Chapter 3

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Warnings: drinking alcohol, slight lemon (Gojo having a boner), nothing serious...yet lol

"What about you?" you softened the look on your face, because you felt you might overstepped the line. You didn't want to look like a maniac. "Now that you know mine, I want to know your deepest, darkest one."

Gojo cleared his throat, trying to get over the fact that you just said you hate him from the bottom of your heart. In this case confessing to you his deepest secret didn't look like the best solution. Thoughts were rushing through his mind, doing everything to find something...something he could share with you and which would have sounded like a dark secret.
"Well..." he scratched the back of his neck "I hate being a teacher and going for all those useless, boring business trips they send me from time to time." he lied with so much ease. Then stared at you, examining your expression whether you bought his story or not.
"Oh..." you tried to push back your laugh "I didn't know you were a teacher."
"Yeah, I am. I teach in a high school." he leaned back on the bench once again, resting his elbows on the back of it.
"So those young guys are your students? Who you came to the shop with."
"What do you teach?"

Hearing all the questions Gojo imaginary facepalmed himself at least 100 times in a second. Why couldn't he say something else. Anything else. Now he had to keep lying and he hated it a lot.
"I teach....uhm....PT and martial arts." he finally spat out the words, which made you a bit suspicious, but you let it go anyway.
"So, you are a fighter, huh?" you poked him on the side with your elbow.
"What? No! No, no I am not a fighter." he kept bubbling.
"Tell me about the business trips!" you smiled at him. You were truly interested, not only faking it. "For fuck's sake." Gojo thought to himself.
"They are boring, like reeeeally boring. Endless meetings and things like that. I never know when I'm allowed to come home. Sometimes it lasts only a few days, sometimes weeks, just like the last time." he pulled an awkward smile.
"So that's why you didn't show up nowadays?" you slammed your palm on your mouth. You weren't intending to say it out loud, yet it somehow slipped.
"Did you miss me?" The cocky smirk on his face made you embarrassed. "Oh, you totally missed me." he sighed with an arrogant expression.
"Duh...don't think that high of yourself." you waved, rolling your eyes.
"Ouch..." he put his palm on his heart, acting like he was near to death.

The conversation went on and on for who knows how long, when suddenly his phone buzzed. Taking out the device from his pocket, opening the message changed his whole attitude. His face went from soft and sweet to strict and tense in a brief second. "It's a special grade. We need you to take care of it...right now." he read the text, frowning.
"Fucking hell..." he took a deep, irritated breath.
"Is everything okay?" you placed your palm on his arm gently. It was clearer than the sun that something was off.
"I...I need to go now. I'm really sorry." he jumped up from the bench. "I'm gonna need to head to a business trip again, so yeah..."
"Okay." you faked a smile. Even if you didn't admit it to yourself, you enjoyed his presence around you. And hearing the news made you realize he was going to disappear for who knows how long once again.
"I really did have fun with you. We should do this again, when I get back home. What do you think?" he bit his lower lip. Gojo felt the same as you, not wanting to leave. But it was his duty and deep down he knew that just well enough.
"Sounds perfect!" you sounded more excited than you actually planned to do.
"I'm gonna text you." he spun on his heels, about to leave. But before, he looked back at you above his massive shoulder "Stay safe, Y/N! If anything happens and you need help, please call Megumi or Yuta. I'll send you their numbers."
Satoru didn't wait for your reply, he rushed forward and disappeared from your sight within seconds.
"How the heck could two high school kids help me with anything?" you frowned.

Satoru rushed back to the school, looking for Yuta and Megumi. Finding them in the shared living room, playing video games.
"You are a fucking cheater, Yuta!" Megumi growled.
"It's not my fault that you are lame at this game, Megumi." Yuta bursted out in a loud laughter.
"One more!" Megumi commanded with a stern face "I'm gonna beat your ass this time."
"Yeah, good luck with that." Yuta kept laughing.
Yuta was good at games, PC or console didn't matter to him. Having a passion helped him to distract himself from the ugly reality he had to deal with.

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