Scourge's Master Plan (Chapter 11)

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The next following day, Scourge started by trying to get on Exe's good side. By making him his favorite breakfast dish, (Chocolate Strawberries with pancakes)
Getting him his favorite flower, and even getting him clothes. By this time, Exe was starting to get fond of Scourge, little did he know, this was a part of Scourge's Master Plan. Fleetway on the other hand wasnt falling for the trick so much, he was getting suspicious of Scourge, he knew Scourge was one to trick you then make you do something you dont want. But he didnt mind it, as he thought that maybe he was getting paranoid. Exe was hanging out with Scourge on the couch talking about some dumb shit as usual.
Scourge was busy teasing Exe about his height, while Fleetway just watched from a far, Scourge was holding something up in the air from Exe, Fleetway couldnt make out what it was, but he went over there to maybe stop Exe in time from fucking scourge up? Anyways, Fleetway stood over Exe glaring at Scourge in annoyance, Scourge felt a shiver go down his spine as he slowly gave Exe back his belongings. Scourge cracked a nervous smile, Apologizing to Exe. He just looked at Scourge weirdly and went to his room.

Fleetway: "So, Scourge, Mind telling me how your so nice to Exe all of a sudden?"
Scourge: "Its because....Because...It's a way of apology for what i did to him.."
Fleetway: "Mhm...Sure... Remember what i said?.."
Exe heard the commotion and made his way down stairs to see what was going on.
Exe: "Fleets, Whats everything okay..?"
Fleetway turned his attention to the shorter hedghog.
Fleetway: "Yes...Yes...Was just talking to Scourge about..something.."
Exe: "O...kay..?"

Exe ignored what Fleetway said, and went back upstairs. He laid his head down on his bed, but he just couldnt shake the feeling that Scourge was planning something. Scourge turned so nice after what he did to Exe. No matter what He did, he just couldnt take his mind off the feeling for more that a couple minutes. Exe felt his heart race, as he didnt know if he should trust Scourge, or even be close to him at all. He clenched the bed sheets and covered his ears, as he heard voices that got louder and louder every second. Tears began to drip down his face onto the bed, The voices stopped soon after, As Exe uncovered his ears feeling tired from all the crying, He fell asleep. This was Scourge's perfect time to strike. As Fleetway wasnt there because he went to therapy.  Scourge cracked a menacing smile, as he walked up the stairs opening Exe's room and tying him up. It was maybe 2:30-3:45 when Scourge arrived at his place. By this time, Fleetway came back from his therapy session, and he knew something was immeadiatly wrong when the house was filled of pure silence. He knew Scourge had done something.
On Exe's point of view, He woke up shaken, as he recognized the familiar place, He heard a chuckling voice coming from the darkness. He tried to move his arms and legs but they were tied.

Scourge: "Well Well, Seems like you've fallen for my trick yet again, i thought you were smarter than this. For a person who calls themselves a God, Your pretty stupid to fall for something like this.
Exe: "Why are you doing this..!?"
Scourge: "Honestly, i dont know, but I like you, And your already taken, so ill have to take you myself.

Scourge took out a knife, and took off Exe's gloves. Exe started to squirm, as Scourge cut his arms, the blood dripping onto the floor. Meanwhile, Fleetway was flying to Scourge's place. His heart racing, wondering what Scourge could possibly be doing to Exe.

Exe screamed in pain as Scourge started to cut his arms longer, The tears streaming down his face, as He was just wishing for Fleetway to arrive, wishing for the pain to stop. Scourge smiled as he saw Exe crying, Eventually he put the knife down, as he untied Exe grabbing him and smashing his face into the wall serveral times. Exe Fainted, as the blood dripped onto the floor making a puddle of blood surrounding Exe. Scourge left room, feeling happy that he tortured Exe. Soon after he heard glass being broke from diwn stairs. There stood Fleetway, The Glass making his arms bleed from be sticked. 

Fleetway: "Where. Is . Exe."
Scourge: "I dont know..He should be at you place, shoudlnt he..?"
Fleetway: "Dont act stupid..I know you took him, where is he..Tell me..NOW!"
Scourgw chuckled. Scourge: "Maybe, i did take him..But lets see how much your love can last.."

Spikes began coming from the top of the ceiling as the room Fleetway was in. There was a timer at the right corner of the room: 4 Hours, Exe was teleported into the room, Fkeetway ran to him wirh his heart racing luckily he was still breathing, His heart beat slowed down a littke. He saw the dozens and dozens of scars on his arm, Fleetway banged the wall angrily, make a dent in it. He felt as if his efforts to protect him had failed. Maybe two hours had passed, Exe Eventually had awaken. Fleetway hugged him, tears streaming down his face in happiness. Exe just stared, weakly hugging back, his skin was slightly pale-r than ususal.
Exe: " that you...?"
Fleetway: "Yes! Its me! What did he do to you!?"
Exe: "He...He..Banged my head into the wall..Then i fainted.."
Fleetway felt his anger increase tremendously, He breathed in and out, but its was no use, his fists clenched, Exe noticed the anger, Hugging him weakly from behind. Fleetway calmed down a little but, he was still anger-ed. By the time he had bust down the wall the house was nearly in flames entirely. He swiftly picked up Exe and ran through the door. They both soon reached the place, and Fleetway stumbled through the door feeling dizzy. He carried Exe to his room where they both fell asleep exhausted.

Finally...FINALLY... Finished this chapter with 1048 words.. This took me awhile, So please be appreciative about this.
Love me.

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