he's gone...

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I'm gonna start putting Outsiders videos on top, because why not and they're all really underrated.

anyways, this one is really cool

also, we love oeca angst here, so here you go.

remember, all platonic.


Squidney's pov

I was sitting up in the alternate version of my Treehouse, building sussys. after sacrificing myself, I had woken up here, in this alternate version of the clearing I love. it was lonely, but that means no one has died yet, so that's good I guess. so now I live up here, farming and making sussys.

I then noticed that I was out of wool. I stood to go grab more, then stopped. I could hear a very faint sound, if I wasn't holding my breath, I wouldn't hear it. it almost sounded like... crying? I listened even harder. the sound stopped for a moment, then continued. yep, definitely crying. 

I climbed down my ladder and headed towards the forest, where the noise was coming from. I could hear it slowly growing louder as I weaved through the trees with ease. As it grew louder, my concern grew. if someone was here, that would mean...


as I walked behind a tree, I found the source of the crying. curled up in a ball was a small figure sitting at the base of a tree, head in their knees. they were wearing a red shirt and black overalls with brown boots, and they had a growing red stain on their side. but what stopped my heart was the lopsided straw hat with a red ribbon wrapped around it, barely sitting on the figure's light brown hair. I knew that hat.


his head lifted at the sound of my voice. "Squidney?" he replied, his voice hoarse. I rushed over, pulling out bandages and kneeling next to the teenager. I went to check his wounds, but he moved away, scared. "no, no, get away from me, I can't hurt you too." "easy, you're not gonna hurt me." I said calmly, trying to calm down the scared teenager. although I was confused. what does he mean by hurting me? 

"Please squidney, just stay away." he begged, backing away even more. "please, Oeca, just let me patch up whatever is causing the bleeding." I pleaded. "no! Just stay away!" he moved to stand and run, but he collapsed before he could get anywhere. I approached him, still holding the bandages. "please, let me help you." he paused, thinking. "are my eyes red?" "What does pink eye have to do with anything?" "Please just tell me!" "fine, no, they're not."

he moved a little closer, still hesitant. I moved closer and moved to check his wounds. I raised my eyebrow, and at his nod lifted his shirt to see. I winced at the sight. there were two stab wounds, one large deep one, and a smaller one. I quickly bandaged them up and pulled him to his feet. "come on, your coming to my house." he followed, stumbling as we walked up the path. I frowned as I looked at him. this wasn't the same, cocky, confident Oeca I knew. this Oeca was scared, nervous. it freaked me out.

"almost there, you're okay," I reassured him as we reached the gates. I lead him through and helped him up the ladder. I sat him down on the couch and went to grab a sleeping bag from my chest. "your gonna have to stay here for a few days if that's okay-" I turned to see him already passed out on the couch, curled into a ball, snoring gently and shivering. smiling, I unzipped the sleeping bag and placed it over the sleeping boy, ruffling his hair before heading towards my own bed.


Oeca's pov

I was in a black void, all by myself. I heard evil laughter behind me and turned, to see evil oeca behind me. I backed away, heart pounding, but my back hit a wall that was not there before. 

"you really thought you got rid of me? even in death, you can't escape me." he laughed, walking closer. "your actions will always follow you, and that is the truth." "no. no! You're not real, your not real, your just my imagination." I cried, near tears. "oh, but I am real." he came even closer, and I let out an involuntary whimper. he pulled out a knife. "you will always be a killer. and you will always be alone."


I jolted awake with a gasp, panicking. a hand rested on my shoulder, holding me down. "hey, hey, you're okay, Nothing's gonna hurt you." I looked up to see Squidney looking at me with a concerned face. I quickly wiped the tears running down my face and sat up straight, trying to ignore what just happened. "oh, hi squidney." "Oeca Jones do not lie to me. I know something's wrong, please just tell me." I just stared at her, trying to think of what to say, when I felt tears slowly falling down my face against my will. Squidney's face softened, and she wrapped her arms around me. I broke right then and there, sobbing into her shoulder.

"oh, Oeca... what happened?" she whispered, ruffling my hair. "I'm not a good person." I choked. "I killed my family and so many people. that's why I'm here.  he's here too." "whos he?" "evil me. he tried to kill graecie, but Ori stopped him. he stabbed me, and I got my control back. then I stabbed myself." I continued crying into Squidney's shoulder, who seemed to be in shock. "oh my lord... why didn't you tell us?" "what was I supposed to say? that I'm getting possessed by an evil ego and killed the girl I was in love with? you would have thought I was crazy."

"Oeca," the brunette said softly, "we're your friends. I care about you. Mohwee cares about you. even Owen does. You are an amazing human, but you are still human. You made mistakes, but that doesn't mean you deserve to be here." she hugged me tighter, but I didn't protest. after a moment, I spoke up. "I have to tell you something." she pulled back, still holding on to me, to look me in the eyes. "what is it?" 

"I'm not eighteen. I'm fifteen."

her eyes lit up with sorrow. "Oeca... why did you lie about that?" "Because I knew you would just treat me like a child. I didn't want to be treated like a fragile doll." her eyes suddenly filled with anger. "wait. you're telling me that they put a fifteen-year-old boy in a death maze?" "seems like it." I sniffed.

her eyes welled up with tears suddenly, and she pulled me back into a bone-crushing hug. "Oeca. you're like a little brother to me. you can tell me anything. I want you to know that. I will always be here for you. and evil you? he's gone. you'll be ok now." I smiled, tears still running down my face, but slower now.

"thank you Squidney."


yeah there you go

that last part was based off a headcanon I saw and have now claimed as my own because it's amazing.

I love their duo (put the little three-heart thing here)

-Milly (brownie obsessed)

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