Chapter 9

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I had woken up in the middle of the night, I tried to make myself fall back asleep but to no avail, I got out of bed slowly, careful not to wake Vessel who was so handsome when we slept. I walked to the kitchen and turned on a single light, I grabbed a glass of water and sat at the table, twirling my finger around the glass, ii and iv were sleeping in their rooms, it was just me, I heard foot steps but assumed it was one of the guards that took night watch. I paid no mind. As soon as I got lost back in my own thought I felt a sharp pain in my side I looked down to see a large knife stuck in my side, I saw a man but he hid his face behind a whitemask, all of Vessels guards wore masks but all had the same design it wasn't a guard. "Maybe now we'll be rid of the vile man called Vessel." The man whispers and digs the knife deeper into my side covering my mouth so I couldn't scream in pain, tears rolled down my face. He removed the knife and took off, I fell to the ground trying to grab the table but my hand slid, I looked down to see a pool of blood forming. Fuck. Fuck. I'm going to die and I can't even scream my voice wouldn't utter a single word. I cried out, my body going numb. My vision goes black but I suddenly hear someone yell out. "Vessel!!, get in here now!" I feel arms slide underneath me and run down the hall blood dripping out of my side, I hear vessel groggy. "What? Angela!" He screamed and followed the guard, the guard set me on a hospital bed, I see the doctor come over. "Shit. Okay, hang blood now." I felt Vessel hand grab mine "stay awake for me, please." He cried out I heard his voice crack from crying. I couldn't keep conscious any longer and pass out, my entire body going limp.

Vessels pov:
I was awoken by a guard screaming my name I jumped up, and saw Angela not next to me, I rushed out of bed. "What? Angela!" I screamed I see a guard running down the hall with her in his arms she's got blood pouring out of her side, her face completely flushed and handprints around her mouth. I fell my anger rise but push it down trying to stay calm for Angela. I run to the infirmary and she's laid on the table, the doctor rushes over. "Shit. Hang blood now!" The doctor yells and I see 2 nurses rush over with bags of blood and hanging them connecting them to the IV they've put in her arm. The doctor covers her side with a large towel to stop the bleeding. I grab her hand, and gently squeeze it, I feel tears rush down my face, from fear and anger, who would do this? Why now? "Stay awake for me, please." I said to her. Her eyes fluttering trying to stay open but she suddenly goes limp. I hear the heart monitor flatline, and I fall to the ground and sob loudly. I see the doctor rushing her to the small operating room along with the nurses, they close the small door. I sit on the floor and sob. I stand up and ball my fists and run out of the room, walking up to the guard blood soaked with her blood. I put my finger to his chest pushing him back. "Who!? Tell me right fucking now!" The guard doesn't move "sir I was outside I had just walked in and saw her on the floor in a pool of blood." He said calmly "then who?! Which guard was in the house!?" The guard shrugs, "I didn't see anyone" I run my fingers through my hair and try my best not to kill him on site. "Find out who. Right now!" I scream and he rushes off. I sit on the couch and hold my head in my hands sobbing. "Please don't leave me.." I whisper to myself.
I pace the floors for hours waiting, it's been 6 hours why is it taking so long. I hear footsteps and stand up, but it's only a guard. "I found this mask in the hall closet." He hands it to me and it's a white mask with no markings. I clench it in my fist and throw it to the floor. "I swear to fucking god I'll kill whoever did this. I'll rip their fucking throat out." The guard nods and walks off. I go to the hall closet and rummage around for anything else. I don't see anything but a large carving knife soaked in blood. I pick it up and inspect it. "This isn't mine." I whisper to myself. I walk the house and find no one but my guards. I walk out the door and see foot prints, I follow them into the woods. I see a small cave I rush into it and walk around finally seeing a flickering light, I walk to it clenching my fists. "Well hello Vessel, nice to finally see you again." A man calls to him. "Why?!" I yell and step towards him he stands and pulls a gun. "I told you you'd be dead soon, didn't believe? Shame." He laughed I stared into his eyes and felt my face get hot I grabbed him by the throat and he dropped the gun. His eyes went wide and tried grabbing my arms away from his throat struggling to breath. "You hurt her you son of a bitch, if she dies I'll kill you twice I swear!" I get close to his face I set him down hand still on his throat giving his a chance to explain to me why he did what he did. "She was the closest thing I could get to you, I knew if I killed her you'd come find me, and here we are." He coughs catching his breath. "She's not dead." I spit back at him "not yet" he laughs. I pick him back up and push him against the wall, I had the knife he used to stab Angela in my back pocket, I grabbed it and put it to his throat, I took a second to look into his eyes, filled with fear. I sliced through his throat and backed away. Blood pooling around him. I dragged his body to the middle of the town about 5 miles away and set him against the fountain, grabbing a piece of wood and writing in his blood. "Fucking try me." And nailed it to his chest and walked back home. I rush to the bathroom wash my hands and hear a knock. "Sir."
"What." I yell. "She's out of surgery" I turn the water off and run down the hall. I throw open the door and see her lying in bed eyes closed with bandages around her waist. "Is she go-" I choke back tears. "She'll be okay. Hopefully she's not out of the woods, there's the possibility of infection but we'll see in a couple days, hopefully she wakes up. Her heart was stopped for 10 minutes." I stare at the doctor and nod. 10 minutes.. she was dead for 10 minutes. I pull a chair over to her bed and hold her hand rubbing my finger over the top kissing it.
She'd been asleep for 4 days, I only left to eat and shower but came right back, I've only slept for a total of 4 hours in these 4 days. I cried most of the time hoping she'd wake up. "Baby, please wake up..." I beg her and run my finger down her cheek, her skin always so soft. I lay my head on the bed sobbing quietly. I hear a soft moan a few minutes later. I shot my head up and looked at her her face twisting she slowly blinked her eyes open. "Baby.." I sighed and smiled tears still falling. She grabbed my hand and tried to speak, i shushed her. "Don't say a word, you're okay." I held her cheek in my palm and kissed her forehead.

Angela's pov:
I moaned and slowly opened my eyes to see Vessel staring at me, he had dark circles under his eyes and his face red and blotchy from crying tears rolling down his face. "Baby.." he sighed and smiled at me I tried to speak but I had no energy, what happened to me. He shushed me. "Don't say a word you're okay." He lays his hand on my cheek and kisses my forehead, I lean into his hand and let out a small smile. I suddenly feel pain radiating through my torso and wince. "Fuck." I cried out. Vessel stands and walks to get the doctor. "She's awake" I hear him say and I hear 2 sets of footsteps walking towards me. The doctor stands next to me lifting the dressing I had wrapped around me. "Looks good, but you lost a lot of blood, again. But this time it was lore detrimental." He explained to me "you'll be bed bound for the next few months, whoever did this tore you up, we had to remove your spleen." He said I looked over at vessel, the doctor said whoever did this, Vessel just nodded at me signaling to me he took care of it I sighed. "Okay, thank you." I forced out every bit of energy to say those 3 words." I looked over at vessel and he kissed me softly. "I love you. No one will bother us anymore." He said I looked at him confused "here" he shows me a newspaper with a picture of a man throat sliced in front of the city water fountain, a signed nailed to him written in blood "fucking try me." The paper read about the fear the city had. "I had a letter sent to me calling for an alliance." He smiled "no one will is going to try to hurt me again." He held my hand tightly. He stands up "where are to going?" I ask with concern in my voice. "To get you water." He says and walks out of the room. I cried knowing if I would've stayed in bed that night I wouldn't be here. But yet I got up. I didn't grab a guard. I should've woken vessel up. He walks in with a glass of water and slowly sets it on a table next to me and helps me sit up slowly. I moan in pain. "Here, drink baby." He holds the glass to my face and tilts the glass up I take a few small sips and motion him to stop, he pulls the glass away and sits on the bed next to me rubbing my leg softly. "Angela, there's something the doctor didn't mention, I told him I'd tell you.." he said sounding upset. "What is it?" I looked at him confused as to what else could've happened. "You were pregnant. But the baby didn't survive the trauma your body sustained and you miscarried." He lowers his head crying. I stare at him. I was pregnant? I felt tears in my eyes form "we were going to have a baby?" I said shakily, he nodded and laid his head against my shoulder crying softly. I cried with him. "I'm sorry." He said I leaned my head against his. I try to be optimistic "we can try again soon if you want?" I say to him he looks up at me shocked. "Really?" I nod, "I didn't know you wanted children vessel?" I say to him reaching my arm to his face, but it quickly falls I just don't have any energy. "I didn't until I met you. I want everything with you." He says I tear up again. He kisses me. "Get some sleep, I'll be right here I promise." He says to me as he kisses my temple. "Lay with me?" I look at him and he nods slowly crawling on the small hospital bed carefully sliding his arm under my neck scooting closer to me and held my head against his chest. I doze off to sleep. I was going to be a mother...

Do you wish that you loved me? Vessel X OCWhere stories live. Discover now