Jealousy.. (Chapter 9)

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Scourge stayed the night at Fleetway's place. Fleetway was generally keeping an eye on Scourge, because of yesterday. He didnt really tried to pull anything until the after-noon. Fleetway went to Exe's room, wasnt there, he checked Scourge's room- wasnt there. He eventuakly checked the whole house, with no sign if Exe or Scourge. He knew this ment something bad.

Exe's Pov: ''W-Where am i..!?, Hello!?, Can anyone hear me..!?''
Exe woke up to his arms tied up and legs, in a dark room, he heard foot steps, he kept quiet trying to figure out who had done this. Then..Scourge stepped in.

Scourge: " After noon, darling"
Exe: "Release me.."
Scourge; "I dont think so..<3"
Exe: "Let me"
Scourge: "Aw...What would happen if i dont..?"

Exe kept silent knowing noone would hear him if he screamed, noone would know if he died. On Fleetways hand, je was calling Scourge, eventuakly he answered.
Scourge: "Oh hello..Looking for your little blue hedgehog huh..?"
Fleetway: "Let...Him...Go.."
Scourge: "Uhm..No thanks..Sorry!."
Scourge; "You really got yourself a jackpot huh.."
Scourge: "Anyways, Say goodbye to your little love of your life, cuz he's mine now.."
Fleetway; "Scou!-"

Scourge had hung up the phone, turning his attention back to Exe.

Scourge: "Well, Well, Im gonna have a good time with you.."

Scourge began taking off the hoodie Exe had on,  And releasing his arms and legs throwing his onto the bed he had next to the chair. Scourge began spreading the other's legs and doin the (you know what.) Maybe an hour had passed as Exe wiped the tears off of his face, as scourge left the room. He eventually fell asleep, the left over tears drying up onto his face. By the time he woke up it was maybe 5-6 in the morning. He got up, biting his lip in pain as he tried to walk. He bared the pain as he limped to the kitchen. He made himswlf some cereal and ate before smashing the window with his fists----Which left his fists bloody. It was 6:39 when he got to Fleetway's. He knocked on the door, exhausted and in pain. Fleetway answered the door, tears streaming down his face and hugging him. Exe just smiled through the exhaustion and pain.
Fleetway Eventually noticed his limping.

Fleetway: "Did he really..?"
Exe: '"Yes..."
Exe: ''I just want to relax, and have some me time.."
Fleetway: "Your free to do whatever..."
Exe: "Uhm...This might be a weird request..But can we get a cat..?"
Fleetway: "Erm..."
Exe: "Please..!"
Fleetway: "Fine.."
Fleetway: "Ill be back in maybe an hour most."
Exe: "Okay!"

Exe walked up to his room ploppong down on his bed, Suddenly he just felt..grumpy and annoyed, but he didnt know at what.. So he listened to some sad music, so thar he could cry out whatever he had to. By the time fleetway got back he was calm. Fleetway had brought him to two kittens!

Fleetway: "Here, Ya go.."
Exe walked up to Fleetway, pulling his head down, kissing his lips. Fleetway just stood there. Face red as a tomato.

Exe: "Uh... Fleetway, you okay..?"
Fleetwya: "U-Uhmm..Y-yeh.."
Exe carried the kittens up to his room, playing with them happily. Fleetway went up next ti Exe sitting next to him. Exe layed the other's head down on his lap. He rubbed his hands along fleetway's ears..Making him purr, Eventually he fell asleep. Then Exe fell asleep. Then the cats.


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