Chapter 11

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I sit in the living room reading a book with a cup of coffee one morning and suddenly feel absolutely atrocious, I run to the bathroom and throw up, I sit with my head on the toilet seat for a few moment. I must have a bug, I brush my teeth and rinse my face and open the bathroom door, I see Vessel standing at the door with a look of concern. "What's wrong? Are you sick?" I look back at him my face flushed from vomiting. "I think it's just a stomach bug, I'll be okay." He lets out a faint smile and turns to walk away, I suddenly feel nauseous again and run back to the toilet, he rushes to follow me, holding my hair and rubbing my back. "We need to get you checked out love." He says quietly, he stands and grabs a wet cloth wiping my face. I nod and he helps me up. We walk to the doctor and he welcomes us in. "What's the issue today?" He asks sincerely. "She's been vomiting all morning." Vessel says he sounds genuinely concerned. I look to the ground holding my mouth. "Sit here I'll take a look at you." He hands me a small trash can in case I throw up again. "Have you guys taken a test?" The doctor asks looking at me. I look at him confused for a moment but it suddenly clicks. "No we haven't." I say "what kind of test?" Vessel says more and more confused. I grab his hand and give him a playful look. "Oh, oh my god. You don't think she's.." the doctor nods "I do, I'll run a quick blood test should be back in a few hours, okay?" We both nod and walk to the living room, he brings me a glass of water, I slowly drink it. We sit together in the living room vessel visibly anxious, I'm scared as hell but it's mixed with anxiety and excitement. He looks at me and forces a smile, "do you think you're pregnant?" I shrug and lean against him. "If we are I hope it's a boy." I look up to him and he's smiling. "I want a girl, if she's anything like you she'll be completely perfect." I smile and he wraps his arms around me.
The doctor walks into the hall and motions us to join him. We stand slowly and follow to his small office. "So. Looks like you are pregnant, about 10 weeks, congratulations." He smiles and hands us the lab results. I look over them and vessel looks at me I see a huge smile on his face, I smile back.
This is happening, but I feel terrified, we already lost a baby, what if something else happens. I stand and walk out of the room, vessel watches me leave and follows. "Baby?" He asks "what's wrong? I thought you were excited about this?" He asks, I walk to the bedroom and sit on the edge of the bed, tears flooding my eyes. "You don't want this do you?" He asks his eyes filled with confusion and sadness. "No it's not that I'm excited but I'm so scared." I hold my stomach "we've already lost one and I'm scared we'll lose this baby too." I feel the tears run down my face, vessel kneels in front of me and lays his hands on my knees. "Baby, ill make sure nothing happens to you or our child, both of you are safe, I'll make sure of that okay?" I smile and nod, he wraps his arms around me tightly. "I promise." He kisses my shoulder. "Now we have to prepare the house for a baby. Where do we start?" He asks me I laugh "I don't know, I've never done this before." He chuckles. "Alright, well I'll have ii and iv help me clean out the storage room and we can turn it into a nursery." I smile and kiss him "sound's perfect." "You get some rest, I'll bring you some water and some lunch." He kisses my forehead and comes back about 30 minutes later with a tray with a glass of water, a grilled chicken sandwich and a small bouquet of wildflowers. I can't help but smile at how sweet this man was. "Flowers?" I ask he smiles "I found the most beautiful flowers and thought a beautiful woman deserved some." He set the tray down and kissed my forehead. "I'll get started on the nursery." He smiles and walks away.
I walk to the garden. I've got a guard with me, vessel has become more protective since finding out we were pregnant, I was about 15 weeks by now my stomach starting to show a little, I sit in a chair a guard brought out for me, he stands beside me occasionally looking down at me. "Ma'am, you okay?" He asks me looking down he was tall, muscular and had a deep voice. "Yes sir, just enjoying the sun." I respond leaning my head back, I'm wearing shorts and a large t-shirt. "Just making sure." He says and pats my shoulder, I hear Vessels voice around the corner, he's storming out to us. "Don't fucking touch her!" He grabs the guard pinning him against the wall, I stand and grab Vessels shoulder, he's staring at the guard. "Baby, he was asking if I was okay, no need for this." He looks over to me and then immediately back to the guard. "Don't touch her." He says through gritted teeth and lets him go. "I'm sorry sir, won't happen again." "Get out of my sight." The guard nods and walks inside. "There was no need for that Vessel. You need to calm down a little bit, you can't do this every time someone touches me." Vessel looks at me angry. "I want to make sure you and our baby are safe Angela that's all." He says his fists still balled he looks down at my stomach and gently rests his hand on it. "I understand that, but I'm find I'm not helpless." He looks at me and sighs. "You're right I'm sorry, I just can't fathom the fact that I have to protect you and our baby." He kneels down and kisses my stomach wrapping his arms around me. "Vessel?" I look down at him running my fingers through his hair. "Yes?" He looks up at me. "We find out the gender today." I smile at him, he just throws me a huge smile and stands up wrapping his arms around me kissing me passionately. "I'm so excited!" He practically screams.
A few hours pass we we walk to the infirmary hand in hand and I sit on the bed, the doctor walks in shortly after and claps. "Who's ready to see if you're having a boy or girl." He smiles at us and grabs the gel, and the ultrasound machine. I pull my shirt up and lower my shorts a little. He squirts the gel on my stomach. I feel the nerves rising and grab Vessels hand, he squeezes gently and smiles. The doctor runs the probe over my stomach I see a small little thing on the monitor, "is that our baby?" I ask, the doctor nods and move the probe a little lower. "Aha here we go." The doctor exclaims "right there see?" He points to the monitor. "See it? It's a little boy." I gasp and vessel looks so proud. "We're having a boy!" I yell and hug vessels neck! "Everything looks good with the baby, strong heartbeat, and he seems to be growing well. Congratulations!" He smiles wipes my stomach off and walks off. I get off the table and vessel hugs my tightly. "I already have a name picked out, if you don't mind me sharing?" I look at vessel. He tilts his head. "What's the name?" He smiles and backs away. "Jericho." I tell him and see a smile form across his face, he gently grabbed my cheeks. "Beautiful." He kisses my forehead and holds my stomach. I feel a small kick and wince a little. "You okay?" He asks. "Yeah, he just kicked me is all." I smile, vessel kneels down to my stomach. "Now it's not nice to kick mommy, be nice mister." He kisses my stomach and looks up at me. I love his eyes, the first thing I fell for when he took off his mask for the first time. This man I met almost 2 years ago was not the same, he was softer, he loved me unconditionally and without fault. Every time I looked into his eyes I fell in love all over again. Vessel grabbed my hand. "Wanna see how the nursery looks so far?" Vessel asks I nod and he guides me to the room next to ours and slowly opens the door, I see a crib painted a deep red, a small mobile that had little stars and suns on it, a rocking chair in the corner painted black. The walls haven't been painted yes, I assume because we were waiting for the gender. "What color would you like the room my love?" He wraps his arms around me from behind and lays his head on top of mine. "Um. Navy blue, I think it'll look nice with the crib." I smile and close my eyes to picture it. "Yeah navy blue." I turn around to face him "as you wish." He says and kisses my forehead.
A few days had gone by, the nursery was painted and I would sit everyday in the rocking chair imagining the day our Jericho would join us, I couldn't wait for this new chapter. I never imagined my life to be this good, yes I had almost been murdered twice but non the less I was happy. I got up and walked into the kitchen, dinner was being made by a few of the maids and I grabbed a glass of water, I sit at the dining table, I see iv walk up to me. "Good afternoon" I smile at him he nods and stands across from me. "How are you today Angela?" He asks me throwing his hands behind his back. "I'm well, aside from the back pain him kicking me constantly I'm good." He chuckles but quickly returns to his stoic stance. "Glad to hear, vessel is in his office writing a few things but he'll be out shortly, I'll stay in the mean time." I nod and take a sip of water.
Vessel and I eat dinner together, only saying a few words to one another, the maids clean up I stand up to go to the restroom when I feel s sharp pain radiate through my right side. I keel over grabbing the table for balance. "What's wrong?" Vessel asks rushing towards me grabbing my other arm to support me. "I'm okay, I think he just kicked me harder than usual. He's got your attitude." I chuckle and smile, I stand up straight and continue on to the bathroom. I relive myself my, wash my hands and look in the mirror. "You're so beautiful, especially pregnant." I hear from the doorway. I look over and see vessel, crossed arms and leaned against the doorframe. "Oh really now?" I spit back and smile. Time to make his jaw drop. "What are you doing?" He asks tilting his head, I take off my dress and toss it to the floor, stripping naked, making eye contact with him the entire time. Vessel bites his lip and smiles. "Christ look at you." He says, he looks like he can barley contain himself. He walks over laying his hands on my hips. Leaning down kissing the top of my head. "I'm going to shower now." I smirk and turn away turning the water on letting it heat up. He frowns at me and shakes his head. "I see how it's gonna be, playing hard to get now, are we?" He looks at me a smile forming. "You can join if you'd like" I point my finger at him, "no funny business though." He groans and take his clothes off, I step into the shower and begin wetting my hair, vessel steps I'm after grabbing my hips pulling to close the space between us. He looks me up and down stopping at my stomach. He sets his hands on my stomach and smiles. "Our little sunset" he says. I look at him water running down my body. "Sunset?" He looks at me. "Remember when you said the light only meets the dark twice a day, this precious thing is both of us coming together, light conjoining with dark." He exclaims, I can't help but wrap my arms around him, he kisses me softly, grabbing the shampoo massaging it into my hair. I pull back and rinse it out, grabbing a wash cloth wetting it and start to wash my body. He grabs the rag turns me around to wash my back, kissing my shoulders at he does so. "You spoil me." I spit at him smiling back at him. "I always will." He responds kissing my temple.
Once he washes himself, we get out drying off and get dressed I lie in bed and quickly fall asleep, vessel grabbing me close holding me and he falls asleep shortly after me.

Do you wish that you loved me? Vessel X OCWhere stories live. Discover now