Chapter 8

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A slight smut scene, fluff and angst. Prepare yourself, because the storm has begun~

Heavy silence filled the room, only Sukuna's light steps could be heard as he walked back and forth. He seemed nervous and excited at the same time. The second the doorknob turned he snapped his face in the direction of the slight noise.

"I've found her, brother" Arvis clicked his tongue as he walked into the room. Sukuna's eyes widened in an instant, a cocky smirk crawling upon his face.
"For real?" he wasn't able to hide his eagerness. The simple thought of finding Isebu's cursed object made him excited. He waited for so long without actual hope. He never ever thought he would be able to see her or Arvis once again. And now it seemed they could have been together just like in the old times. "Where is it?"
"Not too far." Arvis sat down on the couch lazily "Will you be able to control the boy's body long enough? I might need your help to get the object."
"Don't worry." Sukuna waved "Nowadays it seems I can control him longer day by day."
"Good. Good." Arvis nodded "Then let's get this down!" he stood up, preparing himself to open a portal.

A huge, fat, 3 eyed curse was crawling forward to reach them in a dark, moldy and definitely stinky basement in an abandoned house. Its 6 arms looked like some kind of tentacles and the low growling was mostly unintelligible. The non stop giggling mixed with drooling looked truly disgusting.
"Fucking hell." Sukuna rolled his eyes "And you tell me that this" he pointed at the curse "ugly piece of crap has my wife's object?"
Arvis nodded, cracking his neck left and right. "Just be prepared. But I think I can kill it myself."

It didn't take him much to kill that meaningless mess. Sliced it into little squares with only one blast. He was almost disappointed. Ever since he came back to life he was yearning for a good fight. The bloodthirst was getting more and more unbearable.
"Here" Arvis dropped the vial with a tiny piece of Isebu's collarbone in it to Sukuna.
"My wife" Sukuna sighed, twirling the vial in his hand "Just a little longer and we will be together forever. I swear to you, my love. Once I failed, but it's not going to happen again. I promise." he clenched his jaw.

"Yuuji...hey Yuuji." Megumi called his friend's name without any success.
"ITADORI!" Yuta yelled, which made Yuuji jump on the couch.
"What the heck?" he scratched the back of his neck.
"What's wrong with you? You seem so uneasy." Megumi frowned, sitting down in the shared living room as well.
"I don't know." he shrugged "Nowadays I keep getting these weird blackouts and to be honest I have no idea where I was this morning or when I came into this room."
Yuta and Megumi shared a not too easy look. With a slight nod agreeing they definitely have to talk about this later with Gojo.

"You really want to do this?" Arvis frowned, while walking on the street.
"Did you not see her? Y/N looks exactly like Isebu. I want my wife back completely." Sukuna's cocky smirk made Arvis giggle.
"I can understand you, brother."

The street was dark and pretty quiet. It's been late in the night and they truly believed they could find you at home. After knocking several times on the door without anyone answering, finally Sukuna kicked it in.
"Sukuna, what the fuck? What if she's not home?"
"Well, we will find it out." he stepped in, looking around "Y/N?" he called your name "Are you here?" But since he didn't get any response he walked through your home, checking into every room. "Hmm...she's not here."
"Really?" Arvis rolled his eyes, crossing his arms before his chest "Let's go, before we get into trouble."

"Where in the hell could she be?" Sukuna poked his inner cheek with his tongue.
"Probably with her man."
"Gojo wasn't seen in the facility for days now. I thought they were here." he pulled an annoyed face "Tomorrow I'm gonna check her workplace. There's an annoying, bubbling woman there. I'm sure she will give me the information I want."

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