Chapter 12

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I was 39 weeks pregnant, I was so uncomfortable, my back always hurt, my feet swollen. Vessel hadn't left my side for the last two months, putting his entire life on hold to keep after me. I was grateful, but annoyed at the same time. I loved him more than anything but he constantly asked me if I was okay, if I need help standing up, sitting down. Everything.
I sat on the couch with a cup of tea, it was late august now, leaves slowing changing from bright green to a golden yellow and orange. Vessel joined me and smiled. "How are you this morning?" I rolled my eyes, looked at him and smiled. "Fine, but my back is killing me." His face goes stoic. "Im sorry can I do anything?" He asks "take this baby out of me." He chuckles. "Give it a week my love" I smile and reach for his hand. "I need to pee, again" he smiles "okay my love." He grabs my hand and places his hand on my lower back to help me up, suddenly I feel a rush of fluid run down my legs. I stop and look down, then back at vessel. "I think my water broke." His face goes white. "Are you sure?" He starts to get anxious, panicking even. "Okay, you need to stay calm if you freak out, I will too." I tell him, I feel a ton of pressure in my stomach and scream "yeah it's time." I groan and lean over. He keeps his hand on my back and yells for a guard.
ii shows up. "Sir" he says "get the doctor tell him to meet us in my bedroom, now!" He nods and runs to grab the doctor. Vessel walks me to our bedroom. I lean against the bed hands in front rocking back and forth to keep the pressure even between my hips. Vessel rubs my back "we're going to have a baby." He says still anxious. "You mean I'm having a baby you're here watching." I spit at him, the pain making me irritated "right, yes." He says, I change positions regularly to keep from burning out, I'm sweating I feel like I'm going to pass out, I've been in labor for 7 hours at this point I'm in complete agony, I have a nurse with me while we wait for the doctor to get in. "I feel like I need to push." I say groaning through a contraction. "Don't push, the doctors on his way." The nurse says, I lay on the bed, vessel and the nurse had changed the sheets and laid towels down to prevent anything getting ruined. "I'm here, let's have a baby!" The doctor says smiling and walks over to me. He pulls my dress up and sits at the edge of the bed. I see vessel glare at him. "Let him work, someone's gotta catch this baby." I say, he grabs my hand and nods. The doctor looks at me, "ready?" I nod at him squeezing vessels hand, he looks at me. "You can do this baby." I brace and push as hard as I can. "8, 9, 10. Good relax." The doctor says I throw my head back groaning, a nurse grabs a cold wet rag wiping my face. "Again, push!" The doctor exclaims I brace again pushing hard, I feel a huge amount of pressure and scream. "Keep pushing I see his head!" I continue to push and vessel stares at me, half worried half excited. "You can relax." I hear a loud cry the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. "Jericho.." I say out of breath I lay my head back and close my eyes. "You did it baby, he's beautiful." Vessel looks at me, I open my eyes and the doctor sets Jericho on my chest, I hold him gently and run my finger down his cheek. "Absolutely amazing, you're so loved my precious." I say quietly with tears forming, he's got a full head of dark hair, fair skin like mine and deep brown eyes. I look up at vessel and see tears running down his face. " you want to hold him?" I ask he nods excitedly and sits next to me on the bed, he holds his arms out, I gently lay him into Vessels arms. "He's so beautiful, he looks just like you." Vessel says he kisses his head and rocks back and forth, Jericho fussed slightly but quickly calmed down. I look at my two boys and can't help but be completely in love, I have a family. I now know what vessel felt when he said he'd protect me at all costs. I'd lay my life down for this small creature. "I love you." I say to Vessel. He hands Jericho back to me and kisses my head. "You two sleep, you've had a long day." He continues and sits beside me stroking my arm and has the biggest smile on his face, he's so proud.

Jericho was now 3 months old, sitting up on his own, vessel had become such a wonderful father, he helped both of us, taking care of Jericho while I slept or showered, bottle fed him and even napped with him. I walk out of the shower and dry off, I look into the mirror and tear up, I saw stretch marks. "Disgusting.." I tell myself and cry into my hands, my body had completely changed I lost all my baby weight but I had stretch marks and dark circles under my eyes from being up all hours of the night with Jericho. I hear vessel walk in "don't ever say that about yourself, a few stretch marks doesn't change a thing about you." He says and wraps his arms around me. He kisses my neck and leans his head against mine. "Jericho is down for a nap, go lie down you look exhausted. I'll wake you before dinner." I nod and kiss him, walking to the bed. He covers me up kisses my forehead and leaves the room. I fall asleep.
Vessel wakes me up about 3 hours later. "Baby, dinners ready." He runs his fingers through my hair, holding Jericho in his other arm. I open my eyes and smile "my two handsome boys." I say and sit up. He holds out his hand and helps me out of bed. I grab Jericho from Vessel and we walk to the dining room. I hold Jericho in one arm while I eat with the other. Jericho coos at me and I rub my nose against his. "You're such a wonderful mother." Vessel says smiling at us. "I couldn't have done it with out you by my side." I say. I look into Vessels eyes and get lost in them. I'm brought back to reality when Jericho tugs on my shirt. I sit him on my knee and hand him a toy to fidget with. I finish eating, vessel takes my plate and I stand and take Jericho to his nursery. We sit on the floor playing for a while. "Time for a bath little one." He holds his arms up, I bathe him and dress him. I walk him to the nursery and rock him in the chair, singing a lullaby. He quickly falls asleep, laying him in his crib and walking to the bedroom, finding Vessel lying in bed sleeping. I stare at him intently and think to myself. What did I do to deserve such a wonderful life. I join him in bed and fall asleep with him, thankful to have both my boys in my life, I don't know where I'd be without them.

Do you wish that you loved me? Vessel X OCWhere stories live. Discover now