Chapter 1

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     "Be safe honey, call us when you land" my mother hugged me tightly, my dad looked at me with sad eyes. I walked over to him and hugged him tightly, "I'll be safe I promise dad." I said quietly into his ear. I backed away grabbed my back and walked to my gate.
       The plane ride was nothing but boring, I read my book the entire 4 hour flight, we landed and I immediately took out my phone "we just landed love you guys <3" I texted my mom and put my phone away. I walked to the car rental about 5 minutes outside the airport. The air was heavy, but it was beautiful trees and mountains as far as the eye could see.
                3 hours later
        I had finally arrived at my new home a small 1 bedroom house just enough for me, I had started to unpack, it had felt like hours but I had only gotten 5 boxes unpacked. I decided to take a break and talk a walk through the neighborhood a few houses down I saw a huge black house "ver ominous" I said to myself. I kept walking but felt something watching me. I kept my eyes down and walked back into my house. I sat on my couch my parents had given me it was old but it did the job. I opened my book and read until I fell asleep.
                I was startled awake by knocking on my front door, I looked at the clock I set on my table 2:23AM I tilted my head and cautiously walked to my door not sure what to do I didn't have anything to protect myself. I cracked my door. "Hello? Who are you?" I asked "you must be new? No one's lived here for years, I know I see it everyday and now a strange car is here." Deep voice said I looked up a man much taller than I in all black, a robe what it looked like and a black white and red mask. "I'm about to be murdered aren't I?" I thought to myself. "Yes I just moved in today, who are you?" "Better question who are you?" I sighed. "My names Angela, now who are you before I call the cops" the man chuckled and backed away. "Vessel" and he walked off and as soon as I opened my door all the way he was gone. "What a nice neighbor.." I said under my breath as I shut the door locking it and wondered what I could use to block the door, this man definitely didn't seem like the model neighbor type. What kind of name was "Vessel". I walked to the bathroom washed my face, put on my pajamas and went to bed.

          When I woke up the next morning the first thing in my mind was the strange man that came to my door in the middle of the night, I had so many questions, was he living in that huge house? What did he want? Why was he dressed like that? So many questions and no answers. I shook my head got up and showered. Once I dryer off I put on some shorts and a T-shirt and began to go through more boxes. "Kitchen" one box was labeled I picked it up and set it on my counter. I was interrupted with knocking again. I froze, terrified. I stood frozen for what felt like an eternity. Again knocking this time more aggressive. I slowly moved to the door unlocking it and slowly opened it. I was met with the same strange man, dressed in all black a strange mask his body covered in black paint. I stepped back my face hot with fear. "Hello" I said shakily. "Good morning, I feel bad for how I introduced myself last night I'm Vessel" he stuck his hand out. Seriously you show up at my house at 2am and expect me not to think you're crazy? Okay, I crossed my arms and stared at him. He slowly put his hand down and his body tensed up. He began to walk away but followed "what do you want?!" I screamed at him now standing on the edge of my porch. He stopped dead in his tracks and look at me, he clenched his fists and firmly said "I was trying to be a decent neighbor, considering you're my only one, but since you want to be a little bitch I think I'll go home" he huffed and continued walking.
           I was so confused, he started off so nice but it's like something switched, it scared me is stood there frozen. He stopped and turned around and started walking towards me again. I quickly ran inside and slammed the door locking it. The fear took over and tears began to fall. Why did I have to live to this stupid town, just to get away from my overbearing parents. I leaned against my door and slid down holding my head on top of my legs.
        Again knocking, I stood up but didn't unlock the door. Knocking continued "open the door!" He screamed his voice rang like needles in my ears "go away!! What do you want!?" I yelled back shakily. "Please" he said softly. I hesitated but opened the door. He stood back "yes?" My face red from the tears. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to people, no one likes us here, apparently we're too scary, evil." I titled my head not saying anything what did he mean? "Evil".  I walked out the door still holding the handle in case I had to barricade myself inside. "What do you mean?" He just stood there for a few moments "because of what we believe in. They think we are evil, the city folk. May I come in? Introduce myself properly?" I nodded hesitantly and stood inside the door frame letting him in. He walked past me and he quickly walked inside, he smelt like.. campfire. It caught me by surprise, I closed the door and walked to the couch. "Can you take your mask off? It scares me." He nods and pulls it off his face setting it beside him.

Do you wish that you loved me? Vessel X OCWhere stories live. Discover now