sick (rain pt.2) 🥳

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It was the next day, and soon Kaveh woke up with a terrible headache. "Ugh..." Kaveh groaned, rubbing his neck. He didn't feel the best, so he tried to go back to bed.

As Kaveh tried to lay back down, he felt an arm grab him by the waist. "Alhaitham?" Kaveh asked, turning to him. "What are you *cough* doing?" Kaveh raised an eyebrow, trying to ignore his painful headache.

Alhaitham sat up, "Are you feeling ok, Kaveh?" Kaveh shook his head, "Not feeling the best, but I can still work!"

Alhaitham looked at Kaveh worriedly, "You always put your work first, are you sure you're okay?"

Kaveh smiled brightly, "Yu-" he began to cough a lot, and soon sneezed.

Alhaitham put his hand against Kaveh's forehead. "You're burning up, Kaveh. I'll go get you medicine. Stay here," Alhaitham said as he began to get out of bed.

Before he could began to walk towards the door, he felt a hand grab his wrist. Alhaitham turned around to see a sad looking Kaveh, grabbing his wrist.

"Okay, fine. I'll stay for a few more minutes, but then I have to go get you some medicine." Alhaitham sighed and crawled back into bed, facing towards a now smiling Kaveh.

Kaveh instantly hugged Alhaitham, nuzzling his face into the other's chest. Alhaitham blushed at this action, but soon calmed down and began to play with the blonde's hair.

Soon it was time for Alhaitham to get up. "Kaveh let me get your medicine, okay?" Kaveh slowly nodded, so Alhaitham got out of the bed and left the room.

While he was getting the medicine, he decided that it was a good idea to make Kaveh some soup, too, so Alhaitham did just that.

Meanwhile, Kaveh was trying to leave Alhaitham's room to go to his own because Kaveh had a project to work on.

Suddenly, Kaveh felt dizzy, and soon passed out before he could get to his room.

. . .

While Alhaitham was preparing the soup he made for Kaveh, he heard a loud thud. Worried, he dropped what he was doing and went to where the source of the sound came from.

Once he got to his room, he saw Kaveh laying on the floor infront of Alhaitham's bedroom, passed out.

Worried, Alhaitham crouched down and checked for Kaveh's pulse, sighing in relief when he found it.

He picked up Kaveh bridal style, and carried him back inside the bedroom. He placed Kaveh on his bed, then tucked him in, kissing his forehead before going back to the kitchen to get the soup and medicine.

Alhaitham soon returned to the room with a tray of soup and pills to see Kaveh sitting up and staring off into the distance.

"Kaveh? I brought you some soup and meds," Alhaitham said, scaring Kaveh.

"Alhaitham??! Did you put me here?" Kaveh asked, pointing down to the bed.
Alhaitham nodded and put the tray down on the nightstand next to Kaveh. "You passed out, so I brought you back inside the room. Why were you are anyways? I told you to stay here." Alhaitham had a worried look on his face.

"Sorry, I have a project to work on," Kaveh looked away from the other, embarrased.

Alhaitham held his chin and made Kaveh look back at him. "Your work can wait, get better first."

Kaveh sighed in defeat but nodded anyways. Alhaitham grabbed the pills and a glass of water from the tray and handed the items to Kaveh. Once Kaveh took the pills, Alhaitham grabbed the bowl of soup and fed it to the other.

Once Kaveh finished, Alhaitham gathered the items and started to leave the room again.


Alhaitham looked back at Kaveh, confused. "Stay here, let's cuddle.." Kaveh had a sad look on his face, begging Alhaitham to stay.

Alhaitham sighed and put the tray back on the nightstand, then he crawled into the bed and hugged Kaveh.

"I love you, Kaveh."

"I love you too."


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