Pride (pt4): Hangout

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"You know, Sol swears a lot for someone that you say is so laid-back." My sister said, when we got back in the car.

Oh yeah, the whole family was here. My sisters had a secret mission, specifically for today.

"Okay, so let's go over the plan." My hand scribbled over the large white paper sheet 'Project Pride'.
"You know, you're gonna get caught." My eldest sister, Zarina, rolled her eyes, laying back on the couch. We were sitting in the music room as I drafted a plan.

"You know he also doesn't care, as long as he gets his tongue down Soleil's throat." Willow cackled, and I threw her with a pen. Isabella frowned, nose wrinkling at the idea.

"Firstly, I'm so over him. Secondly ... dang it, Willow, now my braincells are fried. Anyways, I won't get caught if you listen up --"

I kept my fingers crossed, hoping my plan would work.
"Amaris, you had me worried sick, you moron!" Soleil hugged me right, choking me out of my thoughts.

My family left, waving -- my dad threatening Sol to make sure I don't get into any life-or-death trouble.
Despite reforming as a pastor, his gangster side is still a force to be reckoned with.

I gently pushed my dad into the car, "Yes pa, we'll be fine, don't worry."
The car reversed, my dad glaring at Sol who audibly gulped.

I punched his shoulder, walking away. "Let's go, we don't wanna be later than we already are."
Sol punched me right back. "Firstly, we're not late, you are. As in, we agreed to hang out and I wanna chat and hang out."


"Then why didn't you just say that, I would've taken even longer." I giggled, running into the park's gate.

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