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If you looked closely at the survivors of season 29, you might see something.

If you squinted at Graecie, the poor girl sold as a debt, you might see a young man around her age, halo floating above his head and green eyes sparkling as he laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. not that she could feel it.

Maybe if you looked at Krow, the cannibalistic demon with its hands curled into fists but tears in its eyes nonetheless, maybe you'd see the two figures by its feet, talking to each other as they both held each other's hands.

Spidey, the girl curled into a ball on the sofa, trying to block out the world. if you looked really hard, you'd probably see a young woman hovering above her, burns on her arms and scars all over.

Poor Acho, the boy trying to hide his obvious tears. Next to him is another boy, blood dripping from his neck, but still gripping their hand tightly as if he'd disappear if the ghost let go.

Even in the audience, you see them. in the very corner of the audience, two halflings are teasing a human, smiles on the trio's faces even with the scars and burns on their bodies. Sitting in front of you is a towering red figure, a hole in the back of their head but a grin on their face no matter what. Up on the chandelier, two boys are giggling, reunited as the older of the two occasionally glances longly at the ghost above Spidey. Up in the stands, a girl sits calmly, the wings on her head fluttering, before she disappears, and reappears in another seat. Another ghost stands in the shadows, counting her ingredients and smiling at the trio near the front.

And if you were to make your way behind the stage, all the way to where Magic Sings was standing in front of her father in shock, you'd see a woman standing right beside her, her cloak ripped, and never leaving Magics side.

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