Exe's Birthday! (Chapter 6)

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Believe it or not. Exe does have a birthday! But he doesnt celebrate it much. When Exe woke up from his nap, he immediately remembered last night, and felt flustered.
Exe went to the bathroom to take a shower he was praying to God that fleetway didnt wake up and come to the bathroom.

When he got in the shower, he let the water drench his quills before applying the soap wash. While Exe was in the middle if his bath, he remembered it was his birthday aswell.
Exe:"Yay..Im turning 666 again.."
Exe has stayed the same age since he was born: 666. Thats mostly why he doesnt celebrate it. i mean, whats the point of celebrating a birthday if your gonna stay the same age every time?

By the time Exe came out the shower, fleetway had not awaken yet luckily, so he went to the kitchen and made pancakes with strawberries drenched in chocolate, the only time he makes it is on his birthday, cuz he's a bad cook and for him it takes awhile to make.
Approximately 2 minites later, fleetway has risen from his slumber.

Fleets Pov: Damn whatever that hedgehog is cookin smells good as fuck.
Fleetway walked to the kitchen to greet the hedgehog.

Fleetway: "Mornin' Hun"
Exe: "Morning."
Fleetway: ''Whats that rash on your- oh.."
Fleetway immediately remembered last night from the second he said that.

Fleetway: "Well uhh.."
Exe: "What-"
Fleetway: "Uhhhmm"
Exe: "Just say it already.."
Fleetway:"Honestly i didnt even have anything to say."
Exe: "Your such a fucking dumbass.."
Exe: "Anyways...Today's my birthday..yay.."
Fleetway: "Happy birthday i guess..?, You dont even seen happy."
Exe: "Because im not, i just turn 666 everytime.."
Fleetway: "Ahh- i see..But you can still celebrate it"
Exe:I dont feel like it to be honest..ima just chill around today.
Fleetway: "Okay..Well just tell me if you need anything.."
Exe: "Mhm.."

As he went up to his room, knowing he was probably only going to stare at the ceiling and listen to the sound of his fan. So he did just that, flopping down on his bed and listened to the sound of his fan and staring at the ceiling.
Approximately 30 minutes later he got bored and went back down stairs.

Exe Pov: Should i go harass fleetway..??
Mmmm.. I' should..

Exe: "Fleetway?, Fleetz?"
Exe: "Where is he..
Exe went up to his room calling his name over and over again.
Exe: "Fleets what- are you okay..?"
Fleetway: "yeah, i j-just dont feel so well..I feel weak.."
Exe: "Is that so..?"
Exe went up to Fleetway, Feeling his head.
Exe: "Ah...Seems like you have a fever..your burning up."
Exe: "Rest..Ill get ya some medicine.."

Exe went up in the cabinet in the bathroom looking for the right type of medicine.

Exe Pov: "Ah...! Here it is.."
Exe went back up to Fleetway's room to give him the fever meds. As Exe read the instructions he was confused but he eventually understood it. Exe gave fleetway the medicine.

Fleetway: "This taste like Shit.."
Exe: "Its to make you better get over it.."

A couple hours past..Exe went up to feel Fleetway's head again, it wasnt as hot. But still was fever- temperature. At this time Exe was about to head back to his room, since it was getting late.

Fleetway: "W-wait!"
Exe: "Huh..?, Yes?"
Fleetway: "Uhm..Thank you.. for taking the responsibility to try and make me get better."
Exe: "Ofcourse..Anytime"
And with that, Exe left fleetway to rest and get better.


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