Epilogue part 1

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The six of them stepped into the park in front of the copper statue of their mayor riding a unicorn.
Veronica stood nearby seemingly focused on nothing, then noticed the group in front of her. "Did something go wrong with the portal?"
Sam replied, "No, we went to the future and helped them."
"How much time passed?" asked Peter.
Veronica answered, "I believe less than five minutes."
Alex commented, "When they say precise, they mean it. It's not perfect but it's pretty good though."
Veronica said, "That works well for me. I thought that I would have to wait a lot longer. I have a new message."
"Already?" responded Liz worried that the danger wasn't over.
"You can go home and rest. It's a small message for Rose."
Liz relaxed.
"Me?" asked Rose. "Why?"
Gwen said, "I'm going home. I really want to be home right now." She began to walk away.
Starting to follow Gwen, Peter replied, "I'll go with you."
Liz said to Peter, "I thought we could go to my place instead."
"That works too." Before turning around, Peter asked Gwen, "Do you feel well enough to go home alone or do you want us to go with you?"
Already focused on being back in her room, Gwen replied, "I'm okay."
Sam turned to face Alex. "Where do you want to go?"
"First, I want to know what this message is for Rose. Then, even though it hasn't been long, I'm hungry."
"Ya, me too." Sam wondered why she felt so hungry when she had eaten a few hours ago as far as she was concerned.

Gwen, Liz and Peter left the park while Veronica brought Rose aside far enough for Alex and Sam to not hear them.
Veronica said, "It seems that you have a future important role. Someone who's been watching feels that it would be best if a certain relation was stronger."
"What relation?" asked Rose. "How am I important?"
"I don't know. It was a short message which means no side effects for me. Be at the park in front of the library half an hour before midday tomorrow."
"I'm merely meant to give the message. What you do with it is up to you." Veronica didn't want to say more. Her vision had warned her to give Rose few details.
Veronica left before Rose could ask her more questions.

Alex and Sam approached Rose.
"What was the big message?" asked Alex. "Are we going somewhere else?" She was partially excited to go somewhere new, yet hoping to not have to go anywhere.
"Ya, like a movie-like mission?" added Sam a little enthusiastic.
Rose answered, "No, she just wants me to go to the park tomorrow."
"Why?" asked Sam disappointed and relieved.
"Something about a better relation."
Alex responded, "Strange. Do you want to join us at Jay's Buns?"
"No, I feel weird. I'm going to my place."
They said goodbye and went their separate ways.

Liz and Peter arrived at Liz' condo apartment. There was a note left on the small electronic device by the interior doorframe. Liz read it quickly before erasing it. It told her that her parents went on vacation for a few days to avoid worrying about her.
She redirected her attention to Peter. "What's wrong, babe? You barely said anything on the way over." She suspected that his behaviour was related to what only she knew. She didn't ask him sooner because she didn't want to discuss it in public.
Peter answered, "I feel like I lost something. Or something bad happened. I don't know. It's like I lost something, then got it back and forgot I ever even lost it."
"... What makes you think that? Were you that worried to time travel?"
"I don't think so. I guess it's possible. I just have this feeling pushing me to do something big. To make sure everyone in my life knows how I feel. When we were lost in those worlds and taken to that twisted game world, it made sense. I was so scared. This time, the feeling is stronger. I wasn't even that worried to travel through time. I was excited to help. Healing those injured people allowed me to help in a bigger way. Though those injuries are hard to get out of my head."
"Ya, that sight stays with you. Plus, you had to get close to heal them. Maybe it got to you. What matters is everything is fine. You don't have to do anything big. Though if you want to make another seven big dates in a row, I don't mind. It was great the last time. Especially our hike in the hills."
"You know what happened, don't you? What happened?"
"It's better you don't know. Everything is fine now. That's what matters."
"Did I die? That would explain everything."
"Everything's fine. It doesn't matter what happened."
"I did die! What if I'm meant to die young? How can I not start doing big things?"
"Babe, really—"
"Will you marry me?" blurted out Peter.
"What!" replied Liz flabbergasted.
"I don't have anything to ask you with and we should have spoken about it first. And I really shouldn't be asking in dirty shoes. I should have stopped at the house to change them." Peter took off his footwear.
"Babe..." Liz wondered why she couldn't say yes.
"Babe what?"
"I'm flattered you'd want to marry me." Quickly, Liz mentally went through a list of reasons to hold back. "It's too soon for us. If you still feel like this in a year or two, we can talk about it then. Not now. We haven't even had sex in most of the positions I enjoy." She chose that reason because the subject had been on her mind lately. "That's not important to get married."
"That's ONE reason it's too soon. We shouldn't rush into that."
Peter sighed. "You're right. It's too soon to get married. I'm sorry I asked. It's all too much right now."
Liz kissed him, took his hand and walked him into her purple-painted bedroom. He followed without hesitation.
As they passed her long rack of outfits, Liz said, "Is it too much to have sex the way we talked about last week? My parents won't be back any time soon."
"I'm thinking about it. I'll let you know in a few minutes." Peter kissed her.
Liz smiled as she threw Peter onto her bed.

That night, Rose wondered what could have actually happened during their trip to the past and about the meaning behind Veronica's message. Although she couldn't remember the events during the initial trip, she was asking herself the same questions as Alex and Sam. She went over the same thoughts for a good hour feeling more and more pressured to figure it out by the following day. Finally, she called Bradley for advice.

The phone application on Bradley's wheelchair lit up indicating that a call was coming through. He accepted it using the voice-activated system while rolling into his living room, whose largest wall contained a large digital poster animating a small fire. Real or fake, Bradley always enjoyed looking at small fires whether it was for a minute or for an hour.
With a smile, Bradley said, "Look who's calling."
Knowing that her friend referred to her preference for communicating by written messages, Rose replied, "It's not like I have a choice. Unless your message app is working."
"It isn't. I'm not going to send the chair in for repairs when everything else works great. I'd rather not be able to send text messages than have it returned with any of the other technology glitching."
"Sometimes we think too much alike. Or is it that one of us made the other paranoid over time?"
"Seeing how I'm an empath, if anything, you're the one who made me paranoid. So what made you get over your calling issues this beautiful night?"
"I don't know what to do about her."
"Who her? Gwen? Nothing. She dumped you, remember?"
"Of course, I remember. I have to figure this out for tomorrow."
Bradley joked, "I'm an empath, not all-knowing." Bradley enjoyed reminding Rose of her tendency to forget to update him before asking for his opinion.
"I had to see her again. Alex tricked me. She said gargoyles were attacking her so I went to help. Except when I got there, there were no gargoyles and the other one was there. Liz, Peter and Sam were there too but they don't matter for this. Then, Alex dragged me through a time portal."
"A time portal? How come I'm never invited to join your adventures?" asked Bradley only slightly jealous. He preferred joining them in his imagination than truly being with them in other dimensions and time periods. "Go on."
"First, we're in the future and I tried to avoid her. That felt like forever but worked fine. Then we went to the past. We were never alone and it took maybe a couple of hours but it felt more like a couple of days and like we had been alone at some point."
"Why? Do you feel like you two hooked up?"
"I feel like things were said that I'm not happy about but I have no idea what. That would be fine on its own but when we returned here, Veronica told me I had to go to the park tomorrow to make better relations."
Bradley took a few seconds to remember who Veronica was. "Better relations with Veronica?"
"No, her. The other her."
"How do you know it's about her?"
"It has to be. Who else could it involve? I don't have any problems in my relations with the others. We're not really friends but that's not new."
"The whole thing sounds off and vague. I don't know if I can help. I'm no longer jealous you ask Alex about these things first. What did she say?"
"I didn't ask her. She'd just tell me to have sex with her. The other her, not Alex-her."
"I was keeping up. Does her advice ever not involve telling you to have sex?"
"It happens but it's rare."
"What do you think the message means because I have no idea."
"She, Veronica, said something about it being important for the future. Am I supposed to date her? She's already with someone else. That wouldn't be a problem for some but it is for me."
"Yeah, you're way too jealous to be with someone who's also dating someone else."
"Don't I get any points for not hitting people?"
"So what do I do?"
"I don't know. Why would your relationship with your ex influence the future? You didn't work out. It happens. You can't date her like nothing happened. If it's so important, you can try being friends."
"Says the one who could never remain friends with his exes."
"Is it my fault I'm always the one who loses interest and can feel everything they feel? Do you know how hard it is to be around someone who you don't want to have sex with anymore but you can feel how much they want to have sex with you? It's not easy to control yourself."
"I only know what it's like to be with someone who's afraid to have sex with me."
"You weren't exactly ready for certain parts either."
"I know, I know."
"Steve is calling me. The crème brûlée is ready. Show up and if it is about her, then talk. Talk like you're friends and maybe something will make sense." Bradley was already visualizing the dessert made by his caregiver.
"All right. Bye." Rose turned off her phone application.

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