is saved
From the clutches of the Prince of Darkness scheming.
Let no tiny morsel of a squeak till her good deed
Is seen to its completion by those whom she hired
And let nobody speak of her plans to immediate true strangers
To keep entire company truly safe
And knowledge known to but a few men and woman.
Hypnosis twist my Mother's tongue and when one presses her on in of her involvement in this sacrifice let the question hear nothing but gibberish.
When one so vile threatens her let her tongue be as dead as if were cut out of her mouth. Finite, spellolowus commandus invokeus!"
Evie finished the real magic words and a green mist entered the Evil Queen's mouth and sealed her tongue and a brain fog answered but by all casting that spell Evie would never give Audrey or Jay away to a complete stranger either. She would not spend her days as mute as her mom but her tongue would be tied to never speak about her Mother's plan just as well too.
"Get going you two, your lady in distress needs you." Evie urged Beowulf and Jay out the door. Beowulf's horse was tall and big and he lifted Jay onto the draft horse's back before he mounted on himself and flicked the reins in the direction of the Enchanted Lake.
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