Clash of Queens

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We entered the inner courtyard of the Red Keep and released Papa's arm to remove the adornment from my head when I heard, "what is this?" Lifting my gaze, I discovered Queen Cersei approaching us. Breathing out, I and those around me lowered ourselves into bows. "Mother, Uncle Jaime won the tourney." She glanced at her youngest golden-haired son with a delighted smile. "He did?" The young boy nodded while his sister happily said, "he did, and he named Lady Ilyanna his Queen of Love and Beauty." She shifted her attention to her daughter, wearing a strained smile. Standing, I clasped my hands before me, watching her gaze move to me. "Is that so?" Her daughter smiled brightly. "It was just like a story."

Her eyes darkened in anger before they softened as she gazed at her children. "I am sure your Uncle chose to honor Lady Ilyanna because her Father was recently named Hand of the King by your Father." The young Prince and princess suddenly deflated upon hearing that the chivalric gesture was made for duty rather than admiration. "Your brother has done me a great honor, your Grace. I know I was gifted this honor in your absence, but I am grateful that your kind-hearted brother thought I am worthy of such a title." She moved away from her child and approached me. Keeping my claim, I lifted my gaze as she stared at the wolf pendant Jon gifted me. "Let us hope you do better than your aunt." Ignoring the slight, I lowered myself into a curtsy as she walked away with her children. I remained there until I couldn't hear their footsteps before standing. Breathing out, I glanced at Papa as he approached and hugged me. "Are you all right?" I nodded and asked, "would you be upset with me if I remained in the Tower of the Hand for the rest of the day?" He pulled back and cupped my chin. "No, I will not mind." Relaxed, I kissed his cheek and walked away with my handmaidens and a few guards.

We entered the Tower of the Hand and began our ascent up the stone spiral staircase. Coming off a step, I swiftly dismissed my guards as Lehna, Taria, and I continued upwards, only to step off the stair leading to the family chambers. "My Lady, are you certain you are all right?" Walking down the hallway, I reached up and removed the floral noose from my head. "Physically, I am well, but I do not know how I feel after this recent development." I could feel their curious gazes as we traveled down the hallway. "What do you mean, Ilyanna?" I glanced back, saying, "I do not see myself as the one who will have men fawn over me. Since leaving Winterfell, I have received exceptional and unwarranted attention from the Golden Lion and his nephew, the Prince." Holding the snare, I approached my room and opened the door. Entering, I swiftly noticed another vase of Winter Roses sitting on the table beside my bed, along with three other vases scattered about the room. Knowing who the items were possibly from, I ignored these placed accents and crossed to the writing desk. Dropping the trap onto it, I forced myself to breathe in and out as the door closed with a soft thud.

Grateful that I was excluded from the company of my family, I turned to face my appointed companions. Lehna offered a look of acceptance and understanding, while Taria appeared worried and concerned. Noting her expression, I uttered, "why would he do this? What purpose does he hope to achieve by humiliating me in front of the court?" I felt their gaze as I paced, muttering, "did he do this to retaliate for my behavior at Winterfell?" The floor groaned as I lifted my head to find Lehna before me. "Did he harm you at Winterfell?" I shook my head no. "His behavior was that of an egocentric cad, but he did not force himself on me." Taria shifted her weight, muttering, "do you think it could be a response for threatening him with his blade?" Surprised by her knowledge, I filed it away as I uttered, "no, he made up for that spit on the road to Kings Landing." She nodded while Lehna asked, "perhaps, it was done as an apology for his behavior from the previous evening?" I glanced at her to look at scattered vases. "I think the recent decor is his feeble attempt to apologize last evening." They nodded, viewing the items. Frustrated, I turned and uttered, "where does he get off on treating me like a silly girl from a fairy tale? I am not a foolish maiden waiting for a handsome knight to rescue me. I am the eldest child of the King's appointed Hand, and he has chosen to wear a white cloak for the past fifteen-odd years." Not requiring a reply, I turned and flopped back into the chair before my writing desk.

Defeated, I allowed a groan of frustration to slip from my pressed lips. "Does he not understand that it will cause trouble for both of us? Why is he set on playing a besotted fool like Ser Christine Cole?" The floor groaned as I laid my head back against the chair. "He has no right to play a loving fool with my emotions." "Mayhap, he is not playing." Lifting my gaze, I stared at Taria. "What do you mean?" She breathed out, saying, "it has been said throughout the Westerlands that Lannister men are known to love deeply and long." Surprised by the admission, I debated my reply when a knock echoed against the door. Breathing in and out, I uttered, "come!" The door opened, and a page boy came in before holding a bundle of letters out to me. Taking the notes, I uttered, "thank you." He nodded and left as Taria turned to close the door behind him.

Skimming through the letters, I moved to lay them on my writing desk, noticing that a majority of them were from Robb and Jon. What caught my attention was a wax seal depicting a spider. Curious, I moved to open the folded letter when Lehna asked, "what do you wish to do about Ser Jaime?" Setting the note aside, I turned to look at her and asked, "what would you do if you were in my position? How would you handle a man that previously swore to take no wife, bare no children, and inherit no land suddenly began to lavish attention on you." She observed me while Taria knelt before me, asking, "why do you think it is wrong he is bestowing his affections onto you?" Breathing out, I thought of a way to explain my unfortunate position as she took hold of my hand while Lehna coldly uttered, "how is she to know if his affections are true? He has previously broken a vow. What assurance does she have that he will not take liberties with her? If discovered, she would be shunned and face the accusations of his actions, not him. It could destroy her and her family's honor."

Taria rolled her eyes, saying, "Ser Jaime would not dishonor her like a common whore." I arched my eyebrows, surprised by her response. Lehna shook her head, uttering, "just because you think he is noble and true does not mean he will not use his golden tongue to sway her into fulfilling his desires." Taria sneered and uttered, "he would not..." Lehna swiftly interrupted her by saying, "she would be nothing more than a mistress to a dishonored knight. What if they have a child? Would you want our Lady raising a babe that his Father's house will never calm?" Surprised by Lehna's words, I stood and moved to calm her when Taria huffed, muttering, "please excuse me, Lady Ilyanna, but I wish to rest before you require me." I nodded as she pivoted and left, slamming the door behind her. Breathing deeply, I glanced at Lehna as she asked, "do you need me?" I shook my head no. "Would you excuse me?" Nodding, I watched her leave, gently closing the door as I resumed my seat.

Startled by the unusual events, I picked up my letters and read through them, hoping they could assist me in forgetting the afternoon. For some time, they did. Looking away, I noticed that the sun had begun to set as I finished reading Jon's letter complaining about the conditions of the Night Watch and the unreserved anger directed at him from Ser Allister Thorne. While sympathetic to his plight, I found Robb's notes detailing his frustration with Mother's sudden desire to determine what caused Bran to fall, his rising duties to watch over two young boys, and Mother's lack of support. Breathing in and out, I set them aside to pen replies when I rediscovered the letter with the sigil of a spider. Picking it up, I broke the seal and read, "he has known to do many things for love. But do you think he would be responsible for your brother's injury to keep a secret?" With no signature. 

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