Chapter 7

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I woke up around 8am I sit up and see vessel still asleep, it's unlike him he's usually up with the birds. I pay no mind and walk to the bathroom, I wash my face and brush my teeth.
I walk back into the bedroom to see vessel tossing and turning like he's trying to wake himself up, I hear him whisper something and sit on the bed trying to hear it. But he goes silent, I shrug it off and walk to the closet I grab my white dress, I didn't feel black today, I always wear black, after all I am a light according to Vessel. I throw it over my head and feel a sharp pain in my side. I since trying to be quiet. I turn around and see Vessel sitting up looking at me concerned. "You okay?" He asks. Why does he always ask that anytime I make a face or twinge at anything. "I'm fine." I say and walk out of the room, he quickly gets up throws a robe on and follows me. "Angela, what's wrong? Why do hostile this morning?" I look at him, his eyes full of worry, after all this man did say he loved me and I believe it. I smile and continue down the hall. He stands there not moving. He turns back to the room and closes the door did I make him angry? I walk to the kitchen and see Lisa, "good morning." She looks surprised to see me "good morning mistress." I smile at her "coffee?" She nods and walks to the cabinet to grab a cup all the others are upside down but the one she grabs is right side up. Weird but I pay no mind she pours my glass and hands it to me, not making eye contact. I walk to the table and sit. Why is everyone so weird this morning? I smell my coffee and it doesn't smell right I leave it there and walk to the bedroom. "Lisa leave my coffee I'm going to grab vessel, make vessel a glass please? She nods and does as she's told. I open the door and see him sitting at the edge head and hands and crying. I walk over "what's wrong?" I ask kneeling down. "I hurt you." I look at him confused. "What do you mean?" He doesn't look up and sighs. "I've trapped you here. Basically kidnapped you, convinced you to live with me and do what I say. "Did you manipulate me into living with me?" He finally looked up at me, that was the only answer I needed I stormed off. "Angela! Please, don't go" I look at him angry I want to punch him, kick him anything. "I can't believe you!" "Please listen." I cross my arms and raise my eyebrow waiting for a response. He sighs and stands "I didn't lie about what sleep told me, but I did manipulate you to move in with me, I wanted you safe, but I slowly realized I'm just recreating your past, and I feel awful. If you want to leave I understand but please believe when I tell you I do love you." I sigh and walk towards him his face slowly lights up but quickly darkens when he realizes I'm still angry. "I'm pissed, im pissed that after this shit I still fucking love you Vessel, but I can't leave not now, cause you have work to do." He looks at me confused. I look dead in his eyes "lisa tried to poison me." I say with a straight face, his face immediately goes dark and his fists ball up he starts to storm into the kitchen but I stand in front of him. "Wait" he stops and stares at me, I see his face full of rage, I've never truly looked into his eyes when he was this angry but I see the monster he talked about. The monster dying to kill, I turned to Lisa who looks like she's seen a ghost "mistress let me explain please." I just look at her then turn to vessel who's staring at her not breaking contact I keep my hand on his chest. His heart was beating so far I thought it might explode. I touch his cheek he looks down at me but still looking at Lisa. At this point ii and iv walk in and see vessel. "What's going on?" ii looks at vessel then to Lisa. Vessel snaps at ii "she tried to poison Angela." Lisa goes completely pale. Vessel takes a step towards Lisa but I step with him, holding him back. "Let her explain baby" he looks at me shocked that I called him that. But still has that look of murder in his eyes. He pushes me to the side knocking me to the ground. iv immediately runs to help me up. Vessel grabs Lisa by the throat and pushes her against the wall. "Is it true?" He snaps tightening his grip, she chokes and nods "why the fuck would you do it? Huh? Why!" He throws her to the ground and stands over her she gasps for air, iv tries to block my view, but I push me aside watching this I knew to be loving and caring turn into a completely different man. "I don't know, it was impulsive I've heard the stories of what you've done but didn't believe, I do now and im sorry, but she didn't drink any I swear!" Lisa cries out vessel doesn't budge an inch. "Well you should know by now not to question it." He picks her up by the throat again and drags her down the hall to a room with a white door, the only room I've never been in. Vessel turns to me and looks me dead in the eyes "stay" I stop and watch him take her to the room and shut the door I heard the lock click.
He returns 30 minutes later his face still dark but the monster in his eyes was gone. I look at him and he's walking straight to me, he stops right in front of me. "Why'd you stop me. I could've hurt you." I looked at him. I don't think he realizes he shoved me into the floor. "Vessel did you kill her?" He's still emotionless "no, but she's no longer my maid. She'll never return here again." I see ii walk into the room and shut the door. I hear a loud slap "fucking bitch!" I hear him scream vessel turns quickly. ii walks out with Lisa by the hair. "Bitch slapped me" her face looks untouched. "Where do you want her sir" vessel looks at Lisa then at ii "away." ii nods and walks out the front door. I look at vessel and his face starts to lighten a little. "Vessel, you did hurt me." He looks at me scanning my body. "Where?!" "You shoved me to the ground, hard." I show him my arm that has his perfect handprint on it where he shoved me with all his force. "Angela.. I" I shake my head "I'm not angry" I tell him his eyes stay locked on mine.
"Vessel I saw a side of you today I've never truly seen, I saw it briefly the second night we met, but I saw tonight the monster you've talked about. And I'm not scared of you, but I've seen many sides of you, and this side I just saw just proved to me the lengths you'd go to keep me safe." He looks down at his feet then back to me. "I would do anything for you, I love you, and I don't know how not to. I've made loving you a blood sport and I'm sorry, but I can't help not loving you." He looked at me with sad eyes and held out his hand. I take it and he pulls me into him and hugs me. "I'm so sorry." I smile at his embrace "you're my favorite weapon of choosing." "Can you forgive me?" I look up at him "yes" he smiles and kisses the top of my head. "Can we take a walk?" He nods and grabs my hand. "Never thought you'd ask" He grabs his mask and we walk outside and to the woods, we walk to the open area we went to before and I laid down looking up he set next to me, his knees to his chest. "Angela?" I look over to him, "yes?" His body is tensed, his face is covered with his mask, but I can sense the nervousness. "I want to ask you a question and you can tell me no but." I look at him and my eyes go wide, he stands to his feet and holds out his hands. "I know you said you'd live with me forever, but will you be mine forever?" I smile "I thought I already was?" He laughed "fair point" I hugged him and he held out a black ring, it was a plain black ring. "We may not have a traditional marriage but wear this for me?" I nod and tear up hugging him tightly. "I will be by your side forever." He smiles and picks me up spinning me around. We sit in the woods for another hour before heading back to the house, we walk inside and see ii bloody. I freeze. "What happened?" I ask "sir can I speak with you?" Vessel looks at me go sit on the couch I'll grab iv stay here" I nod and sit iv walks and and waves at me I wave back and sit I talk with him for a while and I see vessel walk back in without ii "come on baby" he motions me to follow and I do just that. "What happened is he okay?" Vessel looks at me and opens the bedroom door, closing it behind me. "He's okay, Lisa however is not. She tried to stab ii so the only logical thing was to kill her." He exclaimed. I stood in shock but not totally surprised. "Okay." He nods and takes off his mask setting it on the night stand. I sit on the bed and feel another sharp pain in my side and wince again. "What's wring?" Vessel looks at me "I'm not sure, it's a pain in my left side where my scar is." Vessel picks me up opens the door and runs down the hall. The doctor rushes over. "What's wrong?" He asks, vessel responds "I don't know she said there was a sharp pain where her scar is, it happened this morning too." The doctor looks at me and motions for me to lift my shirt showing the scar. He nods and touches it lightly. "Nothing serious, it's excess scar tissue that's formed on the inside and the ribs are pinching it, I can go in and fix it if you want me to?" Vessel looks at me, I nod, "I need a yes or no ma'am" "yes" I say. The doctor nods and walks off bringing back supplies to put me to sleep. "Wait right now?" I ask vessel looks at me and the doctor. "The quicker we fix it the faster you heal." Vessel says I nod and soon I'm asleep."
I wake up about an hour and a half later, vessel by my side holding my hand, I'm not at sore as last time but still sore enough to feel it. "Should heal in about a week or so, nothing strenuous got it?" The doctor says. We both nod and vessel picks me up carefully and carries me back to the room gently laying me down. "I'll bring you dinner." Vessel says with a smile. "Thank you I'm starving" he smiles and returns 20 minutes later with a tray, "chicken asparagus and potatoes." He said with a smile. "Made it myself" he looks so proud. I giggle but wince and he frowns at my pain. "I'm okay." He nods and sets the tray in front of me, walks out and grabs a second one for him and sits next to me. "Didn't want you to eat alone, so looks like dinner in bed." I smile and he kisses my temple. We eat our food in peace he cleans up and pulls the blankets over me and lays next to me, I slowly scoot closer and he lays his arm on my leg, we both drift off to sleep.

Do you wish that you loved me? Vessel X OCWhere stories live. Discover now