Betrayal 😔

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Owen cared for Magic, of course he did. She was his sister, the one who pestered him to take care of himself. But he had to do this.

He could see them across from him, a smile on her face, unsuspecting what was to come. He winced.

"I'm sorry Magic."

She looked up at him in confusion. "What-"

He slapped a +4 card on the table. "Uno." They stared at it in shock before turning back to him. "Why you absolute-"

Apo doubled over laughing as Krow stood up and threw its hands up. "God damn it Magic, I told you! I fucking told you!" "Well I'm sorry I don't exactly trust your judgement!" Rasbi held back laughter as she watched the two bicker. Soup stared. "Krow, can't you- you know?" She waved her hand. Krow looked at her, confused, before its eyes widened and it sat back down. "Oh right!" It said smugly, placing down another +4 card. Apo's laughter immediately stopped as he looked at it in horror. "Uno bitch." Magic burst out giggling, leaning on Soup for support.

Graecie poked her head in through the door. "The cupcakes are ready guys!" "One second Graecie!" Soup said as she placed down a reverse. Krow put down its last card, throwing its hands up in celebration as the other three groaned in defeat. "Take that, Motherfuckers!" "Clearing two wins again!" Magic said, giving Soup a high five. "How do you guys always win?" Owen asked in shock. "Years of practice, my brother. Years of practice." They said as Krow immediately stood up and left to get cupcakes

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