Chapter 5

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I wake up, my hair is a mess, but it's the best I've slept in months, I sit up and look around realizing I'm still at Vessels house. I look around I see him in the corner of the room on his knees whispering to himself "sleep tell me what to do and I will fulfill your wishes" I see him look up and it's almost other worldly he's got his mask on, robe and black paint. Have I fallen for a satanist? He leans back down "as you wish" and stands up. He turns and stops looking at me, he pulls his mask off and sits on the edge of the bed. "Good morning lovely" he says softly I smile at him and reach for him he Scoots closer and leans in "may I?" I nod and he slides his hand into my hair and pulls me close and kisses me passionately. I can't help but melt into it. I pull back and kiss his cheek. "What time is it?" I ask "10:30" I get up and stretch the shirt I'm wearing rides up and exposes my panties. Vessel bites his lip and turns away. I look at him his face red, I find it adorable, then I realize I have no pants on and my confidence immediately disappears. I jump back into bed covering up. He giggles. "You're so beautiful with or without clothes. Remember that" he kisses my forehead and grabs a black dress. "Here, this is yours" I tilt my head "I thought you don't date?" He gulps "I don't I had this made a few years ago, hoping one day someone could wear this and be by my side forever.." he looks away and walks out of the room. I get undressed and slide the dress over my head. Somehow it's a perfect fit, how did he know? Did sleep tell him before he even met me? I don't understand? I open the bedroom door and walk down the hall, not realizing how big this house was it seemed like it had at least 10 rooms. I follow the hall that enters into the living room and see Vessel in the kitchen talking to one of the guards. I overhear him "she's staying, and you have no say, I don't care what you think. If you disagree I swear I-" he turns and looks at me forcing a smile and whispers "beautiful" I can't help but blush and I see them walk further into the kitchen. Vessel comes back after a few minutes and he can see I'm concerned almost scared and stands a few feet from me. "Are you alright?" I nod "what was that about? And I never gave you an answer that I would move in I've only known you for 2 days Vessel." I say sternly. He just stands there emotionless "well I assumed after.. never mind I can take you home.." he sounds upset he walks towards me and I step back he stops in his tracks. "Angela?" I just stare at him "I'll stay" I say with a smile. He lunges towards me and picks me up spinning me around "you had me terrified" I laugh "you just scared me you can't lunge like that" I push him away, and vessel frowns "I'm sorry" he holds his hand out and I take it quickly. He guides me to the kitchen, my stomach growls at the amount of food on the table. "Special occasion?" I ask looking at him. He just smiles at me and pulls my chair out, I sit as he scoots the chair in for me and sits across from me. "Breakfast is my favorite meal." He says and begins making his plate. I look at the table and see eggs, bacon toast and sausage. I grab a little of each and begin eating. I hear a timid voice behind me "mistress?" I turn and see Lisa, "yes ma'am" she just looks at me "coffee?" I smile "oh yes please the biggest cup you have!" She smiles and walks away, I see Vessel mouth full of food trying not to laugh. "What?" I frown at him, he swallows his mouth full. "You, just you" he smiles "you are a character, you are light in my darkness. You have already changed me." I can't help but smile. But I think to myself, light in his darkness why me, I'm nothing, and he's been chosen as a fucking vessel. What's so special about me? Lisa comes back with my coffee, I take a few sips and finish my food. Vessel has already finished and cleaned his plate off, once I finish my coffee I get up and take my plate to the sink and begin to wash it off. "No ma'am" Lisa behind me I turn "you scared me!" She backs away "im sorry mistress but I can take those from you, vessel made it clear you were not to exert yourself." I tilt my head, I was just going to rinse it off. Lisa shakes her head and I set the plate and cup on the counter and nod walking away. I find Vessel in an office, a black desk with the same sigil on the front as his mask, I walk in and sit down in a chair in the corner. "I'm not aloud to wash dishes?" He looks up from what looks like a journal. "No you are are not." He replies "why not? I'm capable, I'm not completely broken." He frowns and stands up walking to me and kneels in front of me "that's not what I meant, it's because you are to enjoy yourself, you have no chores no duties you're only duty is to be happy, stay healthy, and just exist with me. I will do the rest." I just look at him. That was the nicest thing anyone ever said, I have no chores, I had a job lined up when I moved here and now what I'm gathering is I'll never have to work again, I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. He hugs me back and kisses my neck. I let go as he stands up and walks back to his desk. "There's a garden out back, if you'd like you can explore it?" I nod and practically skip out of the room I walk up to Lisa. "Garden?" She smiles and guides me to a door I open it and see a massive garden, it must have every fruit and vegetable there is to man, my jaw drops pick a couple strawberries and eat them continuing to look at everything. It was beautiful, I could get used to this. "Hello." I turn to see an unfamiliar masked man, not the same I met yesterday but similar. "Hi" I saw hesitantly, "I'm iv, I'm one of the guards, if you need anything let me know Vessel told me to keep an eye in case you needed help." He nodded and turned away "nice meeting you!" I yelled back he looked back and waved continuing back inside leaving the door open. I continue looking around, I see a chair and walk to sit in it, I take in the sun beating down on me, it was beautiful outside. "I could definitely get used to this" I say to myself, I close my eyes relaxed, suddenly I hear footsteps behind me and quickly stand up to see who was walking my direction, I saw no one but walked the direction of the sound. I look around ready to run back to the house someone grabs me and pulls me into them. I begin kicking and screaming. The tears fall, no, no not again! Please "let me go!" They grab tighter, and doesn't say a word I feel a crack and scream. My ribs, they drop me and I fall to the ground screaming, tears falling harder. "Angela!" I hear Vessel running towards me but I can't move. "Angela what happened!?" I can't catch my breath it hurts to breathe. "Please what happened?" He turns and looks at ii and iv "what the hell happened?! Who did this!" He stands up and clenches his fists. "Sir, we don't know we heard her scream and ran out here!" Vessel scoffs "useless. Go scan the areas Now!" They both walk different directions hoping to find anything as to what happened. Vessel kneels down and puts his arms under me. I scream in pain. "Stop! Please stop let me go!" He removes his arms and stands back "Angela its me, please let me take you inside." I open my eyes and see him standing over me I cry harder and muster up the strength to nod. He carefully picks me up and carries me to what looks like some kind of infirmary. What doesn't this house have? "Vessel." I say weakly, he leans down to me and smiles but looks worried "yes?" "I'm scared I can't breath." He looks around and grabs a mask, puts it on my face. "Take deep breaths baby, please try." I try to breath but it's hard, finally I hear another voice, "finally, I think someone broke her ribs, it may have punctured a lung help her!" I hear vessel scream he sounded terrified. "Okay, please back away well fix it I promise you!" I look up and see a doctor and a few nurses around me. My vision goes dark and I pass out.

My eyes slowly blink open, my whole body feels weak, I look around and see nothing but a faint light, i lift my head but I don't have the strength to hold it up, I clear my throat but wince at the pain. "Angela?" I hear a voice I look over and see vessel walking swiftly over to me, his eyes red and puffy like he'd been crying. He puts his head to mine and sniffles. "Are you okay?" He asks I try to take a deep breath in but moan in pain. "No I'm not okay." I say quietly. He looks at me "what can I do?" I look at him and give a faint smile, that face I could never get over. "Tell me what happened to me?" He sighed and pulled a chair next to me "the doctor said you had 6 broken ribs one punctured your left lung and it collapsed, they fixed it, but you had some internal bleeding so they had to give you some blood and stop the bleeding. But you'll be fine in a few weeks." I sighed. "Alright so I'm bed bound for a few days got it." I looked to the ceiling and felt tears fill my eyes. "Hey, look at me, I need you to tell me who did this?" I look into his eyes and saw the Same darkness I saw when he killed the man a few days ago. "I don't know, I was sitting in the chair in the middle of the garden and I heard footsteps, I stood up to see who it was no one was there. Then suddenly... someone.. grabbed me, I remember screaming and I heard my bones snap an-." Vessel shushed me and ran his fingers through my hair, "I'll take care of it." I started to cry uncontrollably, but it hurt so badly. He sat next to me and held my hand running his finger over my palm. He was so angry yet so calm. I don't understand why he's so soft when it comes to me. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.." I heard him sniffle and I looked over and watched a single tear fall from his face. I reached my hand up and held his face "I'm not mad at you, not at all." He smiled faintly. "I'm never leaving your side ever, even if it kills me I swear I'll kill the son of a bi-" the doctor walked in. "Good morning sunshine! How you feeling?" I looked at him "like shit everything hurts.." he crossed his arms "well you did break a few ribs, you had a punctured lung and quite a lot of internal bleeding, I wouldn't expect anything less. Let's try and get you out of bed, your bed will be much more comfortable than this one I'm sure." He looks over at vessel and he nods in agreement. I look at both of them "my bed?" Vessel smiles at me and leans in "the one we fucked in remember?" I smiled at him and nodded, he let out a small laugh. "Okay vessel you get on her left side I'll be on her right."  Vessel nodded, I tried to prepare myself for the pain to come knowing any strenuous moving would hurt like hell. "One, two, three," they both lifted slowly and carefully as I cried in pain, vessel twinged at the thought he was hurting me, they set me in the wheelchair and vessel wheeled me to the bedroom, he opened the door and pushed me in stopping me at the bathroom door. "Do you want a bath?" I looked at him "will it hurt?" He looked at me and tried to think "probably, but it'll give you a chance to clean the feeling of hospital off you?" I smiled "I thought we were in your home?" He smiled we are, "I have a personal "hospital" staff here. So I never have to leave if I don't want to, considering people want me dead." I nodded my eyes felt heavy and I leaned my head against my shoulder. Vessel looked at me concerned. "What's wrong?" He knelt down to me lying his hand on my knee "I'm really tired." I said he nodded and brought me closer to the bed. "This is gonna hurt like hell okay?" He said softly i nodded closing my eyes tight getting ready for the pain, I felt one arm behind my neck and the other closer to the middle of my thigh. "Ready?" I nodded. He gently lifted me up and I screamed in pain. He moved me into the bed and covered me up wiping my cheeks of the tears. "I'm so sorry" he whispered, he walked around and laid in bed next to me he rolled over to face me and held my arm in his hand. "Get some sleep, Ill be here when you wake up." I nodded and quickly fell asleep.
"Get off me!!, stop! Let me go!" I screamed I felt an arm on my shoulder and was jolted awake, vessel lying next to me. "Baby?" I had sweat pooling down my face I felt like I was on fire, "nightmare?" I nodded catching my breath. He scooted closer not wanted to hurt me and leaned his head against mine rubbing my arms. "Go back to sleep, no one can hurt you when I'm here." I fell back asleep knowing vessel would kill whoever did this to me, I'm happy I had someone to protect me like this, I was falling in love with this man.

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