
63 2 0

slight NSWF —
Wc ~ 1850

Reader POV-

I nervously walk into the room and think to myself before putting on the mask and turn on the camera looking into the lens. Fake look for lust filling my eyes.

"Hello my loves, I'm Velvet" I smile at the camera as I back up to the bed. "Will you guys be good and watch me as I play with my self?" I ask not expecting a reply.

I crawl onto the bed and sit on my knees. I reach my hands to the hem of my cropped shirt slowly lifting it up over my head just to throw it somewhere. I turn around putting my bum to the camera as I slide my shorts down just as slow.

I take my hand and run my fingers along my pussy as so make a little noise. I crawl off the bed as I look to the box at the foot of the bed which has all the 'toys' in it. I grab the vibrator and climb back on the bed.


Once I was done with the film I turn the camera off and load the footage on the my computer. I heard a knock at my front door and I look down at my outfit.

Sitting in complete nude I gather my clothes and put them on. I head to my door and look through the peep hole.

"You've got to be kidding me" I look out the see robber man. I head to the kitchen to grab a knife swiftly before got to the door and opening it.

"Uhh hi?" I ask the man standing outside my slightly cracked door. "Oh um.. hi?" He seems a little surprised to see me. My eyes widen at his thick accent. It was kind of.. sexy. I gather my thoughts before asking, "Do you need something?" getting impatient.

"Uhh yeah I was just uhh.." His eyes trailed off down the hall way. "Next time you have *ahem* company could you keep it down?" My face is now as red as a tomato before I open the door all the way. "Oh my god. I am SO sorry!" I say as I cover my face. "It's whatever just keep it down" He says as he walks to the apartment next to me.

I slam my door shut and slide down the door. 'Holy shit! That did not just happen' I immediately go to get my phone and call Renia.

"Hello?" She sounds half asleep. "RENIA MY LORD YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED" I say pacing around the kitchen. I heard movement on the other line. "Did you record? What happened?"

I explain what happened and she screams out that it's meant to be. Not helping my situation at all.

After about an our of chatting I tell her I have to finish up the edit part of the video so I can upload it.


Finally I'm done and I reviewed everything. I head to the website and think this over before I click upload on the video. I sit back thinking about what I may have just done.

Shutting my computer I head to my room to head to sleep.


Next day -
Ghost POV -

After last night it was rather less eventful. I hate being on break. I'm station here for the time being so I got a apartment. I sit up in my bed as my stomach growls, i think about what to have before my phone lights up.

Hey buddy! How's it going?

Ghost💀 -
Just fine.

Well we were thinking ab inviting you to dinner with us.
Maybe later we will drink a bit.
Heading out around 5ish

Pʜɪʟᴏᴘʜᴏʙɪᴀ(𝘚𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘯 &quot;𝘎𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵&quot; 𝘙𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘺)Where stories live. Discover now