If I Could Tell Her

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Mohwee slammed the door open, his face red and his eyes wide. Rasbi barely looked up, groaning as they sat up from their bed. "Mohwee, it's like 2 am-" "Rasbi I think I'm dying!" That snapped her from her daze. "I'm sorry, what."

Mohwee nodded, his hair flying around his face. He was missing his goggles. "I think Squidney poisoned me." "What the fuck." Rasbi stared, before rolling her eyes and sighing. "Come on, sit down. I made tea earlier, and nobody drank it, those dicks." Mohwee sat down quickly, his fingers tapping on the wood as the tiefling brought over two cups. She sat across the table, guzzling from the coffee mug. "You owe me for this." "Rasbi, I doubt I will be around to owe you if I'm right." He said gravelly, and Rasbi would have believed it if he wasn't so... not dying.

And dramatic. Very dramatic.

"Alright then. Lay it on me. Tell me why you think you're dying, and why it was worth waking me up at-" They glanced out the window. "Like 5 am, holy shit." "Well, I..." Mohwee tapped on the crude clay mug, the one decorated with raspberries and apples. "Lately, whenever I'm around Squidney, my heart starts going faster and my palms get sweaty and my stomach flutters all weird."

Mohwee gulped. "And then earlier we were talking and she grabbed my goggles, and you know how much I hate people touching them, but with her- I didn't mind? Instead my face got all red and weird and I just left- oh, and for some reason I can't stop thinking about her! Literally, every time I see one thing that reminds me of her, my brain starts to spiral and I can't stop thinking about her!" He buried his head in his hands, his voice muffled. "I'm going to die."

Rasbi blinked in surprise before a smile crossed their lips.

Spidey owed her a shit ton of berries.

"Why are you smiling?!" Mohwee whisper-screamed once he saw their grin, "Do you feel no remorse?" "Mohwee, you are such a dumbass." "Hey!" "Okay, how do I explain this..." Rasbi hummed, drinking her coffee. "This is Squidney we're talking about, right?" "Yes! Do you think she poisoned me?" Mohwee said, his eyes wide. Rasbi stared and said, "God damn it Mohwee, I know you remember next to nothing but do you not remember what love is?"

Mohwee blinked. "Oh, no that's ridiculous. I'm not," He laughed nervously. "I don't like Squidney like that, are- are you serious?" "Mohwee, you know I love you, but my god are you fucking stupid?" "No I'm not, I just- that's crazy, there's no way!" Rasbi didn't bother insulting him this time, choosing to lean over the table and flick him in the forehead. "Ow!" He winced in pain. "What was that for?!" "Making me deal with you. You, my friend, are officially number two on my 'stupidest clearing member' list." "...Do I wanna know who number one is?" "Oeca after he accidentally dyed my shirt bright green... somehow." They sipped her coffee, hiding her smile when Mohwee snorted.

"Mohwee, think. What exactly is it about Squidney that you think about?" "Well, it's Squidney." "...And?" "Well she's amazing! She's smart, and kind, and wonderful, and so, so pretty." Rasbi raised their eyebrows as Mohwee rambled. "And she always smells like orchids or berries- oh! And-"

Mohwee cut himself off, his eyes growing wide. "Oh my god." "We got there folks." Rasbi sighed, leaning back in her seat. "Oh my god I'm a fucking idiot." "That was obvious, but I'm glad you're becoming self-aware." "Rasbi, this is serious!" He glared, his expression looking more like a kicked puppy than threatening. "I'm in love with my best friend. This is terrible." He groaned, banging his head on the table. "I fail to see the issue here. You like her, she likes you, please just fucking date already I'm begging you." "No she doesn't." Mohwee glanced up with a frown.

"Mohwee, do you see how she looks at you? H- how are you the last to know?" "What are you talking about?!" He responded, slightly hysterical. "There's no way she likes me, are you kidding?! She's Squidney, she would never like me, I'm surprised she's even my friend!" "Mohwee, buddy, listen." Rasbi set her coffee down, a sliver of concern slipping into her tone.

"You need to stop thinking like that." "But-" "Nuh-uh, listen to me. You are just as worthy of love as anyone else in this clearing. Anyone would be lucky to have you. It just so happens that you have someone who sees you as the wonderful, sweet person you are."

Mohwee looked at the floor, twisting and untwisting his hands together. "... do you mean that?" "Yeah. Yeah I do bud." "I think I needed that." "Mohwee, you're my friend. You deserve to have someone who cares about you."

They smirked. "Also, for the record I ship it." "What?" "Nothing, never mind."

Mohwee finished his tea, tapping on the mug absently. "What do I do? I mean, should I tell her?" "Only if you want to. But, before you make any decisions," Rasbi stood up, taking his mug and setting both of them on the counter. "The longer you drag it out, the more painful it'll be. For you and everyone around." They added under her breath. "...Thank you Rasbi." She gave him a small smile. "No problem, sunflower."

"Now, get the fuck out I need my beauty sleep." "Okay, Okay!"

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