Chapter 6

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A few weeks had gone by, my ribs still sore but I could walk again, I tried not to exert myself in any way, vessel had moved all of my belongings into the house, my clothes and books were in the bedroom, I had my own personal room for reading, which I loved I've never had a reading room. I stayed by Vessels side what seemed like every second of the day, if I wasn't with him I was with ii or iv either way I was basically on watch 24/7, I had fallen in love with this strange man it seemed like he'd jump off a cliff for me.
I sat in my reading room with one of my favorite books To Kill a Mockingbird which I had re read at least 10 times but it was such a good book, I heard footsteps get closer to me. I closed the book and watched the door intently, I kept it locked when I was in here alone, the door rattled, "it's me" I heard Vessel say, I smiled and walked over to the door unlocking it. "How are you feeling?" I look at him and tilt my head smiling "you ask me that everyday" he just stares at me, he's in his full dress, robe mask and paint. "I want to make sure you feel alright, how's your pain today?" I looked at him and felt my side "a little sore but nothing serious." He smiles and walks towards me.  He gently grabs my hips "I want to ask you a question?" He looks concerned "what is it?" I said hesitantly. He looks at me for a few moments and breathes in "So I found the man that hurt you. What do you want me to do to him?" I was taken aback "who was it?" Vessel tensed up "it was a man from town he wanted me dead so he thought by killing you id kill myself." I stood there in shock for a few moments "but, I.. I don't understand why me? Why go straight for me?" He looked somber but took another deep breath "because he's the one who's been watching your house, he lived there before you, and promised me if anyone moved into that house and I became attached or befriended them, he'd kill them to get to me." I stood up but immediately sat back down unable to wrap my head around why people wanted him dead, he was the nicest man I'd met. Why? "Why do people want you dead?" I asked out right. He pulled up the chair from the corner and sat in front of me. "Okay, I guess I can't hide it anymore, so I told you I'm a vessel, yes?" I nodded "20 years ago when my father was murdered, sleep came to me and told me no one would harm anything I came into contact with unless I had to harm them for any reason, so I began to worship sleep, sleep talks to me and tells me things like, these people are good these people are bad, he's a protector she's an observant, things of that nature. So I listen and if sleep tells me someone is evil I believe so I do everyone in my power to ruin them, not kill just ruin." I opened my mouth to speak but hold my tongue "I'm not a good person I've hurt a lot of people I've killed many for much less than looking at me wrong, but when sleep told me about you, I knew I couldn't ignore sleep." I just started at him grasping everything he'd just told me, I don't think he's bad, I think he's strong, powerful and he tries to be the best he can be. "I don't think you're evil Vessel." I say to him laying my hand on his knee. "Angela, do you know what sleep told me about you?" I shook my head "sleep told me the night before you moved in a broken woman was coming, to protect me in ways I couldn't protect myself, and for me to protect her in ways she couldn't protect herself. To be her darkness but her to be my light." He looked down then looked back at me with careful eyes. I looked at him completely take. Aback and leaned back into my chair. "Wow. But how have I protected you? I've done nothing?" He chuckled "my sweet you've showed me what love can be how to love, how to let go, how to be vulnerable, you protect me by letting me let go for a while." I smile at him. I lean into him and hug him tightly, he wraps his arms around me gently afraid to hurt me. I pull back "take the mask off" he smiles "as you wish" he pulls it off and sets it on the table next to me, I gently grab his cheeks and kiss him softly, he wraps his arms around me and kisses me back, I slowly slide myself into his lap and look into his beautiful brown eyes. "You never answered me." I look at him "what do I do?" I look away for a moment "we'll he hurt me, he hurt me badly, hurt him worse than he hurt me. Make him wish he was dead." I said he nodded grabbed his mask and walked out of the room. "Stay here, lock the door." I nodded and sat in my chair waiting for him to return. I was awoken by knocking and rattling if the handle. "Angela!" I quickly ran to the door and vessel immediately grabbed me and held me tight. "I knocked for 10 minutes I got scared what happened?" I laughed, he took off his mask showing his face his eyebrows furrowed. "I fell asleep, I promise." He relaxed his face and nuzzled his face into my neck. "I got scared" I smiled "I never knew a man who wasn't afraid of anything could get scared?" He pulled away, and grabbed my face gently "you, you are the only thing that can scare me. You're so special" I blushed and leaned my face into his palm. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Vessel?" He raised his eyebrow, "remember the first night I slept here?" He nodded tilting his head "remember when you told me I'd be yours?" He nodded a smile slowly forming on his face. "Can I be yours? Only yours?" He laughed and hugged me "I thought you already were." I pulled away, confused "when did you think that?" He sat in my chair and pulled me on top of him. "When I spent 6 hours thinking of ways to murder a man for you ." I couldn't help but smile to myself, then wondered. The man. "Vessel what happened to him?" He looked at me with cold eyes there was no emotion in his face, whatever was there had quickly faded "I took care of it, that's all you'll ever know, no one will ever touch you and get away with it." I nodded and leaned into him. "What time is it?" I asked he smiled "it's only 5pm sweetie why?" "I want a nap" he looked at me confused "didn't you say you fell asleep in here?" He raised his eye brow. "I did, but I want to go to bed." He looked even more confused I looked at him and smiled, lowering my eyebrows "I've seen that look before." Vessel smiled and the bass in his voice dropped I giggled and stood up. "But Angela, are you sure? Are you sure you're healed?" I sighed and opened the door walking out, vessel quickly got up and followed, I walked down the hall to the "hospital" and walked in I walked to the doctor sitting at his desk doing god knows what. "Angela, nice surprise how can I help you are you feeling alright?" The doctor asked "yes sir, I need you to tell me if my ribs have healed completely." He tilted his head but walked me to the X-ray machine. "Lie down here" I lied on the table and he took a few X-rays. "Alright you're done." I quickly stood up and walked over to him. He looked at the computer intently. "Hm, well everything looks healed nicely, I don't think you should do anything strenuous still, but you can start a little more activity again" looking at me and winking, part of me feels he knew why I asked if I was healed. I smiled and nodded walking out to the hall, vessel had stood there the entire time leaning against the wall. "So?" He asked, I just smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him to our bedroom, I let go of vessels hand and he closed to door behind him locking it, I stood at the end of the bed smiling like a child, watching his face darken. God it was so fucking hot. He ripped my dress off and picked me up and threw me on the bed like nothing, he ripped his robe off leaving his jeans on and leaned on top of me. "What do you want from me?" He said his voice deep and slow. My body shivered I looked into his eyes "I want you to fu-" with no hesitation he grabbed my face and kissed me hard his free hand taking his jeans off, he stepped out of them and crawled on top of me, he pulled my panties off and leaned over kissing me again this time a little more passionate. "May I?" He asked I nodded, immediately forgetting he needed verbal consent from me. He looked me in the eye "answer me" he said cold, fuck man. "yes sir." He nodded "good girl" and kissed down my body until he reached the top of my groin, I shivered I had goosebumps, he kissed both thighs, and looked at me giving me a smile, which told me I fucked up. He grabbed my thighs and began licking my clit, looking at me I threw my head back and moaned loudly, "fuck!" He continued grabbing my thighs tighter holding me in place, I moaned loudly, trying to pull away but he held me in place. He sat up wiped his mouth and leaned in to kiss me but left his lips hovering over mine. "Are you mine?" He asked me "yes sir" "only mine?" "Yes sir" I responded, he positioned himself to me and I bit my lip, he just looked into my eyes, I needed him so badly but he just looked at me smiling, I wrapped my arms around his neck but he quickly grabbed my arms pinning then above my head and pushing himself inside me. I moaned loudly and his smile grew, he held both my wrists with one hand and used the other to grab my face and kiss me, he brought his hand back up and his hands help both my hands intertwined with mine but still pinned to the bed, he thrusted hard, I moaned loudly, he began to pick up speed keeping a steady rhythm, he closed his eyes and moaned, I arched my back feeling my stomach get tighter and tighter, he's eyes shot open and leaned into my ear "you get my permission to cum, got it?" "Yes sir" I waited a few moments letting the pressure build knowing the outcome would be lightning. "May I cum please?" I moaned and looked into his eyes. He smiled "no" he said firmly releasing my wrists and leaning down positioning his arms beside my head our chests connected, he continued to thrust harder and harder he looked at me and leaned down to my ear "cum for me my queen" goosebumps took over my body, I threw my head back and dug my nails into his back feeling myself dig into his skin, I arched my back and moaned loudly, feeling every inch of me heat up, he continued to thrust and moaned loudly, "Angela, may I?" He looked at me I nodded not knowing what he was doing his eyes went soft and he burying his face in my neck I let out one more moan he moaned loudly and thrusted one more time I felt every drop inside me, I closed my eyes and kept my arms around him, his body collapsed on top of mine and he ran his fingers through my hair, kissing my shoulder, he picked his head up and kissed my lips softly. "Angela" I smiled "Vessel" I smirked at him. "I.. I think I lo-" I kissed him passionately. "I love you too." The smile on his face could power entire cities he laid his head on my chest and caught his breath holding me tightly. "Lovers entwined" he said softly, I smiled. He got up walked to the bathroom turning the shower on, I laid there for a few more moments. Soaking in the moment that happened. I couldn't help but smile, I sat up and walked into the bathroom, before the mirror fogged I looked at my naked body seeing the scar on my ribs, I ran my fingers on it and teared up, I cried softly. I turned and got into the shower with Vessel. "Am I still beautiful?" He looked at me like I had just killed someone. "Are you crazy?! Yes why would you think otherwise?" He pulled me close. "This" I pulled back and pointed at the 4 inch scar across my ribs, he gently ran his fingers across it and smiled at me "I think scars are hot." He winked at me and pulled me in tightly letting the water fall down our bodies. Once we both washed up, dried off and got dressed we laid in bed and he held me tightly, kissing my head and intertwining his legs with mine. "I love you Angela." I looked up at him his eyes closed "I love you too." I leaned my head against his chest. And whispered "light and dark only meet twice a day." He looks down at me confused. "The dark meets the light during sunrise, and the light meets the dark at sunset." He kisses me forehead, "you're my light." He says quietly. "You're my dark." I reply and fall asleep.

Vessels pov:
Angela falls asleep against my chest, she's so beautiful, how could something so innocent love someone like me? Why did I let myself fall for her, I'm supposed to be alone, I'm evil, I've got blood on my hands that will never wash away. She rolls onto her back and gets comfortable, I just watch her carefully, memorizing every feature of her face, her soft cheekbones, her soft pink lips, and her eyes, though I couldn't see them they were a vibrant green, every time I looked into her eyes I felt like I had my own personal forest I could escape to. I got up and walked to the bathroom splashing water on my face and looking in the mirror. "What has this woman done to me.." I whisper to myself "I've killed two men over her." Granted they tried to hurt her but regardless I've killed for her, do I pity her or is it because she has shown me what love is, I haven't truly known love ever. My dad was a cold man, but taught me how to fend for myself.
I dry my face off and walk back into the bedroom quietly crawling back into bed, it's only 9pm we haven't eaten, I was hungry but I can't leave her, and I'll be dammed if I let ii or iv see her this vulnerable. I kiss her forehead and lie beside her. This woman had completely turned my life upside down, had I gone soft? I'd kill a man for looking at me wrong and now, she pushes me, or hits me playfully and I just smile at her there's not anger. Fuck me man. I look at her and pull the blankets to her chest I kiss her on the forehead "I'm going to marry you one day" I whisper, she turns to face away from me,  and my heart drops. Shit he heard me. She settles and I relax. I sigh and pull her close, being careful not to pull her chest to hard and hold her against me. I kiss her head, "goodnight my queen." I lay my head down and fall asleep.

Do you wish that you loved me? Vessel X OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz