In the past part 2

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Standing one meter from her target in the cell, Rose threw white energy circles at the sandstone wall. Each blast made only a few grains of rock fall.
Gwen said, "How long are you going to do that for? At this rate, it'll take forever to create a hole for us to escape."
Rose replied feeling stressed, "This shouldn't be having such a weak effect. It's like there's something wrong with my powers." Her abilities' minimal effect was only a small cause of her frustration. Being in the same room as Gwen was returning a lot of emotions with which she preferred not dealing at that moment. Or at all. She wanted to touch Gwen, to talk to her, to yell at her and even to disappear in entirety.
Gwen tried to make Rose feel better. "Maybe this material is stronger. Not everything in... the future is better."
Rose threw herself against the wall sideways and let herself fall to the ground. She was giving up on her plan and hoped that the pain from hitting the wall would overpower her other feelings.
"Where do you think they brought the others?" asked Gwen.
"I don't know. This is ridiculous. Alex and her stupid lies about gargoyles. Which if you weren't paying attention, in the... future-future, the animals at the castle and in the sky prove that gargoyles can exist."
"Gargoyles aren't animals. They're unique animal-LOOKING water spouts on buildings."
"Water spouts?" asked Rose in a low voice. "Either way, now I'm here and we're alone."
"Why do you say it like it's a bad thing? We should still be able to talk and be in the same room."
Rose replied sarcastically as Gwen walked over to her, "'Cause why would it be bad?"
"There's nothing else for us to do right now. Since we haven't spoken in nearly two months, we have plenty to talk about." Gwen sat down right beside Rose. "... Are you seeing anyone?" Gwen didn't want an answer and wanted one at the same time.
"Out of all things to talk about, that's your first question?" asked Rose bothered mostly due to what she felt from Gwen being so close: an overwhelming warm sensation and excessive calmness considering their situation. "Maybe I have a new lover every night."
"Hhmm, what to believe: what you're saying or what I know you're thinking?"
"You're not allowed in my head anymore. Fine, I don't have anyone. Not all of us can get over people in just one day."
"I didn't start seeing Kim the next day. It had been weeks. Not that it matters. Despite what I know you're thinking, how long passed before I dated someone doesn't mean anything." Gwen couldn't actually read Rose's mind at that moment. She wanted Rose to think that she could to ensure that Rose didn't hide anything.
"Didn't I just tell you no more mind reading? Do you do the same thing to your precious new girlfriend?"
"Never? You read me at least half of the time. Why does she get to be free in her thoughts?"
Gwen shrugged.
"'Course. I'm glad you had so little trust in me the whole time but her, she's trustworthy from the start."
"I read her thoughts at first. I had to stop."
Rose didn't want to continue the conversation but thought that it might give her answers regarding why they had broken up. "Why did you stop?"
"Let's say it didn't help."
"What does that mean? It doesn't sound good, yet not feeling the need to read someone should be a good thing."
Gwen shrugged her shoulders again.
"Can't I know whether you kept reading my thoughts 'cause you liked what you heard or 'cause you thought I was fantasizing about others?"
Gwen didn't respond.
"Nothing? Even though you know right now I'm thinking that's why you broke up with me. You're just going to let me think something that might be far from the truth to avoid telling me anything real."
Gwen wanted to answer but couldn't say what was on her mind.
Rose created some distance between the two of them ending their conversation. Neither one enjoyed the silence that followed but it seemed better than the increasing tension from conversing.

Alex, Liz, Peter and Sam knocked on stones around them.
Peter said, "Guys, I feel stupid for not thinking of this sooner. Why doesn't Alex just bring us back up?"
Sam responded, "Because they might still be up there. We don't stand a chance against the one who brought us here."
"Who do you think they are?" asked Liz. "Do you think one of them's the one we're here for?"
Alex stated, "I want to know how they knew we were coming."
Sam replied, "Ironically enough, losing our element of surprise may have led us right to who we need to stop."
"The guy with the collar or the naked one?" asked Peter.
Alex answered him, "The one with the collar. He seems in charge. Why else would they care about us?"
Sam responded, "I was thinking the same thing."
"How do we stop whoever it is?" asked Peter. "The people never told us what to do."
Liz answered, "We stop him from getting into a portal."
Alex replied, "Peter has a point. We don't know how to completely stop him. We can stop him from going into one portal but what prevents him from making another?"
Sam said, "We should have asked questions. I was so excited to time travel I didn't think of it."
Liz added, "Me too. I was marvelled by the animals at the door. I wonder where they are in our time." She moved farther into the darkness to slap stones. "Plus, this whole past-future-future-past different time lines thing confuses me."
Peter replied, "Those creatures were pretty cool. I wouldn't mind befriending one."
"Really?" asked Alex surprised. "You weren't scared of them?"
"No. They're much less scarier than some of the things we've seen." Alex nodded her head to show that she understood and Peter continued to speak. "Besides, I'm a lot less scared of things now. I'm happy about it and not at the same time. I still think it would have been better if we were never stuck in those dimensions and never kidnapped."
"We were never—" started saying Alex when Liz felt a stone move and shouted excitedly, "I found something!"
Sam felt relief as the returning thoughts of their kidnapping vanished into her subconscious once more. Liz pulled on the latest stone touched. It came out of the wall and fell to the ground, where it broke in two. She put her arm into the revealed space to confirm that there was nothing behind it as the others approached her. She pulled her arm out and added, "I think this is it."
Peter jumped out of joy. He extended his arms to remove more stones around the hole.
Sam said, "Peter, let Alex do it. It'll be faster."
Liz and Peter stepped aside to give Alex more space to move the stones. Two rocks slightly shifted positions and nothing more.
"Alex?" said Sam.
Alex replied, "I'm trying. There's something wrong with my ability."
Sam responded, "We'll do it by hand then."
Before they moved, Liz said, "I have an idea. Stand back."
Liz raised her right arm aiming at the wall and a stream of sparks shot out of her hand. The stones before her collapsed and revealed a two-meter tall and one-meter wide tunnel.
Peter commented, "Your new power is so cool."
Liz replied, "I'm still not sure how I feel about it but I do enjoy not needing a window or having to be outside. I'm not sure it'll stick."
"Why not?" asked Alex. "Do you think your new ability has to do with our time travelling? That could explain why mine isn't working properly."
Sam said, "I didn't want to say anything but mine are changing too. Look at the fire I'm holding. It's usually two or three times bigger and more spherical."
Looking for something to use, Peter replied, "I wonder if mine changed. I'm not sure how to test it around here."
Wanting to change the subject, Liz said, "C'mon, let's get outside and find Gwen and Rose."

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