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yes, I know it's almost the end of pride month, but I had an idea and I went with it ok? ok.

also please tell me if I get any sexualities wrong, I got these from the Outsiders Wiki.


owen's pov

I rummaged through my chests, looking for my longbow. Where did I put it?  I finally found it, pulling it out with a yelp of triumph. I heard a knock on my door. I stood and walked over to my front door, and opened it. I was immediately greeted by people screaming in my ear.

"Happy pride month!!" I saw Rasbi and Apo standing outside my door. I poked my head back behind my door to look at my calendar. june first. oh yeah. pride month. I looked back at my friends. Rasbi was holding a little box, which I could see was filled with different pride and pronoun pins. Apo was holding up an aroace flag, a huge grin on their face. both of them had pride pins on their coats, and Rasbi even had a bracelet in the lesbian flag colours on their wrist.

"oh... hey guys." I said weakly. their faces slowly dropped and Apo lowered the flag. "you ok Owen?" he asked. "yeah, I'm fine. I guess I just never celebrated pride month before." "you've never celebrated pride month?" Rasbi said, shocked. "didn't your district ever have pride parades?" "Well, from what can remember, my family wasn't exactly supportive, so... no." "Well, the whole clearings decorating, so now you will." Apo rushed past me with the flag, and Rasbi handed me four pins. there was a pin that said 'he/him', an aroace pin, a regular rainbow pin, and one that said love is love in rainbow letters. I pinned them to my shirt, and we went to check on Apo.

inside, he had hung the flag above my bed and was currently putting up rainbow bunting. he looked over as we entered, with me marvelling at the decorations. he smiled. "I'm almost done, then we can walk around and hand out more pins." "quick question, where did you get the flag?" "I sewed it." "of course you did."

he finished and we headed out. I could see Mohwee, Oeca, and Squidney talking in the distance. Mohwee and Oeca had ally pins, while Squidney had a bisexual badge. they waved, and I waved back. we continued towards Graecie's house, stopping by Gut's house to drop off some badges. Krow was there too, and we gave them both non-binary pins. we passed Magic, Bek, and Soup, Bek wearing an ally bracelet and Soup and Magic wearing bi pins.

we finally reached Graecie's house. she answered the door holding a tray of rainbow cupcakes and brownies drizzled with coloured chocolate. She gave me a warm smile. "take as many as you want." Apo took three cupcakes and handed me and Rasbi our own, before eating his in one bite.

we went back to my house, and we decided to make cheesecake, but make it rainbow. we may have burned it though. it was fine, we just went back to Graecies and grabbed more cupcakes.

overall, I felt happy I was here with them.


yes, i know, its terrible and messy and short, but i like it.

all sexualities and pronouns are canonical, so don't mix them up.

again, tell if i got anything wrong.

-milly (still in denial)

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