Rainy Day

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fruit trio on a rainy day, this is based on a head cannon I have that c!Apo likes sewing.



Owen's pov:

I was heading over to Apo's house with Rasbi. I was going to teach them how to use a spear to catch rabbits. all of a sudden, it started to rain! Rasbi started running towards Apo's house, laughing as I started running after her, trying to cover my head so I didn't get wet.

as I caught up to Rasbi, she knocked on the door. Apo opened it, looked at Rasbi standing there smiling, then at me running up behind her completely soaked, and signed. "alright, get in."

I rushed past Rasbi, who was still grinning. I hated rainy days because I couldn't practice with my bow. I didn't really do anything else, so I always sat in my house, waiting for the rain to stop. at least this time I was stuck with my friends.

I turned around to see Rasbi and Apo pulling something out of a cabinet. they managed to pull out a pile of orange, red, and magenta fabric. Rasbi reached back into the cabinet and pulled out a little box. what in the world?

"uh, what are you guys doing?" Apo looked up at me, surprised. "oh, I forgot you didn't know about this." he said. "you see, I always liked to sew on rainy days. don't ask why," he added, "but I do. one-day Rasbi came while I was working on a sweater, and she told me that she also liked crafting. She is more of a jewelry person though. but ever since, whenever there's a rainy day, we work on this."

Rasbi held up the multi-coloured fabric, which I could now see was a half-finished blanket. it was made up of different coloured squares of cotton, and I could see little fruits on each of the squares. specifically, raspberries, apples, and oranges.

"if you wanted, you could help us? we were going to give it to you anyways." I jolted out of my thoughts. "oh, I can't sew. but thank you though." "don't be stupid, join us! you can work on sewing the squares together." Rasbi said, shoving a couple of pieces of cotton and a needle with thread at me.

I just stared at the fabric in my lap, not knowing what to do. Apo noticed and sat next to me. "here, I'll show you." he grabbed the needle and fabric. "you just fold the edges a little and poke the needle through both of them. then you loop it around and keep doing it until it stays together." he did a couple of small stitches and handed me the needle. "here, try it." 

I slowly started to thread the needle through the squares. next to Apo's small, neat stitches, my stitches were big, messy, and loose. eventually, I managed to get the hang of it and sewed together my first two squares. I held up the stitched-together cotton in triumph. "great job!" Rasbi said, taking away the cotton and starting to add it to the blanket while Apo handed me two next squares. we just sat in peaceful silence, sewing together until the rain stopped.

maybe rainy days aren't that bad after all...


I think I wrote the word square more in the two hours I wrote than in my whole life.


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