Chapter 8

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I had been living with Vessel for a few months now, things got pretty quiet, my body had healed completely I felt great. I was in the garden every day or in the reading room, vessel had bought me countless books many I asked for but some he bought because he thought I'd like them. I even started working out a little bit. Vessel stayed in his office most days working on whatever it was he was doing, it's like he's disappearing from me and I'm worried he doesn't love me anymore.

I sat in the reading room with a cup of white wine and a new book, door locked of course, and I heard a knock. "Yeah?" I yelled. "It's me!" I shut my book and get up to unlock the door, I'm met with vessel, full dress he towers over me and it's always intimidated me. "What's up?" I look up at him and he just wraps his arms around me and picks me up walking to the chair in the middle of the room. "You know, I've been distant, and it's not because I don't want to spend time around you right?" I fidget with my fingers and nod. "Because if I could spend every breathing second with you I would. But spring is around the corner, and I wanted to get you something." I tilt my head and look at home completely confused, today was the first of March, flowers had begun to bloom and the trees started to regain all they're bright green leaves. "What did you want to do? I thought you didn't go out?" He smiled at me. "I wanted to take you to see your family? It's been almost 6 months, I know you've called telling them you haven't gone missing but you don't see or talk to them near as much as you should honey." I look at him, why all of a sudden this. I moved away for a reason. "Vessel." He smiles but I quickly disappeared "what is it?" I just look at him "there's a reason I moved away, I love my family I do, but I don't want to see them, they don't know where I moved to, I refuse to tell them. But they're the ones wh-, never mind." I close my eyes and sigh "but thank you for the offer, I just wanna stay home if that's okay with you? Maybe go on a hike? Now that's it's warming up?" I forced a smile. He looked at me, and took his mask off setting it next to us, he had a look of utter confusion across his face. "Why don't you want to see your family?" I knew I couldn't not tell him, I told him everything about me, he knew my darkest secrets but I didn't know a lot about him, which yes it's why I found him interesting but i didn't think it was fair. I sighed and too a deep breath. "My parents aren't good people Vessel, yes I love them because they're not my parents but I never told you." He looked at me almost irritated but still had a look of concern across his face. "Go on." He said sternly, he was trying to push away the anger that had slowly built "my parents were the ones who told my neighbors to get rid of me. They were cruel, Im an only child but my parents never wanted children. I was their god child, they basically turned away when I got kidnapped." I looked down tears slowly building I felt like I was being thrown into a flashback, I hadn't had one in almost 4 months. "Angela.. why didn't you say anything." Vessel lightly tapped my chin ushering it up to look at him. Those eyes, his lips, everything had me entranced. "I would've taken care of it if you told me." He said hearing his voice change from calm to enraged. "Because I don't want them dead. I want them to feel guilt for the rest of their lives knowing I could just be dead somewhere. I knew they'd try to come and find me if I told them where I moved, and I knew you'd kill them if they tried to touch me so I never brought it up." He looked at me with rage but it slowly turned into calmness. Witching a few moments his face had relaxed. "Baby, you never have to be afraid to tell me these things, it's my job to protect you, forever and I'll do just that. But if someone hurts you I have no choice but to hurt them, I'll never kill anyone unless you say so okay? I'm not a cold blooded killer." He smirked and pulled me in close. I felt the tears run down my face but I tried to hide it. "I love you my light" he said quietly. "I love you too my dark." I responded and sniffled. He didn't push to ask why I was crying he just held me and rubbed my back. I had gotten tired from crying, I sat in his lap and cried for what felt like hours. "I'd like to take a nap." I said quietly, looking up at him, my eyes red, he just kissed my forehead and picked me up carrying me to the bedroom. "As you wish." He respond softly his voice sounded like an angels choir. He laid me down carefully on the bed, pulling the blankets over my shoulders and crawled into bed next to me pulling me close kissing my head, "don't let me sleep too long please." I said quietly, I quickly fell asleep.
I needed to run, escape but all the door were locked, my legs bound with chains I had bruises covering half my body, my nose had been broken and my arms tied behind my back. I looked around for anything to cut myself free. There was nothing, I cried for hours, "I'm going to die here.." I whispered, when I heard the door unlock I knew what was coming. "John please don't, I'm begging please let me go, I'm begging you." He had his hand behind his back and quickly shook his finger clicking his tongue. "Now now, stop crying it'll ruin that pretty little face of yours." He pulled his hand behind his back holding a knife slowly running it down my cheek, I closed my eyes and cried. "You've been a good girl for so long, I think it's only fair, to let you breathe for a little while longer." He took the knife and cut the zip ties from my hands, I took a second to think. They keys he kept them around his neck. I lunged forward but he threw my to the ground putting the knife to my neck. "I was trying to be nice you fucking bitch but you've gone and ruined it!" He sliced the knife across my throat.
I jumped up screaming sweat pouring down my face mixing with tears, Vessel ran from the bathroom to me "what happened!?" He said he saw my face and just held me close. "I'm so sorry, what can I do?" I say and held on to him like I was holding him for the last time and just melted into him. "I'm scared they'll find me, Vessel I'm terrified." I said shakily. "They'll never find you, I'll make sure of it, I heard the bedroom door get thrown open. ii and iv rushed in "we heard screaming what happened!?" They stood at the doorway looking for anyone who may have snuck through the guards out front. "Just a nightmare, she's alright" vessel said holding me tighter, I turned my face to hide from them. My body shaking uncontrollably. I felt vessel motion to them. "Sir?" And they turned and walked out of the room. "What's his name? I need you to tell me" vessel said calmly I cried harder "John wright." I said to him burying my face into his chest, he smelt like the woods, and it was comforting. "Okay, I'll be right back my love" he let me go but I pulled in back "don't go" I looked at him with sad eyes. He kissed my head "5 minutes I promise." He got up and closed the bedroom door behind him. I stood up and put my ear to the door "John wright, take care of it. Today. I don't care how you find him, kill him." He said the bass in his voice rang through my ears, I heard his footsteps turn back to the door and I ran back to the bed. "I'm here, you don't have to worry any longer okay?" Part of me was relieved he was going to be dead but is it what I wanted? I just leaned into him, he ran his fingers through my hair and rubbed my arm softly.
"Come on, we're not going to stay in here all day" vessel said standing up throwing his mask on "what are we doing?" I asked my face red and blotchy. "Going for a walk." He said digging through the closet finding me a dress. "Here." He handed me a red dress, I'd never seen it before. "Where did you find this?" I grabbed it and changed into it, perfect fit. "I've been making it, I finished it last night." He said almost embarrassed. "So this is why you were so distant from me." I let out a small smile and hugged him tightly. "Thank you. It's beautiful" he held me tightly. "A beautiful dress for a beautiful woman." He kissed my head and pulled me away. "Come on" we walked through the hall to the living room we sat and watched a couple movies. "Dinner sir." A maid had said. I stood and walked to the table, a stew it smelt delicious I waited for Vessel to join me and we ate in silence.
Once things were cleaned up I walked to my reading room, before I entered I saw the white door, the room Vessel took Lisa before ii took her away. I walked up to the door and grabbed the handle I turned it, surprisingly it wasn't locked, I walked in and shut the door behind me. It had a shrine in the corner of the room, rubies and candles. A salt circle in front of it and the walls had fainted stains, of god knows what I felt my heart sink and I saw in the corner of the room a chain. My mind immediately shot back to 7 years ago. I shook my head and walked out only to be met with Vessel standing in front of me, his face twisted he looked pissed. "What were you doing in there?" He spat out crossing his arms. "I.. I've never in that room and was curious." I said timidly. "Was I not supposed to be in there? You never told me I couldn't" he just stared at me with cold eyes there was no love in his eyes, only anger. "I don't want you in there anymore okay? That room is not for you, only for ones who question my authority or harm you got it?" I nodded, he walked off down the hall turning the corner to the garden. I watch him and walk back to my reading room. "What does he do in that room?" I ask myself but think nothing of it, was it a torture room, did he sacrifice them, I tried to shake the thought but a million questions ran through my mind. I get up and walk to the garden I find Vessel standing facing the woods arms crossed and he looked tense. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso. He jumped slightly and soon grabbed my arms pulling me into him, he lets go and turns around his face looked scared. "Why did you go in the room?" He asked again. I sigh "when you took Lisa in there I wondered what was in there but I only saw the shrine, the salt circle and the chain.." he stared at me his eyes went wide. "Why do you have a chain Vessel..." he looks at me then quickly looks away hiding the grimace on his face. "Did you plan to hurt me?" I asked. He shot his face back to me "No! Never I never planned to hurt you!" He yelled. I stepped back "then why is there a chain Vessel!!" I screamed at him. He just stared at me emotionless, he took a deep breath and sighed. "Angela, I kept myself chained in that room for 2 years.. I had no control over my anger, I snapped at anything it took two years of praying and worshiping to sleep to guide me to redirect my anger towards something good, so I chained myself to keep me and others safe, there." He said solum I looked at him and his eyes went glossy signaling he was about to cry. "I'm sorry, I.. I assumed the worse I'm sorry." I stepped towards him and he stepped back. "Why can't you trust me, I told you I'd never hurt you intentionally why now you think these things?" He asked his eyes filling with tears. I couldn't help but tear up along with him. "Because I'm scared."
Suddenly I see ii and iv walk through the door, I hadn't seen them in 3 days. "It's done sir." Vessel nodded "make yourselves useful" and motioned them away they obey and walk off. "I promised you anyone one who touched you would regret it. I keep my word. I'm not going to hurt you ever." He stepped forward and kissed my forehead. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close. "Okay." I smiled at him. Our arguments never lasted more than a few minutes I could t stay mad at him, he always did everything he could to protect me. I always believed him. "I'd kill anyone for you, know that." He whispered in my ear. I leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around me tightly not letting go. "Never leave please, my life had been so dark and you show up and boom my life has meaning." I lean back and kiss him "the only way I'll leave is if you tell me to go." He shakes his head "ill never say those words."

Do you wish that you loved me? Vessel X OCWhere stories live. Discover now