Back to the past

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Before one of the guards could launch their spear at Peter, Liz lifted her left arm in the direction of those in front of her and directed the other one behind her towards the naked one. Long sparks shot out of both of her hands. Alex, Gwen, Peter, Rose and Sam were confused as they watched the patrol in front them lose consciousness. None of them had yet to notice the threat.
Slightly jealous, Alex commented, "Those are quick reflexes."
Seeing Liz' right arm behind her, Sam turned around and spotted the naked guard. "How did you know about the one behind us?"
Peter was grateful that he didn't have to fight and not surprised by Liz' reaction time. "What happened to your powers? That was so cool."
Rose said to herself, "I feel weird. Also a little nauseous."
Forgetting that the others were there, Gwen added, "Me too. Like I was taken apart and put back together."
Alex replied, "It could be a time travel effect. I feel fine though."
Liz responded to all of them, "I can't answer anything right now. We need to find the man. I know where he is."
Liz moved swiftly in the direction of the town. The others followed her believing that she knew where to go. 

Alex and Sam were convinced that something had happened that they had somehow missed. They refused to believe that Liz could both notice a threat and react to it significantly quicker than them without having been given an advantage. The two of them asked Liz questions along the way about what Liz knew and how she knew it. Peter also suspected that Liz had been given extra information and asked her a few questions, mostly about the change in her abilities. Gwen and Rose walked behind the other four not sharing the same concerns. The two of them felt that they knew things that hadn't happened and that the desert was a giant déjà vu. Rose wanted to talk about it but Gwen was the only one who seemed to relate and for some unknown reason to her, the thought of having a conversation with Gwen bothered her. Gwen also wanted to talk about it but could tell that things were somehow worse between herself and Rose. She tried to determine the reason by reading Rose's mind but could hear only partial phrases and failed to receive any visuals. She tried to get into the minds of the others but failed to hear or see anything clearly. She kept the problem to herself.

After a few minutes, Liz couldn't handle the questions anymore. Part of her wanted to answer them only to make the questions stop while another prevented her from responding. She knew that she had requested to be sent back alone for a reason and that even if they could handle it, they would only ask more questions. She reminded herself that they had to complete their mission first. That she had to return them all to their time safely. Afterwards, she could consider telling them what had happened whether it meant the whole story or an abbreviated version. A very abbreviated version.
Liz said, "Let's hurry." She turned her walk into a run.
Alex and Sam immediately ran behind her and Peter adjusted quickly out of habit. It took Gwen and Rose several seconds to realize that if they didn't run as well, they would lose the others. Unhappily and with difficulty, Gwen and Rose moved faster to keep up with them.

The group travelled in the same direction for nearly fifteen minutes. When Alex or Sam asked Liz a question, Liz ran faster. However, Alex and Sam easily kept up and continued their interrogation. Peter stopped adding his own questions because he knew that increasing her pace was one of Liz' ways of avoiding something. Eventually, Liz realized that Gwen and Rose were falling behind so she slowed to a halt to allow the two to catch up.
Liz said to Alex and Sam, "Stop asking questions! Please!"
Alex and Sam nodded their heads to show that they agreed even though they still wanted answers.To distract herself, Liz thought about the missing sandstone pyramid and the buildings at its sides that the group had passed the first time through the desert. Instead, they had recently passed by an empty area and almost black ground which reminded her of what she had seen when travelling with Hugo. She wondered what it meant. Meanwhile, Peter noticed that his white shoes were slightly dirty from clay residue and tried to clean them. Alex and Sam couldn't focus on anything other than their questions for Liz so they tried to answer them themselves in their heads.

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