In the past part 1

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The six of them found themselves on a surface of light brown clay stretching over a great distance. There was nothing clear in sight other than eight people, who wore tight bands of fur around their flat chests and their waists, standing a few meters in front of them.
"Ye com!" yelled the one with the largest hat made from tree twigs.
Sam replied, "This isn't the start I expected."
One of the people wearing bands threw a spear towards the group aiming at Peter. Liz extended her right arm to bring down a lightning bolt to strike the weapon. Instead, long thin sparks extended out of her raised hand and hit the spear while her other hand, which was raised to her chest, shot out sparks long enough to reach their attackers. The attack, seeming like ultra-thin lightning bolts, travelled from one guard to the next. After a few seconds, each member of the patrol in front of the group of six collapsed on the ground in pain.
While Liz and the others looked at Liz' hands confused, a voice behind them said, "Gad yer no lesne."
The six of them turned around and faced a five-foot tall guard, who had no weapons nor clothes. The group tried to stare at the person's long braided head-hair. Gwen, Rose and Peter did it to feel more comfortable while Alex, Liz and Sam wanted to stay focused on fighting.
"Koj!" shouted the naked guard.Rose and Sam assumed that the person's lack of weapons meant that they had a powerful ability so Rose tried to throw a blast of energy, and Sam, a fireball. However, neither one could move their arms. The other four couldn't move either. Slowly, the six of them felt their hands placed on their bodies palms facing inwards.
Liz half-shouted surprised as she failed to resist the force, "What's happening?"
"Alex, is this you?" asked Sam confused.
Alex replied, "No, I can't move either. Not that I would prevent us from moving right now."
Disappointed that they were already seemingly going to fail in their mission, Peter commented, "I guess that means that person's doing it. This sucks."
The naked guard began to walk in the direction away from their peers dragging the group of six along telekinetically. One of the other patrol members recovered from Liz' attack and joined them.
"Where are you taking us?" asked Sam while struggling to break free from the hold on her.
"Is anyone else getting a flashback to when we were almost executed?" asked Peter.
Trying to distract herself, Gwen said, "We can't take people by surprise when we accidentally maybe time travel and now, when we time travel on purpose."
As a joke, Rose added, "What does it take to take them by surprise?"
"Alex, can't you counter what he's doing?" asked Sam in a low voice.
Alex replied, "I'm trying. It's not working."
The talking ended a couple of minutes later because they didn't receive any responses from their captors and speaking made Peter worry aloud about being killed. The patrol members remained silent while the group was dragged through the vast land able to see little other than blurry shapes in the distance.

After a good twenty minutes of being pulled through the air, the group of six was stopped in front of a huge structure with triangular sides and a square base made of multi-coloured sandstone. It was the first structure that they saw. At the left and right sides stood a cube building. They were both less than one quarter of the pyramid's size and made of brown and orange sandstone. The kidnappers stared at the pyramid's visible entrance, which was one and a half meters high. Two guards stood there under the shade of a five-meter tall red cactus. Four more exited the pyramid to speak with the two that brought the group. After a few short phrases among one another, the building's guards took Gwen and Rose. They twisted Gwen's and Rose's arms behind their backs and brought them to the pyramid.
Sam shouted, "What are you doing? Take me too!"
Alex said, "If it means being released from this, take me too. I hate this feeling."
Liz commented crossed, "I wish I could electrocute these guys."
"Are they splitting us up or are they coming back for us?" asked Peter worried. He was more anxious about the first option. The thought reminded him how much better horrible events were when they were together.
When those holding Gwen and Rose reached the entrance, the naked guard lessened their ability over Gwen and Rose to allow the bending of their bodies so that they could be brought into the structure.

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