Too late. 😞

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"I'm done, Alhaitham! I hate you! I fucking hate you!" Kaveh screamed across the house.

"You can't leave, dumbass! You know you only rely on others!" Alhaitham yelled back.

Alhaitham didn't want the blonde to leave, but he knew he couldn't stop the other from moving out.

"I hope you have a life that you deserve." Kaveh spoke with venom in his voice.

Come back.
Alhaitham wanted to scream. Scream at Kaveh. Scream for him to turn around and say it was all a joke.

Instead, Kaveh grabbed his things and left. Just like that, Kaveh was gone.

"Come..back." Alhaitham whispered. He desperately wanted to run after Kaveh, but his body won't respond.


Move, goddammit!

"MOVE, YOU FUCKER!" Alhaitham gasped. He didn't mean to yell that, but he did, and now Kaveh heard it.

"So you hate me that much? Wow. Fuck you." Kaveh scoffed, tossing his key into the trash.

"You know that's not what I meant." Alhaitham instantly snapped back. He didn't mean to, but his body forced him to speak up.

How come he can speak now? How come all he can spit back are insults instead of compliments?

Each word Alhaitham manages to throw up causes Kaveh to step closer to the door.

"--ack." Alhaitham somehow spoke up. "Come back..please."

I didn't mean it.

Kaveh spat on his shoe and walked out the door, slamming the door on the other's face.

"Come back, please!" Alhaitham ran after Kaveh, but it was like Kaveh was already far out of his reach.

The blonde didn't even turn around. One step ahead, and Alhaitham's two steps further back.


Alhaitham tried to get his body to move quicker, but his legs only slowed him down. His knees buckled, and he fell.

The lower he fell, the further Kaveh walked.

"Back...come..back." Alhaitham reached a hand out towards the blonde, but he was out of reach.


Kaveh was gone.

"I love you, Kaveh."

Wrote this during school hyuck

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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