Chapter 10

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I woke up a few ours later, my side was on fire I gently touched it and winced, vessel was still lying next to me, his breathing was slow, he looked so peaceful. I know he probably didn't get any sleep in the last few days so I didn't wake him. I waved at the doctor and he walked over. "Yes?" He said quietly. "My side really hurts." He stepped towards me and pulled the bandages. "It looks inflamed, I'll get you on some antibiotics, it might be at the early stages of infection." I nodded and he walked off, returning moments later with an IV bag of antibiotics. I relaxed into vessels warmth and just laid there.
A few hours later I felt vessel move around, he sat up and stretched looking over to me. "Good morning beautiful." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I smiled back I tried to sit up but pain shot through my body I yelped in pain and laid back down. "Just relax, would you like to sit up?" He asked raising an eyebrow? "I would really love a shower right now, I feel so dirty." He nodded and walked over to the doctor. "She said she wanted a shower, how will we do that if she's bed ridden?" Vessel asked the doctor responded. "I'll put some tegaderm over the wound to prevent water from entering the wound. You'll have to help her shower though." Vessel nodded and walked over to me. He smiled and brought a wheelchair over to the bed. "Ready?" I nodded he put one arm around my neck and the other under my knees and gently picked me up setting me in the wheelchair. He wheeled me into our bathroom and stopped at the shower, turning it on, he grabbed a small chair and set it in the shower. "Are you going to help me?" I asked quietly I still didn't have a ton of energy. "Of course." He smiled at me and made sure the water wasn't too hot adjusting it slightly. He gently untied the gown I was in and pulled off of me, looking at me intently. "Beautiful" he whispered, I couldn't help but blush at his comment. He pulls his robe off throwing it on the ground, he then takes his pants and underwear off. I bit my lip, he was so sexy. "Ready?" He asked smiling at me. I snapped out of my daze. "I am." He gently lifts me up and sets me on the chair in the shower the warm water hitting my back and running down the front of my body. It felt so nice refreshing. "Lean your head back, honey" vessel said softly, I lean my head back and he wets my hair, he then shampoos it gently massaging my scalp, I close my eyes. This felt so good his hands were so gentle but so firm at the same time. "That feels nice" I say, I open my eyes and he's smiling down at me "I bet it does." He chuckles. I lean my head back and he rinses my hair, he grabs a wash cloth and wets it, putting soap on his and gently massaged the soap on my shoulders back and chest. I smile and keep eye contact with him. He gently washed my stomach avoided my wound and moving down to my legs. He crouched down and rubbed the soap onto both of my legs. He kissed my leg and stood back up, he towered over me. He grabbed the shower head and slowly rinsed my body off. He turned the water off and grabbed a towel first wiping himself dry wrapping it around his waist. He then grabs another towel and dries my hair. He very carefully dries my body off and walks into the bedroom grabbing me a nightgown. He slides it over my head I pull my arms through each hole and sigh. "What's wrong?" I look down tears forming. "Baby?" He says worried. "If I would've just stayed in bed you wouldn't have to bathe me, feed me or carry me everywhere right now." He kneels down and looks into my eyes, they were golden brown, so soft his skin perfect in every way. "I would do this everyday if I had to, injured or not." He smiled and kissed my hand. I could t help but smile he picks me up gently and carries me into our bed, pulling the blankets over me and kissing me. He walks out of the room. ii walks in and nods my direction. I smile. "Hey" "glad to see you alive, me and iv were really worried for you and vessel, he didn't sleep for days, barely ate too." I looked away tears forming again. "He didn't sign up for this, but I'm glad I'm alive too. Thank you for everything ii." He nodded "vessel did sign up for this, he promised to take care of you and he's doing just that, he hasn't been this happy in years Angela, you've changed him, he's different with you." I smile and a single tear falls from my face. "Get some rest girl." He says with a sassy tone and walks off, vessel returning with water, some soup and a few of my favorite books. "I thought you'd want something to keep you busy." I smiled "thank you" I mouthed. He sits next to me his hands holding the soup he grabs the spoon. "I can feed myself you know." He looks at me and smirks. "You sure?" I nod. He sets the bowl down grabbing a tray and setting it in front of me, then setting the bowl and glass of water on top. "Whatever you say, my queen." He responds and walks to the corner of the room sitting in a chair and opening a book of his own reading as I eat, occasionally glancing my direction. I finish my food and open a book. Vessel walks over and grabs the bowl and glass taking it to the kitchen. He returns with the glass full again and set it next to me. I smile, he leans down and kisses me so passionately, gently grabbing my face, I melt into his kiss. He pulls back, "I really thought you were going to die.." he said to me shakily. "I'm scared to lose you Angela, you've become my entire world and nothing could ever compare to you." I grab his hand and smile. "You have changed my entire life. You've taught me what love should be." I tear up and smile at him. "I want it all with you, kids, marriage, all of it." I said to him. He grabbed my face and kissed me hard. "Ask and you shall receive." He responded with the biggest smile on his face. He laid next to me and held me until I fell asleep. "I love you." He whispered in my ear and he dozed off.

6 months had gone by, my side had healed, but I had a nasty scar. Vessel had promised a wedding though it would just me him and I which I didn't mind, he's the only one I want with me. I asked him to pick my dress for me, he picked a red dress that had black sequins all over and a short train. I loved it, I started to get ready and felt all the nerves hit me. I'm getting married to a man I only met a year ago, and he has killed people for me, that's intimidating. I hear a knock on the door. "Yes?" "It's ii, are you ready? It's time." I stand and open the door, ii stands back "you look wonderful, what's the occasion?" He laughs, I shove him playfully. I slowly walk down the hall to the back door, I see a black carpet laid through the walking path of the garden, I take a deep breath and walk through. As I make my way down I see Vessel, in a black robe, he's wearing his mask but no paint. I can't help but smile. "You look absolutely stunning" he smiles and sniffles. "Thank you" I respond I can't help but smile back at him. He grabs my hands and pulls out a ring, it's a black ring with red stones. "Angela, I promise to love you everyday, I will make you my entire life, you will never feel unwanted, unloved, or unsafe as long as I'm around. I love you" he smiles and takes a deep breath. I wink at him. I grab a black ring from iv "vessel, I promise never to let you down, I will always be your light, in a world of darkness, as long as I'm by your side you'll always have me as a lantern to guide you." I wipe my face of the tears running and smile at him, he places the ring on my finger and I do the same. He then pulls me in for a kiss that felt like fireworks. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean into him. He pulls away. "My beautiful wife." He utters "my handsome husband." I respond.
We walk back into the house, I walk into the bedroom and undress I hang my dress in the closet and looked at how beautiful it was, he really did have good taste in clothes. Vessel walked in shorty after to see me only in my bra and panties and bit his lip. "Damn" he whispered I tilted my head. "What?" "I want to tear you apart, right now." He said with gritted teeth, smiling. I walked up to him and pulled him close. "Then do it." I whispered in his ear. He looked at me threw his mask off and picked me up throwing me on the bed. He quickly undressed and laid on top of me kissing me hard. I wrapped my arms around him but he grabbed them and pinned them to the bed, he held both my wrists in one hand while he unbuttoned my bra, throwing it to the side, he kissed my breasts, then sucking leaving a dark purple hickey on my chest. Smiling likes a teenager he kisses down my chest and stops at my groin looking up at me. "Yes please" I say before he can utter any words. "Good girl." He pulls my panties down and kisses my thigh, he makes his way back up to me and kisses me hard grabbing my cheeks. "You're so beautiful." He says and positions himself to me. I let out a small moan, knowing what's about to come, he's so sexy. I felt down his chest. He smirked at me grabbing my wrists again and thrusts hard. I moan loudly and he covers my mouth. "You be quiet now." He says firmly. I try my best to be quiet, he thrusts harder and faster grunting with every thrust. "Fuck" he says he uncovers my mouth and leans into me connecting his chest with mine. He continues to thrust harder moaning into my ear. He pulls my hair hard I let out a loud moan and bite my lip. "Fuck me!" I scream, he looks at me and kisses me, "as you wish." He sits up and lifts one leg over his shoulder, and continues to fuck me hard his curly hair falling into his face and biting his lip. "Cum for me my queen." He moans I look at him and feel pressure building, I arch my back and moan grabbing the sheets, as he continues to thrust in and out, he speeds up moaning loudly. He throws his head back and thrusts hard one more time and I feel all his warmth inside me. I take my leg off his shoulder and he practically falls on top of me trying to catch his breath. I run my fingers through his hair and kiss his ear. "That was amazing." I whisper he just giggles and kisses my neck. He stands up and walks to the restroom splashing water on his face, he looks over to me and smiles, I stand up and hug him from behind. "I love you so much." I say to him, he turns his head to look at me, "you see incredible." I smile and kiss his back, I grab a nightgown, he looks at me "no ma'am" I look at him confused. "Don't put anything on, you're beautiful just like that." He bites his lip and lays in bed, also still naked and motions for me to join him. "As you wish." I respond "that's my line missy." He says playfully, i laugh and lay on his chest. I'm married now, to a man who would move mountains for me, if that's not love I don't know what is, he kisses my head and quickly falls asleep, I follow shortly after.

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