In the past part 3

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Sam and the others caught up to the two people that were indeed Gwen and Rose and slowed to a stop.
Sam said, "How'd you get away? Are your abilities working?"
"What do you mean?" asked Gwen.
Alex answered, "We've been having issues with ours."
Trying to look on the bright side, Sam added, "Ya, Alex can't move things and I can't make proper fires. But I can make one hell of an explosion... or help create one with Alex."
Liz said, "You already saw what I can do."
Peter added, "We don't know about me yet. What about you? Is anything different?"
Rose looked at Gwen.
Gwen looked back at her, then turning back to others, answered, "Nope."
"Did you find the person who we're here for?" asked Rose. "I'm assuming that they had something to do with this."
Liz replied, "Ya, we think he's the one they took us to at the house."
"Should we go back there?" responded Gwen.
Alex answered, "The one who can control us might still be there. We need a plan."
Sam said, "Let's find somewhere to hide and think of one." She wanted to get out of the open space despite no one else being around.
Alex suggested, "We can try the abandoned-looking hut at the edge of the village."
Liz joked, "Another abandoned building. I miss our fancy hotel days."
Enjoying the memory, Peter added, "With karaoke."
Smiling, Sam added, "And a hot tub."
They walked back to the town talking about their previous adventure.

When the conversation about spending nights in previous dimensions finished, Sam repeated herself, "How'd you get away, Gwen?"
Gwen didn't want to share any of the events in the pyramid. She hoped that someone would change the subject but the others, except Rose, waited for a response. Gwen looked at Rose, who looked away from her as their eyes met.
Trying to end the conversation before certain details were mentioned, Rose said, "We were in a cell and then, we were magically out."
"What actually happened?" asked Alex.
Gwen added to Rose's version, "Rose blasted the bars that trapped us over and over again. Then we were free."
"What about the guards?" asked Liz.
Gwen answered, "They were gone."
"So your abilities are fully functional?" asked Sam looking at Rose.
Rose answered, "No. I should have been able to break through with one to three blasts."
Peter commented, "I still want to test my powers."
"Did anything else happen?" asked Sam knowing that her sister was hiding something.
Gwen answered, "Nope."
Alex replied, "You're not saying much, bud. Was it that bad being alone together?"
"It wasn't fun." Rose didn't let herself add another comment on the subject. "I'm thirsty."
Peter responded, "Me too. I can help. Give me a minute to do it to myself. I don't want anything weird to happen to you if my powers don't work."
Peter focused on his body as the group kept moving. After a minute, his facial expression showed confusion. He closed his eyes not saying anything. The others waited for an update.
Another minute passed before Peter said, "It's not working. I don't feel what I usually do."
Liz didn't want the others to start another conversation about their lack of typical abilities. It made her feel guilty about being the only one that wasn't as negatively affected. "Do you realize how marvelous this is? We saw the future. It was apocalyptic but still. The future! Now we're in the past!"
Gwen asked Liz for details of the buildings and of the people seen during their separation. Peter joined the conversation. After spending a couple of minutes thinking about the change in their abilities, Alex and Sam decided to participate in the conversation as well while Rose followed beside them quietly.

As they crossed the village's border, the sun had already set leaving their surroundings dark. The group walked searching for a place to discuss a plan while trying to stay out of any villager's sight, including any and all patrol. They discovered that the small timber and twig hut to which Alex had referred was occupied. A few people dressed in torn blouses and skirts had made it their home and carved several beds into the dirt and created a small fire. Although the group of six scared the people off entering the structure, the six of them left it right away to allow the others to return to it. The group continued farther into the town. The few villagers whom they passed gave the six of them weird looks staring at their clothes. In case those people planned on alerting an authority figure, the group quickened their pace to find a place to hide and returned closer to the edge of the village. There were fewer people there but also fewer homes. After some time, they saw a wooden barn with a thick wooden barrier keeping its doors closed and a panel near it marked with an "X" as if to tell people not to enter. Behind the sign, there were a well and a cabin, which was a meter wide and two meters high. Alex confirmed that the cabin was an outside toilet by opening its door. Then they walked to the well, which contained a pulley with a rope attached to a bucket, and gathered some water to drink. No longer thirsty, the group hurried to the larger cabin. Sam removed the long barrier on the doors with Alex and the both of them opened one door only enough to see most of the interior. The place was almost empty. There were some flattened boxwood trees in a back corner and a small truck-sized cultivating machine in another. No one was inside so they opened the door wider and the six of them stepped into the barn. Liz shut the door behind them while looking around. The structure had an empty upper level but no steps to reach it on any wall nor on any of the poles holding it up. The area was large enough for the group to spread out later to sleep apart while still being seen by one another unless one was behind the machine.

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