Some Of Us Are Stars

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my hyperfixations have combined and exploded into this shit show and honestly i have no regrets


Guess we all are born with parts to play

She was a newborn, a child already born with tufts of white hair, a scarlet streak hanging between their eyes and a small red tail swaying behind her. Nobody noticed, fussing over her five year old sister who tripped over her tail.

Some of us are stars

They were two years old, already being prepared from the pressures of being second in line, her only respite being her now seven year old sister dragging them out for kitchen runs.

And some are just in the way

She was three, being yelled at for tripping over her tail in public. Rimona wiped their tears, making silly faces and showing them her books on astronomy.

I know I was meant for glory

They were five, watching as her father screamed at her mother, yelling about how she raised a devil child, who would never be ready for the throne. She didn't need the servants gossip to know which daughter he was talking about.

But that's never what my story brings

They were seven, watching Rimona cover up the bruises as she got ready for a trade deal.

And yet I keep on waiting

She was nine, and he finally hit her. They knew it was coming, noticed how both their mother and sister walked with limps once he was done with them, but it still felt like a lightning bolt through her heart.

When you have the passion and the drive

They were ten and crying out for help as the village kids locked her in a closet after their father raised the taxes again. When she was finally let out, Rimona held her as they cried into her shoulder.

You expect your moment center stage to arrive

They were eleven when they learned about the war, how the humans were slaughtering their kind. Rimona reassured her that they would be fine, that the humans wouldn't hurt them.

I show up with heart a blazing

She was twelve when Rimona told them her troubles, how she knew she wasn't ready for the throne but would take it anyway, if it meant Rasbi would be spared from the pressures and abuse.

Ready to achieve amazing things

They came out to Rimona when she was thirteen, telling her about how she liked a girl in their class more than friends. Rimona only smiled, telling them she would accept them no matter what and teasing her about her silly crush.

But I'm left waiting in the wings

Her father slapped her fourteen year old self, telling them they were worthless, how if she hadn't been such a selfish brat, he wouldn't have to punish her. She believed him, and 'borrowed' their sisters foundation to hide the cut on their cheek.

I hear my cue

She was fifteen, and standing over her mothers grave, feeling sad over the woman who never showed them care, nor affection. They were ushered away in the carriage, watching out the window as they covered the casket with dirt.

And yet I'm kept there waiting

They were sixteen, and Rimona was sent to Miss plumella's academy for women, leaving her at their fathers mercy.

Know what to do

She was sixteen, and her father caught their girlfriend sneaking out the window. She was executed, and Rasbi was locked in their room, alone once again.

And still I stand there waiting

Her sister returned at seventeen, and Rasbi realized that caring, funny older sister was gone, replaced with a hollow clone. They comforted her that night, returning from a year of abuse to the man who made their lives hell.

It's always someone else who sings

She was eighteen, watching their sister on the stage, about to get married of to the prince of the human kingdom. At least she was happy, Rasbi reminded herself. Unlike me.

While I'm left waiting in the wings

She was eighteen, frozen in shock as that- general, shot their sister. Her amazing, loving, hilarious sister. They sat by her body as they dragged him away, heavy sobs echoing through the auditorium.

And so I keep on keeping on

They were eighteen, tears running down their cheeks as she watched her sisters casket be lowered into the ground, thought about how she would never hear her laugh again, never feel her thumbs gently rubbing away the tears.

My chance's come, and then I blink and they're gone

The maze worker knocked on her door when she was nineteen, offering them the chance to get her vengeance, to avenge her beloved sister.

Always overlooked unfairly

She was nineteen when they accepted that chance.

While pretending that it barely stings

But it stings, yes it stings

They were nineteen when they woke up in an elevator, no recollection of their life before this. There was a brunette there too, and he gripped her hand as the platform rose to the surface.

And I'll shed no tears

They were nineteen when she met Apo, the only other person so far sharing her demonic features. He was apple, She was raspberry, and Owen was orange. They wouldn't have it any other way.

I'll only keep on waiting

Her nineteen year old self stood in shock, watching the griever growing ever closer. Apo grabbed their arm, pulling them towards the exit as Squidney disappeared into the maze.

If no one cheers

Their twenty year old self watched as her previously best friend was revealed as the one who pulled the lever, and was escorted to Gut's jail cell.

Well I'll keep on waiting

She was twenty, and ignoring the death threats from Mohwee and Oeca as their numbers slowly dwindled, and she took refuge in the walls of the maze.

Who cares how loud

Owen was acting weird, their twenty one year old self thought. She dismissed it, chalking it up to the discovery of Apo's skull in entrance of the maze. (She ignored how their heart ached at the lose of their best friend.)

The silence rings

She stared up the growing red spot on Owen's shoulder, as his eyes fluttered shut. At twenty one, her eyes slid closed, and never opened again.

You'll find me waiting in the wings

She was surrounded by white, blinding light obscuring her vision. As they squinted, her heart jumped. Rushing into Rimona's waiting arms, they knew that the wait was over.


there we go, now to go rewatch rasbis death scene because i need to after writing this.

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