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Rachel was squished uncomfortably between two burly Na'vi warriors as they paraded her and Jake into their camp. One by one, they dispersed, leaving her and her brother alone with Neytiri by the campfire. She watched as they sat in a circle around it next to the other Na'vi. 

Eytukan turned around, his hostile eyes fixed on Jake, and looked at Rachel for a split second, before he eventually looked away to Neytiri. "Why did you bring this creature here?" He demanded gesturing to Jake.

"I was going to kill him." She paused for a moment, considering her next words. "But there were signs from Eywa." 

"I have said no dreamwalker will come here, to offend our home! His alien smell fills my nose!" Eytukan spat, glaring at Neytiri. He suddenly turned to Rachel. "You, what is your name? I don't recall assigning you for the hunting party."

"She's not one of us," Neytiri spoke up. "She's like him, a dreamwalker." Eytukan hissed, glaring at Rachel.

"She looks like she's one of us. It will now be hard to identify and kill them." He said, giving her one of the nastiest looks she'd ever seen. "Kill them both." 

As the warriors reached for their spears, a sharp, clear voice rang out above all others. "Stop! Let me look at these aliens." Rachel shifted her attention towards the spirling tree, recognizing Mo'at, the spiritual leader of the clan, descending to look at them. 

"This is Mother," Neytiri whispered to Jake. "She is Tsahik, the one who interprets the will of Eywa." Jake looked at her with a blank look on his face.

"Who the hell is Eywa?" Jake demanded. Rachel smacked her palm against her forehead, wondering how it was possible that her adopted brother was such an idiot.

"Shut up." She muttered, jabbing her elbow into his side. Mo'at quirked her eyebrows at them, before circling them slowly. She picked up Jake's tail, giving it a harsh tug, and he helped in surprise. She then pinched Rachel's arm, before taking out a long thorn from her robes. She pricked Jake, tasting his blood, before doing the same to Rachel. Her eyes widened briefly as she did this. 

"She will be one of us," Mo'at said, and as the tribe hissed and protested, she silenced them with a wave of her hand. "There is a sign from Eywa. I can taste it." There were a couple of growls here and there, but for the most part, everyone was silent. Mo'at turned back to Rachel. "Welcome to the tribe, Haiì Te Yaalìì Linmäswueyn'ite."

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