In the past part 4

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"C'MON, wake up!" shouted Sam with a high amount of energy. "We need to get going."
Gwen slowly stirred awake.
The dream that Rose remembered ended so abruptly that it woke her.
Liz and Peter were still stretching when Gwen looked in Rose's direction and quickly turned away the instant that Rose looked back at her.
"What?" asked Rose blushing. She wondered if Gwen had read her dream and judged her on it.
Gwen replied while avoiding looking her way, "Nothing."
"It's not a good day for a dream like that. I can still smell the... peaches?"
"How would you know?"
Alex asked them, "What are you two talking about?"
Gwen answered quickly, "Nothing."
Gwen's response made Rose ask herself if it truly had been her own dream. After all, she had heard Gwen's thoughts in the pyramid. Since Gwen could telepathically share images, Rose wondered if sharing a dream could be one of her abilities.

After they visited the outhouse separately, the six of them left to find the house in which four of them had been trapped the previous day. Again, Liz led the way. She seemed to be the only one that knew in which direction to go. The six of them reviewed their plan to prevent the man from going to the future and shared more ideas about how to confirm that he was the one after whom they were sent. Alex and Liz tried to add a back-up plan focusing on their new odd abilities in case they would encounter the naked guard again. Even after a few ideas, their best way to confirm who would cross over was to witness the person going through a portal. As for meeting the naked patrol again, their only plan was to surprise them from behind.

The group stopped two buildings away from the desired brick house because Sam insisted that they discuss the plan once more. They had decided that Alex and Sam would enter from the front while the rest of them would go to the back and wait for the signal, which would be the first of either three minutes passing or Alex or Sam shouting. At the brick building, Sam wanted to see the interior before going inside but there were no windows nor any clear openings other than the hole that they had seen through the roof, which was one meter above her head. Alex and Sam considered getting on the roof but the partial view of only one room wasn't worth the effort. They opened the front door anticipating guards but the hallway before them was clear. They went inside without closing the door. No one else could be seen nor heard. The two of them slowly made their way to the back through the hallway, which was illuminated by two of the four lanterns and by the sunlight coming through the front doorway. Alex and Sam hoped to find someone while hoping that no one was there. They peered into the first two rooms. They were empty. While stepping into the back room, Sam froze.
"Why are you stopping?" asked Alex.
"Mmmmm" was all Sam said.
Alex felt her body immobilize before the naked person that had first brought them there stepped into view from her left. The person smiled triumphantly but their smirk faded as they realized that Alex's and Sam's focus was on something behind them.
Sam tried to warn the object of her attention, "Mmmm!"
The guard turned to face the direction in which the other two stared. A semi-transparent Rose stood in the back room close to the wall. The patrol member tried to control her body but Rose continued to move. They continued to attempt to prevent her from moving and grew more and more frustrated as their attempts failed. Rose paced back and forth seemingly confused and oblivious to what was happening while Alex and Sam fought against the grasp on them but couldn't free themselves. Their focus was split between escaping the guard's ability and wondering what Rose was doing.

Behind the house, Gwen stood over Rose's body on the ground.
Liz approached Gwen. "What happened?"
Gwen replied, "I don't know. She suddenly fell."
"Was she trying to do something? What was she thinking about before this?" Liz was concerned about Rose and about not being able to go through the back door on time to help Alex and Sam.
Not wanting to admit that she had tried to read Rose's thoughts and failed, Gwen said, "I don't know. I wasn't reading her."
"Just great!" exclaimed Peter. "Rose is unconscious, AGAIN. Sam and Alex are inside and we have no way to communicate with them or see what's going on. Why doesn't this house have any windows?"
Liz asked him, "Do you want to go in now?"
"Yes. I know Sam told us to wait but either no one is in there or they're in trouble."
"What about Rose?" replied Gwen. "We can't leave her here."
Rejoining Peter, Liz responded, "You stay with her. If we need help, Peter will scream and you can be our plan C."

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