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Wc ~

Reader POV -

My eyes open to the light shining through my bedroom window. Head was pounding and I felt so sick, immediately I ran to the bathroom too throw up. I regret everything last night.. I don't even remember what happened after ghost came into the room to talk to me. I just know I'm back in my own home safe..

This morning will be hell as far as I know.

After about an hour of sitting by the toilet, I finally get the strength to stand up and grab some water with pain relief medicine. I need to get myself together, I need to record a new video. It's been a while since I uploaded. Moneys running low.

It was now about 12 in the after noon, lunch time!

I lick my lips as I walk to the kitchen.

I quickly make some mean toast with butter and cinnamon sugar on top. My childhood melts into me as I take a bite.. People are missing out.

Doesn't take long before I finish eating then get on some lingerie. Should I invite someone? Who would I invite? Hmmm I think for a moment but no one comes to mind. I just record by myself and then edit the video. The recording took about an hour and a half then the editing will take around 6 hours at least.

After recording the video I go and throw on a very cropped pj shirt and some booty shorts. I sit down with my lap top in my lap and being editing.

I check the time again and now it's 7 pm, where has the day gone? It flew by.. There's a soft knock at my door. No one I know knocks that softly?

Cautiously I check the peep hole. Who the fuck is that!

A tall, like extremely tall man wearing a hood and all black is standing in front of my door. Playing with his fingers as if he's scared? I slowly open door a little and stare at him. "Umm? Hello?"

That's all I could say. I was scared. Who is this extremely tall man?

"Err, uuh Hallo? Is Y/n?" His german accent was strong and his english didn't seem the best. "Yes how may I help you?" What was he here for?

"Ye-" He clears his throat. "Yes um I am König.. umm Ghost?" I roll my eyes at the mention of his name.

"What about him?" I open the door more standing with my hand on my hip in rage that this man is standing at my door taking up my time telling me about that... man. I have so many words I would like to say about him but I will keep that to myself.

König eyes me up and down taking in full view of my revealing outfit I had on. He quickly contains himself and clears his throat again.

"He.. got shot and is in critical condition. Price sent ich to tell du" My eyes shoot widen as I hear this. How do I even react literally yesterday I was with him. Not even in 24 hours this man is shot? "Oh? Why did Price send you to get me? I'm not close with Ghost" I felt bad but obviously Ghost didn't want me around with how he acted before.

"He asked. Du" He points at me trying to get his point across. I can tell what he is trying to say. "He asked for me?" König nods standing up straight and putting his hands behind his back. He's quite the cutie. Nervous, tall, his accent is just so hot. "Thank you König but I would rather not see him with how he last talked with me. It was quite unpleasant" I go to shut the door but he shoves his foot in the door.

"May I? Number?" Was he asking for my number? I put on a sly smirk as I watching look at the ground with shy eyes. "Are you asking for my number?" I step closer to him, he just gives me a soft and almost unnoticeable nod.

"Give me your phone" I hold my hand out waiting. He gives me his phone and I put in my number for him. "It was nice meeting you König" I give him a soft smile that held all the sinful things I want to do to this man behind it. All he does is nod and head off to the elevator.  

Pʜɪʟᴏᴘʜᴏʙɪᴀ(𝘚𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘯 "𝘎𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵" 𝘙𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘺)Where stories live. Discover now