Epilogue part 2

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The following morning, Sam arrived at Milli's house. She let herself in with a digital key attached to her satellite device and greeted Lilla, Lilly and Milli, who were playing chess in the living room. Milli was showing the kids how to defeat Gwen and Richard in the game. Sam headed to Gwen's room because her sister had messaged her the previous night asking to discuss something. The bedroom door was opened so Sam stepped inside and closed the door behind her seeing that Gwen was alone and waiting on her bed.
Even though it wasn't early in the morning, Gwen commented, "You're here early. Living with Alex is really changing you."
Sam joked, "You'd be surprised how early Alex has to get up. It seems no one told the porn industry they're only supposed to work at night."
"Are you still enjoying it there?"
"Ya, it's great. Same as when you asked me the last time. Do you miss me that much or are you stalling?"
"Why would I stall?"
"So you miss me and want me to move back in?"
"No. Yeah, I miss you but I'm not trying to make you move back."
"You're stalling then."
Gwen responded with a shoulder shrug.
"What did you want to talk to me about? C'mon." Sam joined her sister on the bed.
"Okay... this already sounds weird. ... I need your help with sex."
"Sex?" said Sam with a big smile. "Yes! I've been hoping you'd ask me for so long. What do you want to know? Positions? Toys? Outfits? Rope or handcuffs?"
"No, no, no and no! ... I want you to push me to have it."
"You want me to what?" asked Sam confused and worried.
"I need someone to convince me to have it now and who better than someone who thinks everyone should be having it all of the time?"
"Do you want to have sex?"
"Maybe. I have to."
"No, you don't. I'm not going to convince you to have it if you don't want it. I may be all for everyone having sex all the time but I don't include those who don't want to."
"Really? After all your bugging me, you're telling me not to have it."
"If you don't want to, yes, DON'T have it."
"I have to have it."
"She's going to leave me."
"Then let her leave you. Actually, you should be leaving her. Did she tell you that?" Sam mumbled a comment. "Not that I'm surprised."
"She said it. She gave me a week. Today's the last day."
"Gwen, don't do this to yourself. Kim's not worth any of this. You already know that; you stopped reading her. Leave her or let her leave you but don't let her push you into this or anything else."
"Why not? You let your dates push you into all kinds of things. Most of which I would have preferred not hearing about."
"Ya but I was one hundred percent willing."
"I have to do this."
"Why? The real reason."
"Because I have to. I can't with Rose. No!" Gwen stood up frustrated.
"What does that have to do with Kim?" asked Sam.
"I have to do this. This will solve everything." Gwen walked out of the room.
Sam left the room and replied loudly so Gwen would hear her, "No, it won't. It won't help anything." She went to the ramp to catch up to Gwen but her sister was already on the main floor. "Gwen! C'mon, Gwen! Don't do this to yourself!"
Gwen went out the front door.
Milli stood up to look at the front door, then at Sam. "Is everything all right?"
Sam replied, "No but she doesn't want us to stop her."
Milli was concerned but knew that if Sam wasn't running out the door to chase after Gwen, then Gwen wasn't in serious trouble.
In a low voice, Sam said, "Good luck, Gwen."

Gwen entered the apartment building where Kim lived. She walked through the large clean hallway and stepped into one of the four rectangular elevators. Like most elevators in the city, it had a back wall connecting the floor platform to the ceiling one and two side walls one meter high to prevent people from accidentally falling over the edge and from jumping onto the adjacent elevator. Gwen inhaled deeply as she pushed the button for the tenth floor on the front wall.

Inside Gwen's head

Am I making a mistake? Sam never doesn't encourage having sex. Why is she so opposed to this? I didn't say I didn't want to. Not really. Isn't this how it's supposed to be? Not being sure. I think I'm ready. I need to face this. Sam thinks it shouldn't be with Kim but Kim is the one I'm seeing. Who else should it be with? I can't use Rose. I can't. I wouldn't be able to handle it if it didn't go well. With Kim, I think I can handle it. I know I can handle it going wrong with her much better than with Rose. With Kim, I have a reason. I have to keep this relationship. And Kim's thoughts don't bother me as much as before. They're normal anyway, aren't they? ... Rose never had those thoughts. She did wonder why I never took off my bra but never mocked me like Kim. Maybe I am making a mistake. Maybe it won't go badly with Rose. Maybe she won't care. But what if she does? I can't. It has to be with Kim. I need to go through with this so it should be with someone who I can handle it going wrong with. It would be a lot better if I didn't do this at all. With the way Kim judged me for all those other things, imagine this. I should have talked to Sam more. Asked what she meant by me doing this to myself. She made it seem like I'm punishing myself. I'm living my life and I'd rather it go wrong with Kim than Rose. It's all normal, isn't it? Kim is normal. Everything is different with Kim. She thinks about being with others even when we're together touching. She compares me to others, usually in a bad way. That's why people say it's a good thing you can't read your partner's mind, isn't it? With Rose, it wasn't a bad thing. For the most part, I'd hear what she wouldn't say in words. What she liked when. It was nice. Maybe I should do this with Rose. No! It has to be with Kim. It's normal, which is what I want. Kim is the normal way to go. Isn't it? I felt more comfortable with Rose but I can't make this about that. I need normal. I need to be in control. If I have the control, then she doesn't. Forget what Sam thinks. She can't understand. Though she's usually right for relationships. Maybe I should listen to her. No. Normal. Control. Able to handle it. I already know it wont' go well. Why am I doing this? I'm already here. Okay, if I do this with Rose... I can't. If she... I can't. It has to be Kim. There won't be any surprises with her. I can do this. I don't care what Kim thinks. Let it go wrong. I hope it doesn't but if it has to, it's better with Kim.

Provoking Alternate Time Lines (W|W cast version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora